Wes Hosford School Conceptual Playground
Conceptual rendering

Wes Hosford School Parent Council have partnered with Strathcona County through the Community Partnership Process to expand the existing playground and improve accessibility for the community.

Construction will occur through July and August 2024.

This project will expand the existing footprint, with new equipment for children aged 9-12 years old, add an accessible disc swing in a separate footprint with Pour-in-Place rubber surfacing, and add a sensory walk with interactive play panels to encourage all types of play and exploration.

Further information:

Construction inquiries
Transportation Engineering and Operations
Phone: 780-417-7100
Email: transportation@strathcona.ca

Project inquiries
Recreation, Parks and Culture
Phone: 780-467-2211
Email: recreation@strathcona.ca

Last updated: Thursday, June 13, 2024
Page ID: 50496