Economic Development and Tourism works with an advisory committee (EDAC) to obtain direction and guidance. The page includes meeting agendas, meeting notes, corporate and department strategies related to Economic Development along with documents related to the formation of this Committee.


The purpose of the Economic Development Advisory Committee is to consider and recommend actions and propose policies that are in alignment with the Economy pillar of sustainability as set out in Council’s Strategic Plan, Economic Priority Areas and Strategic Goals as identified by Council and within the parameters set out by Council. The Economic Development Advisory Committee is established by Strathcona County Bylaw 42-2021 (0 bytes)

In keeping with the above, the Economic Development Advisory Committee shall assist Administration and Council with the implementation of the strategic objectives related to Economic Development. 


Citizen members

Name Status Term Term Expiry
Barbra Korol Regular Voting  1st Term December 31, 2024
Rick Barr Regular Voting  1st Term December 31, 2024
Ryan Osterberg Regular Voting  1st Term December 31, 2024
Marguerite LeBlanc  Regular Voting 1st Term December 31, 2024
Roy Mills Regular Voting  1st Term December 31, 2024

One member from the Sherwood Park and District Chamber of Commerce is appointed by the Chamber.
Todd Banks, Executive Director/ Public Relations is the long standing member from the Sherwood Park and District Chamber of Commerce.

Elected official members

Name Status Term Expiry*
Councillor Lorne Harvey Regular Non-voting 2025 Organizational Meeting
Councillor Corey-Ann Hartwick Alternate Non-voting 2025 Organizational Meeting

*The terms of the Elected Official members will commence on October 24, 2023 and will expire on the dates listed above, or upon such person ceasing to be an Elected official.

The Mayor is an ex-officio and non-voting member of the Economic Development Advisory Committee pursuant to Strathcona County.

Meeting schedule

Members of the public are welcome to attend any meetings to observe the meeting and discussion carried out by the Economic Development Advisory Committee. However, members of the public may only participate in a meeting of and make representations to the Economic Development Advisory Committee in accordance with the Boards and Committees.

Contact Economic Development and Tourism to determine the next scheduled meeting.

 2024 Meetings

Date Location Room Time Agenda Minutes
March 21 Community Centre 2 5 p.m. March 21, 2024 Agenda (131.7 KB) March 21, 2024 Minutes (601.3 KB)
April 25 County Hall 138-140 5 p.m. April 25, 2024 Agenda (165.9 KB) April 25, 2024 Minutes (91.8 KB)
June 17 County Hall 138-140 5 p.m. June 17, 2024 Agenda (169.3 KB)  
September 5 County Hall 138-140 5 p.m.    
November 27 County Hall 138-140 5 p.m.    

2023 Meetings

2022 Meetings

2021 Meetings

Past agendas

Past meeting minutes


  • Tourism strategy and engagement

    The strategy will help us understand what Strathcona County and the business community can do to support the community and economy through tourism.

    Economic Diversification Review (1730.6 KB)

    What does economic diversification mean to Strathcona County? The reports combines perspectives from elected officials, senior staff from Strathcona County, real estate professionals, community representatives and local economic development stakeholders.

    Governance advisory committee update (150.7 KB)

    Direction on duties and power of advisory committees and their short term activities.

    Committees, bylaws and terms (86.0 KB)

    Overview of topics governing advisory committees under the Municipal Government Act and EDTAC terms of reference.

    Corporate strategic plan

    Strathcona County’s current strategic plan was approved by Council in April 2013, and refined in May 2018. It is reviewed annually by Council. The strategic plan is Strathcona County’s principal guiding document for governance, community development, infrastructure, and program and service delivery.

    Business plans

    The plan outlines strategic initiatives, including increases to service levels and new capital, programs or services developed to action strategic goals – and improvement initiatives, designed to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency with which the County delivers its programs and services.

    Land use bylaws and maps

    The Land Use Bylaw regulates the use, conservation, and development of land, habitat, buildings, and signs in pursuit of the objectives of Strathcona County’s statutory plans.


    Interactive and printable maps.

    Bremner Area Project

    Bremner is a continuous expansion of Sherwood Park east of Highway 21. The Local Employment Area (LEA) is located across from Bremner, on the south side of Highway 16.

    Municipal development plan update

    The Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is the County’s plan for the future. It sets out a clear vision for how Strathcona County will grow and develop over the next 20 years and beyond.

  • Shaping Alberta's future

    Shaping Alberta’s future : report of the Premier’s Council for Economic Strategy
    The Premier’s Council for Economic Strategy was established in July 2009 help give an external, big-picture perspective on what Alberta needs to do to secure the province’s long-term prosperity. The Council’s report was released in May of 2011.

    Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board

    As a regional growth management board, the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board (EMRB) is mandated by the Province to implement the region’s 30-year Growth Plan and to create a regional metro servicing plan.

    Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Plan

    The Growth Plan is updated regularly. The most recent, completed in 2016 after two years of research and review, is The Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Plan: Re-Imagine. Plan. Build. It represents a substantive revision of the Region’s first 2010 Growth Plan: Growing Forward.

    Edmonton economic outlook

    The City of Edmonton’s economic outlook reports provide insights into the short- and long-term prospects for Edmonton’s economy. The reports summarize major components of the City’s bi-annual economic forecast update, including Edmonton’s labour market and population growth projections.

    Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

    CMHC exists for a single reason: to make housing affordable for everyone in Canada. We know that housing helps people stay employed, do better in school and participate more fully in society. Housing affordability and a stable housing finance system support a stronger, safer Canada where everyone can live with dignity.

    Edmonton housing statistics

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    The number of single- and multiple-unit housing starts offer an indication of the construction building sector’s performance. Housing starts, however, are not distributed evenly across months and should be interpreted in the context of other economic indicators.

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Last updated: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Page ID: 43566