Our history is diverse and captivating
Strathcona County is a unique municipality with a fascinating history. Some residents have lived here for decades, even their entire lives. Many, many others have moved here from somewhere else. We may all be interested in learning the history of the place we call home.
Have you ever wondered … What is the history of Strathcona County? Why did settlers move here? Why is our municipality both urban and rural? How did Strathcona County become the specialized municipality it is today?
These questions and many more are answered in this section of Strathcona County's website. You can start learning with these special features:
- a historical timeline in the form of an online storymap ... From time to time features a selection of images carefully curated and paired with researched accounts of history
The timeline is one of 14 initiatives from across Canada that was short-listed for the 2023 Governor General's History Award for Excellence in Community Programming. - a two-part video series ... The past where we live offers some of the back story of why people moved here and how our municipality has formed
- a web image gallery ... From the skies displays oblique aerial photographs from the 1970s, 1950s and even one from 1924 in a unique tour of farms, businesses and settlements within a landscape from "yester-year"
We hope these tools help residents learn more about local history--of Strathcona County’s origins as a municipality, and of its cultural and natural heritage. There are also dozens of other webpages here to explore--focused on people, places and numerous themes.
A welcoming home since the time of the earliest First Peoples, Strathcona County has grown into a popular municipality of close to 100,000. Evolved from remote hinterland … to a rural farming community … to a vibrant, progressive and bustling locale, Strathcona County is one of the province's few specialized municipalities. It’s a place with ample reason to recognize and celebrate its history and heritage, even as it seizes the opportunities the future affords.