Did you know that over the holiday season household waste increases by 15 percent? Christmas can be a time filled with lots of stuff, but it doesn’t have to be. Do your part this season and remember to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Reduce - create memories
This Christmas give gifts of experience. Instead of buying toys or material items, opt for alternatives like art lessons, exercise programs or trips. Here are some ideas:
- art courses (painting, musical theatre)
- recreation classes (spin classes, swimming lessons)
- membership to a museum, library or recreation centre
- go snowshoeing at the Wilderness Centre
- trips to local destinations or tourist sights
- cooking classes
- tickets to a local sporting event
Memories last a lifetime—no wrapping required!
Reuse – wrap it up right
Choose wrapping paper that can be recycled (avoid foil and glitter). Even better, pick reusable wrapping such as fabric bags, towels or mason jars.
Why not exchange decorations with family and friends? You each get something new to you to freshen up your décor, without spending any money.
Recycle – gift giving
Upcycling, or creative reuse, is the process of transforming unwanted or unused materials into new items. Look for locally-made gifts using recycled content or upcycle an old item into something new. Check out sites like Pinterest for crafty ways to give new life to those old items in your house.
New Year's Resolution
Start the New Year off right by committing to the three Rs.
- Reduce the amount of packaging you buy. Purchase items in bulk or choose items that have less packaging, especially plastic.
- Reuse jars, single-use coffee pods or clothing. For DIY ideas, check Pinterest.
- Recycle and compost everything you can. If you are unsure of where an item goes, check the waste wizard.
Your efforts now will help make a cleaner, greener future for all.
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