Workers on a construction site

Construction includes a range of annual improvement programs and major construction projects. The goal is to ensure safe and quality roads, sidewalks, parking lots and trails, throughout urban and rural areas.

Construction zone safety

Please take extra precautions in construction zones.

  • Slow down and obey the signs in construction zones. Hidden hazards can include uneven pavement, loose gravel, sharp shoulders and temporarily removed guardrails, medians or street lighting. Please drive with care.

  • Be alert and watch out for workers and equipment. Construction workers and flag persons wear fluorescent yellow coveralls and orange hard hat safety gear to make them very visible.

  • Please SLOW DOWN in any areas where road repair work is underway. Safety precautions are taken in all construction zones but hazards still exist. 

Note: Reduced speed limits are in effect in construction zones, whether or not there are workers present, as hazards may still exist. Speeding fines are double in construction zones when workers are present.

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Last updated: Wednesday, November 06, 2024
Page ID: 50057