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If you are in immediate danger, dial 9-1-1 for Strathcona County RCMPÂ
What is Family Violence?
Family violence is the attempt by one person in an intimate relationship to dominate and control the other. It may include a single act of violence, or several acts forming a pattern of abuse using assaultive and controlling behaviour.
Patterns of abuse may include:Â
Physical conflict
Emotional abuse
Psychological manipulation
Degrading language or insults
Financial control
Sexual abuse
Involving children through manipulation or threats of abuse
Family members
Pets and property
Isolation from friends and family
For information on where to turn or how to support someone you care about, please refer to the Family Violence Toolkit or call Family and Community Services for more information (780-464-4044).
Toolkit and supports
If someone is in immediate danger |
911Â |
Family and Community Services Strathcona County social supports |
780-464-4044Â |
A Safe Place Shelter for women who have been abused and their children |
780-464-7233Â |
Family Violence Info Line 24-hour support |
310-1818Â |
Child Abuse Hotline  In cases of abuse or neglect of a child |
1-800-387-5437Â |
Are you OK? Not sure where to start? Permanent link to are-you-ok-not-sure-where-to-start
Want to help?
It is up to all of us to help. As family, friends, neighbours and colleagues, we can be a lifeline to those experiencing domestic violence
More information
Phone: 780-464-4044
Fax: 780-449-1220
Email: familyandcommunity@strathcona.ca