Confirmation of Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT)
As of February 26, 2025, Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) has been identified in a flock within the area. This is a highly contagious viral infection affecting chickens, pheasants, and peafowl. There is no evidence that ILT virus is transmissible to humans or other mammals. Symptoms include difficulty breathing with the head and neck outstretched, loud raspy breaths and blue discolouration of the mouth and comb. Birds may be found dead with no clinical signs. ILT is spread primarily through infected birds or contaminated equipment, vehicles, footwear, clothing, etc. Protect your flock by limiting the introduction of new birds and guest access to your flock.
If you have any questions or concerns, please refer to the webpage of the Alberta’s Chief Provincial Veterinarian or call their office at 780-427-3448.Â

Information on agriculture related topics such as apiculture and livestock as well as clubroot and other crop questions.Â
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