Strathcona County is home to an assortment of livestock that are raised on a variety of land bases, from small acreages to large farms. County staff work to promote a diverse agriculture industry that supports the local economy in alignment with Strathcona County’s strategic plan. This is accomplished by: Â
- the delivery of educational material through events webinars, and articles;Â
- the publication of our quarterly agriculture e-newsletter From Soil to Supper;
- one-on-one collaboration with residents raising livestock as a lifestyle or livelihood; and
- partnerships with external organizations to supply the resources that residents need.
On this page
Livestock ownership basics
The basics of livestock ownership include:
- Premises Identification (PID) Program
- Livestock number limits based on the Responsible Livestock Ownership Bylaw
- County permits related to livestock and honeybees
Livestock safety
- Building emergency plans for livestock owners in Strathcona County
- Canadian guide for emergency preparedness for farm animals
- Handling livestock on the loose
- Wildlife management in Strathcona County
Resources for raising and caring for livestock
- Accessing land in Strathcona County for grazing and hay production
- Beef Cattle Research Council: Information resources on beef cattle health, nutrition, land management and business operation
- Canadian National Goat Federation
- Canadian Sheep Federation
- Horse health and care from the American Quarter Horse Association
- Livestock extension material: many provinces across Canada and American land grant universities have informative online resources on raising livestock. Examples include Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture and the University of Minnesota.
More information:
Planning and Development Services
Agriculture and Environment
Phone: 780-464-8080