Invasive species are non-native plants and animals that adversely affect the natural balance and beauty of the landscape, from our natural areas, lakes and trails to your own backyard. They can impact your ability to enjoy many outdoor activities, including hiking, fishing and gardening.

Once established, they are very difficult and costly to manage, control and remove.

Aquatic invaders

Zebra and Quagga Mussels

These invaders come from outside of Alberta or are transferred between water bodies within Alberta. They can transform entire ecosystems by outcompeting native species, posing a major threat to Alberta’s biodiversity. To learn more about these species and their control please visit the Alberta Environment and Parks watercraft inspections page

Prussian Carp

The Prussian carp is a species of wild goldfish that has been illegally released into various waterbodies in Alberta. To learn more see please visit the Alberta Environment and Parks invasive species page.

Wild boar

Wild boar roaming freely are considered an invasive species in Alberta. For more information visit the Alberta Invasive Species Council webpage.

Play, Clean, Go

Strathcona County is one of many municipalities that have partnered with Play, Clean, Go to stop the spread of invasive species throughout North America. Visit the Play, Clean, Go site for more information and helpful resources. 

What you can do to stop the invasives spread

Property owners and gardeners

  • Remove invasive plants on your property.
  • Certain ornamentals are invasive species. Before purchasing or planting, make sure it is safe to grow in Alberta. Learn more on our ornamental invasives page.
  • Clean tools, equipment and footwear before leaving an area infested with invasive plants.
  • Pass on the word about invasive plants and species.
  • Report new and priority invaders in Strathcona County to the County at 780-417-7100.

Walkers, hikers and off-road enthusiasts

  • Remove plants, animals and mud from your boots, gear, pets and vehicles.
  • Clean your gear before entering and leaving a recreation site.
  • Stay on designated roads and trails.
  • Use certified or local firewood and hay.
  • Learn more at

Boat owners and anglers

  • Use vigilance when returning with watercraft from other provinces and countries as you may be transporting aquatic invasives. 
  • To learn more about how to clean your boat visit Clean, Drain, Dry Your Boat.
  • When purchasing used watercraft be aware that there is the potential of aquatic invasives on or in the equipment.
  • Learn more ways to prevent the spread of invasive aquatic species please visit the Alberta Environment and Parks aquatic invasive species web page.

Horse trail riders

  • If taking supplemental hay, consider certified weed free hay. Alternatives are hay cubes; most weeds are eliminated during the manufacturing process. Be sure your livestock are used to them and try to feed them two days prior to travel.
  • Use nosebags when feeding pellets and grains, they reduce waste and eliminate ground “seeding”, and aid in disposing of any weed seeds that remained in the feed.
  • Check for manger availability, manure pickup and containment at Alberta’s equine campground facilities by visiting

Further information:

Planning and Development Services
Phone: 780-464-8080
Fax: 780-464-8142

Last updated: Tuesday, July 02, 2024
Page ID: 49177