If you would like to have more livestock on your rural property than permitted under the Responsible Livestock Ownership Bylaw, you will need to apply for a Livestock Over-limit permit for $260. Please contact us for more details.

Image of chickens in a chicken coop

Livestock allowances based on land zoning and property size

Under the Responsible Livestock Ownership Bylaw, properties zoned as one of the following qualify for livestock units based on property size: 

  1. Low Density Country Residential (RCL);
  2. Medium Density Country Residential (RCM);
  3. Small Holdings (RS); or
  4. Rural Residential/Agriculture (RA) where the parcel is less than 20 acres in size.

Residents can have up to 10 LUs per 0.5 acres on properties zoned RCL, RCM, RS or RA (less than 20 acres). Within the bylaw, all allowable livestock types have an assigned number of Livestock Units (LUs).

View the full list of permitted livestock and the number of assigned LUs. (102.9 KB)

Those with more animals on their property than the bylaw allows can apply for a Livestock Over-limit permit with proof they are able to manage factors such as manure, pasture and overall well-being of animals.

Zones without restrictions

The following land use districts (zones) are not restricted in allowances under the Responsible Livestock Ownership Bylaw:

  • Agriculture:  Future Development (AD) where a parcel of land is not within the boundary of a hamlet.
  • Agriculture:  Future Development (AD) where a parcel of land is within the boundary of a hamlet and the parcel is greater than or equal to 8 hectares (20 ac.) in area.
  • Agriculture:  General (AG)
  • Agri-Industrial (AGI)
  • Agriculture:  River Valley (AR)
  • Agri-business (IA)
  • Heavy Industrial (IH) and Heavy Industrial (Heartland) (IHH)
  • Medium Industrial (IM) and Medium Industrial (Heartland) (IMH)
  • Rural Residential/Agriculture (RA) where a parcel of land is greater than or equal to 8 hectares (20 ac.) in area. 

How can I appeal a decision?

If you would like to request a reconsideration of a permit that has been denied, or canceled, or conditions placed on a permit granted, you may file an appeal. The General Appeals and Review Committee hears and decides appeals filed with it pursuant to Strathcona County Bylaws.

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Last updated: Friday, March 21, 2025
Page ID: 38313