A healthy ecosystem is a system that provides abundant and beneficial food, water, shelter, economic livelihood, recreation and natural beauty. Strathcona County and its partners are committed to ensuring a healthy ecosystem for future generations.
Learn about Strathcona County’s landscape and its biodiversity; how we work to conserve and protect it; and opportunities for residents to share information to support conservation efforts.
Beaver Hills Biosphere
Designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 2016. The Beaver Hills Biosphere values the region for its natural beauty and quality of life, and supports co-operative efforts to sustain the quality of water, land, air, natural resources and community development.
Conserve natural areas on your land
Create your legacy: setup a conservation easement to protect natural forests, wetlands, grasslands and lakes in your property. You, the landowner, will continue to own, live and manage the land while protecting the future of the land forever.
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Protect our environment from invasive species

Invasive species are non-native plants and animals that impact natural areas.
Once established, they are very difficult and costly to manage, control and remove.
Planning and Development Services
Phone: 780-464-8080
Email: agricultureandenvironment@strathcona.ca