Showing kindness through crochet

The Random Acts of Crochet Kindness group in Strathcona County is committed to helping people smile in their community.

Sometimes coming across a little something that makes you smile can make all the difference in your week.

The Random Acts of Crochet Kindness group in Strathcona County is committed to helping people smile in their community.

Q: What social action initiative is the group facilitating? Can you please explain it?

A: The group started on Facebook. We are a group of people who love to crochet, and want to put a smile on faces of people in Strathcona County. We crochet small gifts, such as hearts, flowers, and octopuses. They go into a plastic bag, so they are protected, along with a note. The note says, “I’m not lost, I am just alone. If I make you smile, please take me home.” We drop them off all over Strathcona County. We have left some in parks, at shopping centres, and on walking paths.

Q: What is your favourite part of being a member of Random Acts of Crochet Kindness?

A: I love having a purpose during COVID. It’s great to have a hobby to do with your hands. And the best part is making gifts for people. I have always been a big gift-giver, so it is nice to give people a little something without spending any money.

Q: How do you think the Random Acts of Crochet Kindness is helping people in the community?

A: I believe it is a mental health initiative. It is great to put a smile on someone’s face. Hopefully it brightens their day, and helps their mental health. We need more good in the world, and this is a great little way to do that.

Q: How can people get involved?

A: We are always looking for new members. Please reach out to us on Facebook. We are called the Random Acts of Crochet Kindness Canada. If people happen to find one of our gifts while they are out, please post a photo of it in the Facebook group. We would love to see what you found!

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