On April 23, 2024, Council approved the Strathcona County Housing Affordability Strategy 2024-2030. (2.3 MB) . The strategy defines the County’s vision, actions and targets for housing affordability, and positions our municipality to work in partnership with other levels of government. The strategy includes the following housing affordability red tape reduction action items: 

  • Increasing opportunities for secondary suites and garden suites; 
  • Reducing onsite parking requirements for affordable housing forms; 
  • Increasing opportunities for supportive housing uses;  
  • Increasing flexibility of amenity space requirements; and 
  • Allowing for mixed-use development on County lands. 

Administration is currently working on the above listed red tape reduction actions, which are proposed to be brought to Council by the end of 2024.  

Check this page for future updates on housing affordability red tape reduction.  

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Last updated: Thursday, May 30, 2024
Page ID: 51580