Strathcona County provides a range of supports and services for parents, children and families. Call Family and Community Services at 780-464-4044 to learn more.
On this page
Mental Health
CASA Mental Health offers free mental health services for children and youth ages 3-17.
Alberta Health Services child and youth intake is available Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call 825-402-6799.
Kickstand provides services and resources for youth, young adults, and parents and caregivers in Alberta.
Kids Help Phone offers free, 24/7 mental health support to young people.
Saffron Centre provides services and supports to those impacted by sexual violence.
Counselling provides same-day services for all life's challenges and is pay what you can, ranging from $0-$150.
Rapid Access Counselling provides you and your family with supportive free counselling.
Healthy development for children
Ages and Stages Questionnaire provides resources on child development from ages 0 to 18.
Alberta Health Services sessions YouTube channel host a variety of educational videos.
Strong Minds, Strong Kids helps kids build mental health skills and resilience.
Health for Two Network provides extra support to have a healthy pregnancy. Call 780-416-6730 to learn more
Child Mind Institute offers free support for families and children struggling with mental health and learning disorders.
Family Resource Network program calendar offers a variety of educational programs for parents, families, youth and children.
Community Events calendar offers a variety of events happening in the community.
Recreation and culture programs are available for individuals of all ages and stages.
Adult educational programs calendar has a variety of educational programs for seniors, adults and parents and caregivers.
Community organizations
Child and Youth Coalition is a collection of community organizations County departments that supports children, youth, and families in the County.
Children and Family Services offers a range of supports and resources for children, youth and families.
Boys and Girls Club Strathcona provides educational and social programs and services to children and youth in the County.
Big Brothers, Big Sisters connects youth with adult volunteers to empower and build potential in young people.
Primary Care Network (PCN)Â offers a range of programs and classes to Albertans to learn and maintain healthy living skills and habits.
Strathcona County Health Unit offers local health services such as immunization, health education/counselling, referrals, health screening and more.
Strathcona County Library offers a range of services, programs and resources for all ages.
Strathcona Next Gen is a youth-led group in Strathcona County that works to shape the future of their community.
Schools, child care and transit
Elk Island Public Schools and Elk Island Catholic Schools.
Alternative school options provides a lookup tool for Alberta schools and authorities.Â
Home Education lists options and related responsibilities for home education in Grades 1 to 12 in Alberta.
Mental Health Capacity Building provides in-school support for children and community in building resilience, skills and connection.Â
Child care page helps parents and caregivers find child care and learn more about resources and supports.
Transit for youth provides transportation information for students attending schools within Strathcona County and Edmonton.
Connections Guide
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Contact us
Come visit us at our office
Second floor, East Wing Community Centre
401 Festival Lane
Sherwood Park, AB T8A 5P7
Phone: 780-464-4044
Fax: 780-449-1220
Email: familyandcommunity@strathcona.ca
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