The Red Fox is a small dog-like carnivore that thrives in mixed prairie and parkland habitats.

They are generally reddish in colour with variations from black to greyish-yellow. Their legs and small pointed ears are usually black. They can average 4.5 to 5 kg in weight with a 58-cm body and a 38-cm bushy tail.

Image of a red fox by a body of water


Red Fox are omnivorous. Their diets consist of vegetation, insects, small mammals, birds, eggs and dead animals.

Mating takes place in early spring with four to nine pups born 51 days later at a den site. Both male and female tend to the young.

The Red Fox is tolerant to humans thus den sites are often located in farm yards and under buildings and sheds. They have adapted to the urban environment and may be seen in back yards and gardens.

Coexistence strategies

  • Keep all garbage in plastic or metal containers with tightly secured lids. Also, bring pet food inside to a secure location every night or feed your pets indoors. Contain compost areas to discourage scavenging.
  • The Red Fox is very observant and may present a challenge if attempts are made to trap and relocate them.
  • Proper livestock fencing, particularly poultry fences, will keep foxes out. This includes a proper apron to prevent foxes from diggffing under the fence.  
  • Clean up food sources such as bird seed and fruit from trees that will attract prey species. 
  • Control of fox should be limited, as they are beneficial in controlling the numbers of small mammals and nuisance pests.


  • The County assists residents by offering to live trap at certain times of the year and remove animals affecting agriculture or public safety. A fee of $75.00+GST is charged for a two-week trap rental period. The trap is delivered to the residence, set and maintained by Small Animal Control Specialists, with the resident observing and reporting a capture.
  • Note: Residents require a damage control permit licence issued by the Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Branch should they endeavour to remove these species themselves.

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Last updated: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Page ID: 38881