In August 2021, the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board approved the Regional Agriculture Master Plan (RAMP). The objective of the plan is to conserve and maintain a secure supply of prime agricultural lands with the aim to support the regional food system, contribute and diversify the growth of agricultural value-added production and food-processing, support agri-tourism, and help guide land use planning. The RAMP framework includes a number of components such as policy area maps, policy definitions, and policy areas. The policies within RAMP apply to all lands in the Edmonton Metropolitan Region, except for those lands under provincial and federal jurisdiction.  

Following the approval of RAMP, municipalities that are members of the Edmonton Metropolitan Region were required to complete a regional context statement. Within the regional context statement, member municipalities were required to demonstrate how their existing Municipal Development Plans (MDP) conform with the policies outlined within RAMP and or indicate how they plan to bring their MDP into compliance. Municipalities are required to update and align their Municipal Development Plans (MDP) by the end of 2024.  

Strathcona County Planning and Development Services is currently undergoing a review of the County’s Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB) to see what updates may be needed so that they are better aligned with the RAMP framework.  

In 2024 the County is also working on an Agriculture and Food Sector Development strategy which explores what qualities and policies are required to transform Strathcona County into an ideal location for agriculture, agricultural value-added production, and food-processing. The strategy builds on the work conducted in the County’sAgriculture Master Plan, which was completed in 2015. In addition to the strategy, the County is also undergoing a review of the Strathcona County Agricultural Master Plan. The proposed Agriculture and Food Sector Development strategy and updates to the Agriculture Master Plan will ensure that agriculture continues to be a priority in our community. 

Check this page for future updates regarding the review of the County’s Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB).  

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Last updated: Thursday, May 30, 2024
Page ID: 51581