Every drop counts 

Earth is 70 per cent water, but of that only three per cent is fresh water, and only half a per cent of that is available for human use.

While we are fortunate to have access to clean, safe and reliable drinking water, we should still do our part to conserve. Taking steps to reduce your water use not only lowers your water bill but also reduces the need for water restrictions and bans.

Here are some simple tips to help you conserve water and help lower your water bill. 

Discover how Strathcona County plans to manage water in the community with our  Water conservation plan (4.7 MB)

What's your water footprint?

Do you know how much water you use? Try our new water calculator to see how you compare with others in the County.

More ways to learn and save!

Watch this video by EPCOR on where our water comes from.


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Last updated: Friday, May 05, 2023
Page ID: 39489