Reflections on the value of our history and heritage

During the development of the Community Heritage Legacy Framework, we consulted the public, community members and staff. Here are a few comments of their thoughts on the value of our history and heritage:

You have to distinguish yourself through history. Without it, there is no loyalty, no cohesiveness, no sense of identity.

Honouring our common heritage… builds a strong cohesive identity that will become increasingly important as the County welcomes more and more new residents.

History makes you aware of why we are here [and] who we are.

I would like my grandchildren to know what life was like in the past even 35 years ago- there is something about this community that makes people stay.

If people appreciate the tangible history, such as old buildings, farms and… natural spaces, they will be more protective of it

Intangible and tangible heritage help kids to understand their identity.

A community with a strong sense of identity is better able to respond to challenges.

Those who forget the past have no future. The globe starts at home; it’s important to know home.

To know where you are going, you have to know where you came from. Preservation is about respect – heritage is a tool that teaches respect about everything in life and respect for the quality of life we have today.

Knowledge of history is important for people to know who they are [and] where they came from.

Marry [the] old and new. Intangible cultural heritage should not be tucked away in a corner. [It] [connects] place to context.

[It’s] important to know where we came from and to be aware that our economy used to be agriculture before oil and gas.

If we forget the way the community was originally developed, we’ll move away from the intentions of the pioneers.

We can relate to the legacy that others have left us. They had dreams; we all have dreams.

Knowledge of the past instills respect for what came before that made possible the quality of life we have today.

My greatest interest in history and heritage is the stories of our parents and grandparents who first came to this country because our parents farmed this land, built the first church in Ardrossan and instilled our pride in the country so we can do the same for our children and descendants.

My greatest interest in history and heritage is carrying it over to the new and young of Strathcona County because it makes for a closer, more enjoyable community.

I think knowing about the history of the community helps you take pride in the community.

Heritage is a bridge between the past and the future. It makes us understand. It makes us belong. It gives us identity. It gives a framework to [build] community. It gives us roots, so we can fly.

The benefit of preserving historical [buildings]: to make tangible lasting history. People can develop pride and identity [in] as Canadians and Strathcona County [residents].

Last updated: Monday, November 18, 2019
Page ID: 40149