Glance: 1. a flash of light, a gleam 2. a quick short look. 3. a quick glimpse

If you want to know where to begin to learn about our history, or need a quick overview of events and people who have molded our past, you have come to the right place. Here, you will find everything you need to give you a basic understanding of who we are as a community.

Scroll through this timeline to delve deeply into our history.

Snippets and snapshots offers up a pot-pourri of stories that will make you laugh, reflect and wonder. A fun read.

Did you know? asks questions and gives answers to some intriguing historical tidbits. Feel free to contribute with your own questions, and we will endeavour to answer them.

Need a few quick statistics? Check out population through the years that shows the dramatic growth of Sherwood Park and the rest of the County. 

Last updated: Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Page ID: 40165