Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw
Part 1 : Interpretation
1.16 Definitions
The following words, terms, and phrases, regardless of case, font, font size or font colour, wherever they occur in this bylaw, have the meaning assigned to them as follows:
Abattoir means a building where livestock is slaughtered and the meat may be cut, cured, smoked, aged, wrapped, or frozen for distribution to retail stores.
Abut or Abutting means immediately contiguous to, or physically touching, and when used with respect to lots or sites, means to share a common property line.
Abut or Abutting, when used in section 13.4 MNO — Mature Neighbourhood Overlay, in the case of a corner lot or a lot abutting an open space, the development authority may determine the abutting lot or lots based on the orientation of a development in relation to the corner lot or lot abutting an open space.
Access means the portion of the road right-of-way used for the purpose of entering or exiting any road under the County's or the Province of Alberta's jurisdiction.
Accessory building means a detached building naturally or normally incidental, subordinate, and exclusively devoted to the principal building and which is located on the same lot or site as the principal building. Accessory buildings are not intended to support any occupancy except in the case of garden suites. Typical accessory buildings include, but are not limited to, detached garages, sheds, gazebos, storage buildings and farm shops.
Accessory structure means a structure naturally or normally incidental, subordinate, and exclusively devoted to the principal building and located on the same lot or site as the principal building. Typical accessory structures include, but are not limited to, flagpoles, swimming pools, hot tubs, satellite dishes, play structures, and solar collectors.
Accessory use means a use naturally or normally incidental, subordinate, and exclusively devoted to the principal use and located on the same lot or site. Parking may be an accessory use, provided it serves the principal use and does not serve uses on other sites.
Active frontage, when used in Part 16: Centre in the Park zone, means street frontage of a building that provides an active visual engagement between those on the street and the first storey of the building. Typically, an active frontage would contain an entrance or lobby.
Active transportation infrastructure, when used in Part 16: Centre in the Park zone, means linear open space that is designed for human-powered travel and that does not allow travel by motor vehicles. Active transportation infrastructure typically includes: multi-use trails; sidewalks; bike lanes; or cycle tracks.
Additional dwelling unit means a dwelling unit that is temporary, subsequent, or subordinate to a principal dwelling that exists or is under construction on the same lot.
Adjacent means land that abuts a lot or site, and land that would abut a lot or site if not for a highway, road, lane, walkway, watercourse, utility lot, pipeline right-of-way, power line, railway, or similar feature.
Administration means the chief administrative officer of the County or delegate.
Adult entertainment means premises where:
- live performances are held, the central feature of which is the nudity or partial nudity of any person;
- motion pictures, videos, or other electronic or photographic reproductions are shown or displayed, the central feature of which is the nudity or partial nudity of any person;
- a live performance by a nude or partially nude person, for any consideration, the main feature of which is the performance or simulated performance of sexual acts with another person or the touching of self or another person in any way during such a performance; or
- the main feature of more than 50% of the inventory of the premises is used to display for sale or rent any items the central feature of which is the nudity or partial nudity of any person or the simulation or reproduction of the naked human body or parts thereof.
For the purposes of this definition, partial nudity shall mean less than completely and opaquely covering the human genitals or human pubic regions, human buttocks, or female breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areola.
Adult retail means premises used for the offering for rent, use, viewing, or sale of an object (other than a contraceptive device), service, or entertainment which is designed or intended to be used in, or is a depiction of, a sexual act.
Advertisement, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means any device or representation visible to the general public that is for the purpose of directly or indirectly promoting sales or drawing attention to an event.
A-Frame sign means a sign with two angled sides, to which copy can be applied, that meet at the top to form the shape of a triangle, or an inverted "V", when resting directly on the ground.
Aggregate extraction* means the quarrying, primary processing (crushing, washing, separating), removal and off-site sale of raw materials including sand, gravel, clay, marl, earth or mineralized rock found on or under the surface of the site. Typical uses include, but are not limited to, quarries, borrow areas, and gravel pits (site preparation and reclamation). This does not include the processing of raw materials transported to the site.
Agricultural business sign means a sign installed, erected or displayed to identify a business located on a parcel or a site within an agricultural zone and contains only the name of the business on-site.
Agricultural dwelling* means development that:
- is located on the same lot as an intensive agricultural activity (such as an agriculture intensive horticulture, a garden centre with a floor area of at least 1000 m2, or an equestrian centre) and an existing principal dwelling;
- contains one dwelling unit that is for the purpose of providing temporary accommodations for a person participating as an integral part of the operations of the intensive agricultural activity; and
- is a manufactured home (<20 feet wide) or a manufactured home (≥20 feet wide).
Agricultural product stand means a use, accessory to the principal agricultural use, where agricultural products are sold on the same site as where the product is produced.
Agricultural support housing means a temporary development of a maximum of four buildings, grouped together on a site. The occupants shall be persons that are an integral part of a major agricultural operation, an intensive horticultural use or an equestrian centre, which is located on the same site. Each building may contain a maximum of eight sleeping units, a common kitchen or dining area and common bathroom facilities.
Agricultural support service means the use of land, buildings and structures for the purposes of supply of goods, materials or services directly and primarily to the agricultural industry. This includes, but is not limited to, the sale, cleaning, and storage of seed, feed, fertilizer and chemical products and the repair of agricultural equipment.
Agriculture general means the raising of crops or rearing of livestock, either separately or in conjunction with one another. This includes, but is not limited to, apiculture, aquaculture and vermiculture.
Agriculture intensive horticulture means the primary and basic production and processing (including, but not limited to, cleaning, sorting, separating, grading or packing) of horticultural products such as vegetables, herbs and fruits, for sale on or off site. Typical uses include berry farms, tree farms, sod farms, plant nurseries and market garden operations.
Agriculture minor intensive livestock means the confinement of livestock that because of size, density, length of confinement, or product may have an adverse impact on nearby uses. This use either does not exceed the minimum size for an intensive livestock operation as defined in the Manure Characteristics and Land Based Code as referenced in the Agricultural Operation Practices Act or is an indoor facility that exceeds the size limits but (through special management and technology) has a level of impact less than the minimum size for an intensive livestock operation.
Agriculture product processing means premises for the purpose of processing agricultural products including:
- mixing, drying, canning, size reduction, fermentation, heat treatments, cold treatments, freezing, chemical treatments and biological treatments of plant matter; or
- cutting, curing, smoking, aging, wrapping or freezing of meat.
- This includes, but is not limited to, office, sales, technical, administrative support, storage or warehousing.
Aircraft sale/rental means premises used for the sale, charter, or rental of aircraft together with incidental maintenance services, and the sale of parts and accessories.
Alcohol retail* means premises licensed to sell alcohol to the public.
Amateur radio antenna means an accessory use where an installation consisting of an antenna or antenna array, mounted on a tower or support structure, designed for the purpose of the reception and transmission of radio signals.
Amusement centre means premises where amusement-oriented activities occur indoors or outdoors and which includes, but is not limited to, indoor laser tag and paintball arenas, billiard halls, mini-golf, go-karts, playgrounds, or coin or token-operated, video, computer, or electronic games. This use shall not include video lottery terminals licensed by the Province of Alberta.
Animal boarding facility* means premises used for the overnight housing, exercising, training or grooming of domestic animals not owned by the occupant of the premises.
Animal breeding facility means facility where domestic animals are kept, bred, bought or sold.
Animal grooming and care means a facility which provides for the appearance or daycare of domestic animals or both, within a building.
Animal hospital and shelter means a facility used for the temporary accommodation and care or impoundment of animals and livestock.
Antenna means a structure designed for the purpose of receiving and transmitting communication signals.
Apartment dwelling means a building containing three or more dwelling units that share a common external access and a common corridor system.
Apiculture means the keeping and management of bees.
Appeal Board or Tribunal means the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board or the Land and Property Rights Tribunal, as applicable, as determined in accordance with the Municipal Government Act.
Aquaculture means the raising and management of fish. Typical uses include fingerling production and table food market production.
Architectural character, when used in section 13.4 MNO - Mature Neighbourhood Overlay, means the overall architectural style of development, as well as identifiable characters associated with development (such as building typology, landscaping, massing, and siting).
Architectural design elements, when used in section 13.4 MNO - Mature Neighbourhood Overlay, means external features of a building that form the architectural style (such as building materials, building features, form, and method of construction). Examples of architectural design elements are set out in the diagram below:
Architectural style, when used in section 13.4 MNO - Mature Neighbourhood Overlay, means various external features of a building that can be characterized by a specific time in history. Examples of architectural style are set out in the diagrams below:
Asphalt plant major means a permanent plant or facility that is used for the processing, manufacturing, recycling and sale of asphalt, and includes facilities for the administration or management of the building, the stockpile of bulk materials used in the production process or of finished products manufactured on-site and the storage and maintenance of required equipment.
Asphalt plant minor means a portable unit that is used for the processing, manufacturing, recycling and sale of asphalt, and includes facilities for the administration or management of the building, limited stockpile of bulk materials used in the production process or of finished products manufactured on-site and the storage and maintenance of required equipment. This use shall not create any significant nuisance beyond the boundaries of the site.
Assisted living facility means premises where accommodation is provided for persons who require a wide range of support services and where:
- accommodation for at least one staff member is provided on-site;
- one or more communal kitchens, dining rooms, or common social areas are provided;
- administrative offices may be located on-site; or
- organized recreation activities may occur.
Attic means the space between the roof and the ceiling of the top storey of a building.
Auctioneering establishment means buildings, land or both used for the auctioning of goods and equipment including the temporary storage of such goods and equipment. This does not include livestock auctions.
Audible sign means any sign that emits a sound which can be heard or emits a signal that can be converted to sound that can be heard.
Autobody repair and paint shop means premises where automobiles, trucks, and other vehicles undergo body repair and painting.
Awning, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means a light detachable system of fabric, sheet metal, plexiglas or other similar material, which is entirely supported from a building by a fixed or retractable frame.
Awning sign means a sign that is painted on or affixed flat to the exterior surface of an awning.
Balcony means a platform above the first storey of a building that is attached to and projecting from the face of a building, with or without a supporting structure, and normally surrounded by a balustrade or railing, and that is used as amenity space with access only from within the building. A balcony shall not include a deck.
Banner sign means a sign made of lightweight, flexible fabric or material that is affixed to the exterior façade of a building to which copy is painted, stamped, stenciled, perforated, stitched or otherwise applied directly onto its surface.
Bare land unit as defined in the Condominium Property Act.
Basement means a storey or storeys of a building located below the first storey.
Beacon, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means any light with one or more beams directed into the atmosphere or directed at one or more points that may differ in location from the light source and, any light with one or more beams that rotate or move.
Bed and breakfast* means the accessory use of a dwelling, where accommodation in a sleeping unit for remuneration is provided to overnight guests by the permanent residents of the dwelling. This also includes the provision for limited meals to be provided in the dwelling to the overnight guests.
Bed and shore means land covered so long by water as to wrest it from vegetation or as to mark a distinct character on the vegetation where it extends into the water or on the soil itself, as referenced by the Surveys Act.
Billboard means a sign that is a large flat panel surface designed to provide for outdoor advertising and, that is typically located adjacent to high traffic areas or streets.
Bingo hall means premises that are customarily or regularly used for bingo games.
Biophysical assessment means an assessment of the biological and physical elements of an ecosystem, including geology, topography, hydrology and soils.
Boarding or lodging house means a building which provides sleeping units for remuneration, for not more than ten residents and, which may include meal service. This includes, but is not limited to, dormitories and hostels.
Borrow area means an excavated area from which soil and unconsolidated materials (excluding sand and gravel), are removed for use without further processing or handling as fill for activities such as landscaping, building construction, levees or highway construction, maintenance, or both, either on-site or off-site.
Breezeway means a roofed open passageway connecting two or more buildings.
Broadcasting studio means premises used for the production, broadcasting or both of audio and visual programming typically associated with radio, television and motion picture studios.
Build-to line, when used in Part 16: Centre in the Park zone, means the line with which the exterior wall of a building is required to coincide.
Building face means that portion of any exterior elevation of a building exposed to public view extending from the grade to the eaves or the top of the parapet wall and the entire length of the building elevation, including all areas divided by firewalls.
Building frontage means the length of a building that directly faces a road.
Building grade means the average level of finished ground adjoining the main front wall of a building (not including an attached garage), except for areas such as vehicle or pedestrian entrances which need not be considered in the determination of average levels of finished ground.
Bulk fuel depot means lands, buildings, and structures for the bulk storage and distribution of petroleum products and may include key lock retail sales.
Business support service means premises used to provide support services to other businesses. This includes, but is not limited to, one or more of the following:
- the use of minor mechanical equipment for printing, duplicating, binding or photographic processing;
- the provision of office maintenance or custodial services;
- the provision of office security;
- the sale, rental, repair, or servicing of office equipment, furniture and machines; and
- the sale, rental, repair or servicing of computers, cellular phones and fax machines.
Business vehicle means a vehicle used for commercial or industrial business purposes.
- contains one self-contained living accommodation; and
- is used for seasonal short-term accommodation for individuals.
The floor area of a cabin does not exceed 50m2 when located in a SRR1 zone and does not exceed 28m2 when located in any other zone.
Caliper means the diameter of a tree trunk measured at a point 0.3 m above the top of the root ball.
Campground* means an area which has been planned and improved to be used and maintained for a seasonal short-term period (where the maximum occupancy shall not exceed 240 days in one year), for campers locating tents, recreational vehicles, or both, within a defined area.
Campground major* means a campground which contains a total number of campsites or cabins greater than sixty. Related facilities that are accessory to and support the campground may be included on-site, such as an administrative office, a laundromat, picnic grounds, playgrounds and boating facilities.
Campground minor* means a campground which contains a total number of campsites or cabins totaling sixty or less. Related facilities that are accessory to and support the campground may be included on-site, such as an administrative office, a laundromat, picnic grounds, playgrounds and boating facilities.
Campsite means an area of a campground that is:
- used for seasonal short-term accommodation for individuals within a tent or recreational vehicle; and
- at least 325 m2 in area, 10 m wide, and 24 m deep.
Cannabis production facility means a facility, comprised of one or more buildings or structures, used for the purpose of growing, producing, cultivating, testing, processing, researching, destroying, storing, packaging or shipping of cannabis by a federal government licensed commercial producer in accordance with federal legislation. This does not include the growing or processing of plants that are considered by federal legislation to be industrial hemp.
Cannabis retail* means a retail store, licensed by the Province of Alberta, where non-medical cannabis is sold to the public.
Canopy means an architectural feature or structural protective element affixed to the exterior wall of a building over a door, entrance, outdoor service area or similar type of entrance way.
Canopy sign means a sign that is painted on or affixed to the exterior surface of a canopy.
Cantilever means the portion of a building which projects out in order to provide additional livable interior space, and which has no foundation or supports below.
Care centre minor means an accessory use intended to provide care or supervision and may include educational services for less than seven persons during the day or evening. This includes day care, out-of-school care, nursery or play schools, and drop-in centres.
Care centre intermediate means a use intended to provide care or supervision and may include educational services for 7 to 20 persons during the day or evening. This includes group day care centres, out-of-school care centres, nursery or play schools and drop-in centres.
Care centre major means a use intended to provide care or supervision and may include educational services for more than 20 persons during the day or evening. This includes group day care centres, out-of-school care centres, nursery or play schools and drop-in centres.
Carport means a roofed structure either free standing or attached to a building, which is not enclosed on the front and at least one side, to shelter parked vehicles.
Cemetery means land that is set apart or land that is used for the burial or interment of human remains. This includes a memorial park, a burial ground, a columbarium, a mausoleum, or a crematorium.
Certificate of title means a certificate issued by the Land Titles Office of Alberta identifying the owner of a particular parcel of land.
Changeable copy sign means a freestanding sign consisting of a base placed in or on the ground, with a flat copy area of one or two sides to which copy can be applied and is designed to allow for the message or advertising to be changed frequently and easily.
Changeable display feature means an area on a sign that can be changed manually or automatically by electronic or digital means.
Channel letter sign means a fascia sign that is a single solid structure resembling a letter, number or other symbols that when affixed horizontally parallel to the exterior façade of a building displays a message.
Charitable organization means a voluntary organization that is registered with the Canada Revenue Agency and primarily carries on its own charitable activities.It can be incorporated, or it can be established by a constitution or a trust document. A charitable organization does not use its income to benefit its members. It receives its funding from a variety of arm's length sources and provides a tangible benefit to the public.
CITP ARP, when used in Part 16: Centre in the Park zone, means the Centre in the Park Area Redevelopment Plan Bylaw 1-2020.
Clearance, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means the unobstructed vertical distance between the ground or finished floor and the underside of a sign or structure.
Collective communal housing means an arrangement of dwelling units as an integral part of an agricultural operation which is operated by an organized and recognized communal group such as a Hutterite Colony.
Commercial logging means the cutting, storage, sorting, and grading of primary forest materials for commercial use of the logs or fibre. This does not include tree clearing or the removal of any landscaping required by this bylaw.
Commercial school means premises for the training, instruction, and certification in a specific trade, skill, or service for the financial gain of the person owning the school.
Commercial storage means a building or group of buildings containing lockers or lockable rooms or areas available for rent for the storage of personal goods or a facility used exclusively to store goods of a non-hazardous nature.
Commercial unit means a separate or self-contained area or areas of one building which contains one commercial use.
Commercial use means an occupation, employment or enterprise that is carried on for gain or monetary profit by any person.
Common indoor amenity space means an indoor space designed for active or passive recreational uses provided for the use of all occupants of a building(s) on a site.
Common outdoor amenity space means an outdoor space designed for active or passive recreational uses provided for the use of all occupants of a building(s) on a site.
Community event information sign means a permanent sign of a standard design with a changeable display feature that is used for advertising community events or notices.
Community housing, when used in Part 16: Centre in the Park zone, means non-market housing owned by, operated by, or owned and operated by a government agency or non-profit organization.
Community identification sign means a sign indicating the name of a subdivision or community.
Community recreation means facilities for recreation, social or multi-purpose uses primarily intended for local community purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, community halls, non-profit social, service and outdoor recreation clubs, and centres operated by a local community association.
Comprehensive development means a development that may include more than the one lot but gives the appearance of a single site development.
Concrete plant major means a permanent plant or facility that is used for the processing, manufacturing, recycling and sale of concrete, and includes facilities for the administration or management of the building, the stockpile of bulk materials used in the production process or of finished products manufactured on-site and the storage and maintenance of required equipment. This use shall not create any significant nuisance beyond the boundaries of the site.
Concrete plant minor means a portable unit that is used for the processing, manufacturing, recycling and sale of concrete, limited stockpile of bulk materials used in the production process or of finished products manufactured on-site and the storage and maintenance of required equipment. This use shall not create any significant nuisance beyond the boundaries of the site.
Condominium unit, defined as unit in the Condominium Property Act, means:
- in the case of a building, a space that is situated within a building and described as a unit in a condominium plan registered at the Land Titles Office of Alberta by reference to floors, walls and ceilings within the building, and
- in the case other than that of a building, land that is situated within a parcel and described as a unit in a condominium plan by reference to boundaries governed by monuments placed pursuant to the provisions of the Surveys Act respecting subdivision surveys.
Confined feeding operation as defined by the Agricultural Operation Practices Act.
Congregate housing means housing in multiple unit form for semi-independent persons and may provide living and sleeping facilities, meal preparation, laundry services, transportation, counselling and room cleaning.
Conservation as defined by the Environmental Enhancement and Protection Act.
Conservation easement means an agreement registered against title that contains provisions for the protection, conservation and enhancement of the environment including biological diversity and natural scenic or aesthetic values. A conservation agreement may provide for recreational use, open space use, environmental education use, and research and scientific studies of natural ecosystems.
Consolidated post sign means a sign consisting of a base placed in or on the ground, with a flat copy area with one or two sides to which copy can be applied, and is designed to be, divided into multiple "panels".
Construction sign means a sign used to identify a construction project, the owner, general contractor, sub-trades, architect, engineers and others associated with the design, planning and development of a project under construction.
Container means a land and sea container used to carry cargo goods or materials or both that may be considered on a lot as an accessory use for storage purposes.
Contractor service general means premises used for the provision of building and road construction services including landscaping, concrete, electrical, excavation, drilling, heating and plumbing or similar services of a construction nature which require on-site storage and warehouse space. Any sales, display, office or technical support service areas shall be accessory to the principal use only.
Contractor service limited means premises used for the provision of electrical, plumbing, heating, painting and similar contractor services primarily to individual households and the accessory sale of goods normally associated with the contractor services where all materials are kept within an enclosed building, and there are no accessory manufacturing activities or fleet storage of more than four vehicles.
Convenience retail means premises which do not exceed 235 m2 in gross floor areathat are used for the retail sale of goods. This includes, but is not limited to, a small food store, a drug store or variety stores selling confectionery tobacco, groceries, beverages, pharmaceutical and personal care items, hardware or printed matter.
Convenience vehicle rental means premises providing the rental of automobiles, and light trucks, and utility vehicles.
Copy, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means letters, characters, numbers, graphics or symbols that make up the message on a sign.
Copy area, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means a percentage of the maximum sign area, as noted within this bylaw; or a specified numerical figure, as noted within this bylaw.
Corner lot means a lot located at the intersection of two or more roads, other than a lane.
Corner visibility triangle, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means a triangular area at a street corner formed by measuring from the actual and projected point of the intersection of the property boundaries abutting the street, a specific distance along each such property boundary to two points and adjoining those two points. The sightline will be measured from the intersection of the property lines adjoining the streets as shown on the illustrations below.
Correctional service means a facility for the purpose of holding or confining, and treating or rehabilitating persons. This includes, but is not limited to, prisons, jails, remand centres, and correctional facilities.
Council means the council of the municipal corporation of the County.
County means the municipal corporation of Strathcona County, a specialized municipality established under the authority of the Municipal Government Act and Order in Council 761/95, or the geographic area municipally described as Strathcona County as the context requires.
Crops means grains, oilseeds, pulses, hay, pasture, vegetables, grass, fruit and other field crops.
Cultural/entertainment facility means premises within an enclosed building that are designed specifically for the presentation of live artistic performances or the showing of motion pictures. This includes, but is not limited to, auditoriums, cinemas, amphitheaters, theatres and concert halls.
Cumulative sign coverage means the total of the combined copy area of all signs applied to a single building face, or to a site.
Custom indoor manufacturing means premises used for on-site manufacturing, production, assembling of semi-finished or finished goods, products and equipment normally associated with building or household use. This includes, but is not limited to, toy and musical instrument manufacturing, cabinet and furniture manufacturing, and computer components.
Custom workshops means premises used for the production by a trade, craft or guild for the manufacture or processing of clothing, articles or craft objects. Typical uses include, but are not limited to, a photography studio, pottery and sculpture studio, and art studio. This may include the provision of classes; however, this shall be accessory to the principal use.
Cut-off fixture means a light fixture allowing no more than 2.5% of all light emitted above the horizontal plane.
Dangerous goods means dangerous goods as defined in the National Fire Code — Alberta edition.
Dating or escort service means any business activity which involves the face to face (in person) act of introducing a person or persons with another person or persons for a period or periods of companionship of short duration, for which service or introduction a fee is charged or imposed for each occasion of companionship or introduction.
Deck means a structure where the top of the floor is 0.6 m or greater in height above finished grade, without a roof or walls (except for railings), and which is designed and intended for use as a private amenity space.
Density means the ratio of the number of dwelling units to the lot area or, the maximum number of dwelling units per developable hectare.
Development, as defined in Part 17 of the Municipal Government Act means:
- an excavation or stockpile and the creation of either of them,
- a building or an addition to or replacement or repair of a building and the construction or placing of any of them on, in over or under land,
- a change of use of land or a building or an act done in relation to land or a building that results in or is likely to result in a change in the use of the land or building, or
- a change in the intensity of land or a building or an act done in relation to land or a building that results in or is likely to result in a change in the intensity of use of the land or building.
Development authority means the development authority established by this bylaw in accordance with the Municipal Government Act.
Development officer means a County employee designated as a development officer.
Directional sign means a sign that is located entirely on-site and provides information and directions necessary for persons entering, traveling through or, exiting a site.
Director means a County employee holding the position of Director of Planning and Development Services, or their delegate.
Discretionary use means those uses of land, buildings or structures for which a development permit may be approved or refused at the discretion of the development officer.
Domestic animals means small animals which are normally kept as companions or as household pets such as cats and dogs. This does not include livestock as defined in the County's Responsible Livestock Ownership Bylaw as amended or replaced; controlled animals or wildlife as those terms are defined in the Wildlife Act; or fowl.
Double fronting lot means a lot which abuts two roads which are parallel or nearly parallel and do not intersect at the boundaries of the lot.
Drive aisle means an area used for access to and from on-site parking spaces and does not include a driveway.
Drive-through vehicle service means rapid cleaning, lubrication, maintenance or repair services to motor vehicles or other services where the customer typically remains within the vehicle or waits in the premises. This includes automatic or coin operated car washes, rapid lubrication shops, bank drive-through kiosks, or specialty repair establishments.
Driveway means the connection from an on-site parking area to an access and does not include the area used as a walkway.
Drop-off recycling means premises or a site used for the collection and temporary storage of recyclable materials. Recyclable materials include, but are not limited to, cardboard, plastics, paper, metal and similar household goods. Recyclable material left at the drop-off centre shall be periodically removed and taken to larger, permanent recycling operations for final recycling.
Dugout means an accessory development consisting of an excavation of earth, rock, concrete or other material designed to retain water for household, landscaping or general agriculture purposes.
Duplex dwelling means a building containing two dwelling units above or below each other, each with a separate external entrance.
Dwelling unit means a self-contained unit which has a separate private entrance and is comprised of at least a kitchen, washroom and bedroom and where the occupants reside together as a single household.
Easement means the right to use public or private land owned by another, generally for use by the public, a corporation or another person or entity.
Election, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means an event that indicates support for a candidate, or the position on a referendum or plebiscite pursuant to municipal, provincial or federal legislation.
Electronic message feature means that portion of a sign that is comprised of a device which displays text, scrolling text, characters or images.
Emergency service means a public facility used by fire protection, police, ambulance, or other such services as a base of operations.
Entrance sign means a freestanding sign that is located at the entrance to a site or parcel that identifies a planned residential or commercial development.
Environmentally sensitive lands mean areas that:
- provide an important linking function and permit the movement of wildlife over considerable distances, including migration corridors and migratory stopover points;
- provide a vital environmental, ecological or hydrological function such as an aquifer recharge;
- contain rare or unique geological or physiographic features;
- contain significant, rare or endangered plant or animal species; are unique habitats with limited representation in the region or are a small remnant of once large habitats;
- contain an unusual diversity of plant or animal communities or both due to a variety of geomorphological features and microclimatic effects;
- contain large and relatively undisturbed habitats and provide sheltered habitat for species which are intolerant of human disturbance;
- are excellent representatives of one or more ecosystems or landscapes that characterize a natural region;
- have intrinsic appeal due to widespread community interest or the presence of highly valued features or species such as a game species or sport fish; or
- have lengthy histories of scientific research.
Equestrian centre* means a facility on a lot equal to or greater than 8.0 hectares used for the training of riders or horses or for the boarding of horses, not owned by the property owner. Where limited overnight stays (during events only) are proposed, it may be considered as an accessory use to the equestrian centre.
Equipment major means the sale, rental, service, or repair of heavy vehicles, machinery or mechanical equipment typically used in construction, manufacturing, assembling and processing operations, and agricultural production.
Equipment minor means the sale or rental of tools, appliances, recreational craft, office machines, furniture, light construction equipment, or similar items.
Exhibition and convention facility means a building or site intended to provide permanent facilities for meetings, seminars, conventions, product and trade fairs and similar exhibitions.
Façade, means the exterior wall of a building exposed to public view, or that wall viewed by persons not within the building.
Farm identification sign means a sign indicating the name and address of a farm site, the occupant of a farm site or both but does not include any advertising.
Fascia sign means a sign that runs parallel to the face of a building on which it is displayed or attached, but does not include a painted wall sign or a window sign.
Fence means a structure or barrier used to enclose or screen all or part of a site.
Financial service means the provision of financial and investment services by a bank, trust company, investment dealer, credit union, mortgage broker or related business, which may also include provision of drive-through access to an automated teller machine.
First storey means the storey of a building that has its floor level not more than 2.0 m above building grade.
Fixture means the assembly that houses the lamp(s) and can include all or some of the following parts: housings, mounting brackets and pole sockets.
Flag sign means a sign that is made of lightweight flexible fabric or material with one or two sides to which copy can be applied and, which is attached to a freestanding pole, or to a structure placed in or on the ground.
Flanking road means a road that abuts a side lot line.
Flanking side yard means a side yard abutting a road other than a lane.
Flea market means premises used for the sale of new or used goods by more than three vendors renting tables or space. Goods that are typically sold include, but are not limited to, clothing, electronic equipment, food products or concessions, handicrafts, or household items.
Fleet service means premises supporting a fleet of vehicles for the delivery of people, goods or services, where such vehicles are not available for sale or long-term lease. This includes, but is not limited to, ambulance services, taxi services, bus lines (including school buses), and messenger and courier services. This does not include moving or cartage firms involving trucks with a gross vehicle weight of more than 3,000 kg.
Flood fringe means the land along the edges of the flood hazard area that has relatively shallow water (less than 1.0 m deep) with lower velocities (less than 1.0 m per second) ).
Floodplain or flood hazard area means an area that consists of the low-lying land next to a watercourse that is subject to periodic inundation consisting of the floodway and flood fringe.
Floodway means the area within which the entire design flood can be conveyed while meeting certain water elevation rise, water velocity and water depth criteria. This includes the river channel and some adjacent overbank areas.
Floor area means the total area of all floors in a building, measured between the interior faces of the exterior walls of the building at each floor level.
Floor area ratio means the numerical value of the gross floor area on all levels of all buildings on a lot, divided by the area of the lot.
Food and beverage products means a commercial facility in which food or beverage products or both are manufactured, produced or otherwise prepared for human consumption but not consumed on the premises. This may include a retail component; however, this retail component shall be accessory to the principal use. Typical uses include, but are not limited to, a bakery, pre-packaged foods, water bottling and catering facilities. The impact of this use shall not extend beyond the building.
Fowl means a bird of any kind except wild birds and poultry, and which, without limiting the generality of the foregoing includes domestic and exotic birds.
Freestanding monument sign means a freestanding sign that is a single solid structure placed in or on the ground which is wholly independent of any other object for support and includes a copy area with one or two sides to which copy can be applied. This may include a changeable display feature or an electronic message feature.
Freestanding pylon sign means a freestanding sign that has independent supports consisting of a base of one or more upright posts, rods, poles, stakes or similar support, placed in or on the ground, with a flat copy area, with one or two sides to which copy can be applied. This may include a changeable display feature or an electronic message feature.
Freestanding sign means a sign that has independent supports placed in the ground and that is not part of a building or structure.
Front façade, when used in section 13.4 MNO - Mature Neighbourhood Overlay, means the front exterior wall of a principal dwelling faces the road. The front facade typically contains the primary entrance to the principal dwelling.
Front lot line means:
- in the case of an interior lot, a lot line separating the lot from the road;
- in the case of a corner lot, a lot line separating the narrowest road frontage of the lot from the road not including a corner rounding or corner cut;
- in the case of a double fronting lot, the front lot line shall be determined by the development officer based on the location of permitted access and the orientation of other development in the block; or
- in the case of a lot abutting a watercourse, the front lot line is the lot line abutting the road.
Front yard means the portion of a site abutting the front lot line extending across the full width of the site, situated between the front lot line and the nearest wall of the principal building, not including projections.
Frontage zone, when used in Part 16: Centre in the park zone, means 'Frontage Zone' as defined in the CITP ARP.
Full cut-off fixture means a light fixture that does not allow any light dispersion above the horizontal plan, and whose lamp (bulb) is recessed fully within the housing of the fixture itself.
Funeral service means a use for the preparation of the deceased for burial or cremation, and the holding of memorial services. This includes funeral homes and undertaking establishments.
Future development sign means a temporary sign used to identify a future development area and the developer(s) or builder(s) associated with the project. It may include information on the amenities, design, staging, and timing of the proposed development.
Garage means an accessory building, or part of a principal building, with a roof, walls and a door to allow a vehicle to enter and is intended primarily for the storage of vehicles.
Garden suite* means an additional dwelling unit that is on the same lot as a single dwelling, and is either a separate one storey building or is combined with an accessory building. (Bylaw 45-2024)
Gas bar means premises for the sale of motor fuel, lubricating oils, automotive fluids, and associated convenience store products. This may be a self-service, full service, key lock, card lock, or other similar operation.
General industrial means development used principally for one or more of the following:
- the processing of raw materials;
- the manufacturing or assembling of semi-finished or finished goods, products or equipment, but not food products;
- the storage, cleaning, servicing, repairing or testing of materials, goods and equipment normally associated with industrial, building or household use;
- terminals for the storage or trans-shipping of materials, goods and equipment;
- the distribution and sale of materials, bulk goods and equipment to institutions, industrial or commercial businesses for their direct use or to general retail stores or other use classes for resale to individual customers; or
- the training of personnel in general industrial operations.
General industrial may have indoor display, office, technical, administrative support, or retail sale operations as accessory uses to the general industrial uses listed above. This includes only those developments where no significant nuisance is created or apparent beyond the boundaries of the site.
Any development, where, in the opinion of the development officer, there is significant risk of interfering with the safety and amenity of adjacent sites because of the nature of the site, materials, or process, which cannot be successfully mitigated, shall not be considered a general industrial use.
General retail means premises where goods, merchandise, other materials, and personal services are offered for retail sale to the general public and include limited on-site storage or seasonal outdoor sales to support the operations of that store. Ancillary services such as, but not limited to, postal outlets or cleaning appliance rentals, are permitted within general retail premises. This includes, but is not limited to, a grocery, hardware, pharmacy, appliance or sporting goods store.
Glare means light emitting from a fixture with intensity that may reduce visibility.
Golf course means an outdoor facility designated primarily for the game of golf. Accessory uses include, but are not limited to, a pro shop, golf driving range or practice facility or both, food service, and other commercial uses typically associated with a clubhouse facility.
Golf driving range* means an indoor or outdoor facility dedicated to practicing the game of golf from a fixed location, which may also include practice areas for pitching or putting.
Government service means premises where crown corporation, municipal government, provincial government, or federal government services are provided.
Grade means the ground elevation established for the purpose of regulating the number of storeys and the height of a building or structure.
Greenhouse means premises used primarily for the raising, storage and sale of bedding, household plants, ornamental plants, produce, and related materials such as tools, soil, and fertilizers. The main part of the building must be plant-related and any aggregate or hard landscaping material sales must be a minor accessory component only.
Grid street pattern, when used in Part 16: Special Area: CITP - Centre in the Park zone means a network of roads or streets which form a grid.
Gross floor area (GFA) means the total floor area of a building within the exterior and basement walls. This does not include basement areas used exclusively for storage or service to the building, parking areas below grade, and areas devoted exclusively to mechanical or electrical equipment servicing the development.
Ground floor area means the area of the ground floor of a building.
Group home major means a care facility licensed by the Province of Alberta for more than six residents that require professional care, guidance and supervision.
Group home minor means a home licensed by the Province of Alberta for not more than six residents who may require professional care, guidance and supervision. The character of the use is that the occupants live together as a single household. A group home minor is a permitted use in any residential or agricultural zone except where it is listed as a discretionary use.
Hardsurface means a durable ground surface constructed of cast-in-place concrete, brick, concrete unit pavers, turfstone, stone, asphalt, or similar materials. This does not include gravel or clay.
Health service major means a facility for medical treatment including inpatient or outpatient services and may include accessory staff residences. This use may include a helipad.
Health service minor means a development where medical services are provided on an outpatient basis. Services may be of a preventive, diagnostic, treatment, therapeutic, rehabilitative or counselling nature. This includes medical and dental offices, health clinics, acupuncture clinics, physiotherapy, massage therapy and counselling services.
Heavy home business vehicle means any vehicle 5,500 kg or heavier that is used in the operation of the home business that is normally maintained, parked, or stored on the lot of the home business. Items or equipment transported to and from the site of the home business in the box of a truck or on a trailer are not considered to be a heavy home business vehicle.
Heavy industrial means development used principally for one or more of the following:
- processing of raw materials;
- the manufacturing or assembling of semi-finished or finished goods, products or equipment, but not food products;
- the storage, cleaning, servicing, repairing or testing of materials, goods and equipment normally associated with industrial, building or household use;
- terminals for the storage or trans-shipping of materials, goods and equipment;
- the distribution and sale of materials, bulk goods and equipment to institutions, industrial or commercial businesses for their direct use or to general retail stores or other use classes for resale to individual customers; or
- the training of personnel in general industrial operations.
Heavy Industrial may have indoor display, office, technical, administrative support, or retail sale operations as accessory uses to the heavy industrial uses listed above. The floor area devoted to such accessory activities shall not exceed 25% of the gross floor area of the building(s) devoted to the heavy industrial use.
This includes only those developments which may have a significant detrimental effect on the safety, use, amenity, enjoyment of adjacent or nearby sites due to appearance, noise, odour, emission of contaminants, fire or explosive hazards, or dangerous goods.
Heavy vehicle means any vehicle, with or without a load, which exceeds either a length of 12.5 m or a maximum gross vehicle weight of 5,500 kg. Heavy vehicle does not include recreational vehicles or school buses.
Height means the vertical distance between building grade and the highest point of the building with a non-sloping roof or a roof that slopes less than 20 degrees. On a roof sloping more than 20 degrees, it is measured to the mid-point between the eave line and ridge of a sloping roof provided that the ridge shall be not more than 2.0 m above the maximum building height in the one. In determining whether a development conforms to the maximum height permitted in any zone, structures such as industrial processing towers, chimney stacks, monuments, steeples, elevator housings, roof stairway entrances, ventilating equipment, skylights, solar collectors or flagpoles for federal, provincial, or municipal flags shall not be considered for the purpose of determining the height, except lands within the AO — Airport Vicinity Overlay.
Height, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means the maximum vertical distance between the average grade at the base of the sign and the highest point on the sign. Any earth berms and elevated foundations supporting the sign, signpost or other sign supports shall be included in the height of the sign.
Height, when used in section 13.4 MNO - Mature Neighbourhood Overlay, means the vertical distance between building grade and the highest point of the building, regardless of the roof pitch. The determination of height conforms to the below diagram:
Helipad means a designated area, usually with a prepared surface, used for the takeoff, landing or parking of helicopters.
Highway, as defined in the Highways Development and Protection Act as provincial highway.
Home builder, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means a company or business that constructs or renovates residential dwellings.
Home business* means the use of part of a dwelling unit or (where applicable, accessory building or site or combinations thereof) by at least one resident of the dwelling unit for a business activity that results in a product or service. This does not include adult entertainment, bed and breakfast, care centre, dating or escort service, recreational vehicle storage, veterinary service, cannabis retail or fleet service uses.
Home business minor* means a home business which:
- occupies a maximum of 30 percent of the dwelling unit's gross floor area;
- has a maximum of four client or customer visits per day; and
- does not employ a non-resident on-site employee.
Home business intermediate* means a home business which:
- occupies a maximum of 30 percent of the dwelling unit's gross floor area plus a maximum of 30 percent of the gross floor area of all accessory buildings;
- does not have more than two non-resident, on-site employees; and
- is a temporary use.
Home business major* means a home business which:
- is not on on a lot less than 2.02 ha;
- occupies a maximum of 30 percent of the dwelling unit's gross floor area plus a maximum of 30 percent of the gross floor area of all accessory buildings;
- does not have more than six non-resident, on-site employees; and
- is a temporary use.
Home business vehicle means any vehicle less than 5,500 kg or any trailer that is used in the operation of the home business that is normally maintained, parked, or stored on the lot of the home business. Items or equipment transported to and from the site of the home business in the box of a truck or on a trailer are not considered to be a home business vehicle.
Home office means the accessory use of a room in a dwelling unit by at least one resident of the dwelling unit for a business office and shall not include:
- client visits to the site;
- parking of a home business vehicle or heavy home business vehicle on site;
- changes to the outside appearance of the dwelling unit;
- on-site signage;
- nuisance; or
- any other visible evidence that a home office is located in the dwelling unit.
Hotel means the provision of rooms in a commercial development for temporary sleeping accommodation where the rooms have access from a common interior corridor and may be equipped with individual kitchen facilities. Accessory uses include, but are not limited to, food services, neighbourhood pubs, nightclubs, meeting rooms, and personal service establishments.
Household means a person or group of people who co-reside in, or occupy, a dwelling unit regardless of their relationship to one another.
Household repair service means development used for the provision of repair to goods, equipment and small appliances normally found within the home. This includes, but is not limited to, electronic repair, appliance repair, furniture refinishing, and upholstery shops.
Identification sign means a sign that identifies a business or use that is located on a parcel.
Illuminated sign means a sign that is characterized by the use of artificial light:
- reflecting off the surface of a sign (externally illuminated) ;
- projecting through the surface of a sign (internally illuminated) ; or
- projecting from behind the surface of a sign (backlit).
Impoundment period means 30 days commencing on the day a sign is removed by the development authority.
Incidental sign means a sign, emblem, or decal designed to inform the public of facilities or services available on the premises and is generally internal to the site or not visible from public streets. Incidental signs include, but are not limited to, sign designating restrooms, hours of operation, acceptable credit cards, property ownership or management, or recycling containers.
Indoor recreation means facilities within an enclosed building for sports, active recreation, performing and cultural arts where patrons are predominantly participants, including, but not limited to, arenas, athletic clubs, health and fitness clubs, gymnasiums, swimming pools, rifle and pistol ranges, bowling alleys, golf simulator, and racquet clubs.
Inflatable sign means a three-dimensional sign, inflated with air or other gases or fluids, to which copy can be applied, and which is anchored or affixed to the ground or to the roof of a building.
Information centre means a building where the primary activity of the site involves informing the public about the services and programs and educating individuals or groups on the natural, historical, and cultural features of the area. It may include meeting rooms, office areas and staff rooms.
Integrated roof sign means a sign erected or constructed as an integral part of a normal roof structure of any design, and such that no part of the sign extends above the highest portion of the roof and such that no part of the sign is separated from the rest of the roof by a space of more than six inches.
Interior lot means a lot other than a corner lot.
Internal private street means a privately owned and operated vehicular transportation connection which resembles a public street with pedestrian facilities on both sides and is located on a privately owned lot.
Intersection means the area within the connection of two or more roads intended for use by vehicles.
Lamp means the component of a luminaire that produces the specific form of radiant energy that is observed as light.
Land use information sign means a sign typically located at a major entrance to a Development Area showing all the planned land uses, roadways, reserve lots and other relevant features within and immediately adjacent to the Development Area. The intent of this type of sign is to provide property owners, the public, and prospective home buyers in new and developing areas a general indication of development planned to occur in the area in the future.
Landscaping means the preservation or modification of the natural features of a site through the placement or addition of any or a combination of:
- soft landscaping elements (including, but not limited to, trees, shrubs, plants, lawns, ornamental plantings) ; and
- hard landscaping elements (including, but not limited to, bricks, pavers, shale, crushed rock).
This does not include monolithic concrete and asphalt (including, but not limited to, patios, walkways, and paths), and architectural elements (including, but not limited to, decorative fencing, walls, sculpture).
Landscaping sales and service means the use of all or part of lands, buildings or structures, for the purpose of selling soft landscaping materials such as plants, trees and shrubs, as well as hard landscaping materials such as bricks, pavers, shale, crushed rock or other similar materials associated with landscaping. This does not include a plant nursery, or a business engaged in the sale of lawn and garden equipment.
Lane means a narrow public thoroughfare intended to provide vehicular access to the rear of lots and parcels of land. For the purposes of determining setbacks, a lane is not a road.
Laundromat means premises where laundry machines, using only water, detergents and additives, are made available to the public for the purpose of cleaning clothing and bedding.
Library and exhibit means premises for:
- the collection of literary, artistic, musical and similar reference materials in the form of books, manuscripts, recordings and films for public use; or
- the collection, preservation and public exhibition of works or objects of historical, scientific, natural, or artistic value.
This includes public libraries, museums, art galleries, botanical gardens, arboreta, and archaeological and cultural exhibits.
Light trespass means the shining of light beyond the boundaries of the property from which it originates.
Livestock as defined in the County's Responsible Livestock Ownership Bylaw 53-2022.
Live-work unit means a building containing a dwelling unit in combination with a commercial unit which is utilized by the resident(s) and no more than one non-resident employee. This includes separate entrances for the commercial and residential portion of the building with an internal passage between. The dwelling unit should be above, to the side or rear of a commercial component. The commercial use shall not detract from the residential character or appearance of the unit and shall not create a nuisance. This includes, but is not limited to, photography studios, art studios, pottery studios, personal service establishments (excluding a dry cleaning outlet), office, incidental sale of items such as antiques or jewellery, or a studio providing instruction such as music or tutoring, to a maximum of four students at one time.
Loading space, when used in Part 16: Centre in the Park zone, means a parking space intended for short term use for the purpose of loading or unloading goods, materials, equipment, or waste.
Local employment means development intended as a transitional industrial use within rural service areas that have been identified within a statutory plan as industrial. Local employment has minimal on-site employees, client visits and business vehicles and does not create nuisance beyond the property line. Potential forms include, but are not limited to, building used for the manufacturing of products to their final form, warehousing, contractor services and incidental office, sales and associated operations.
Lot as defined in Part 17 of the Municipal Government Act means:
- quarter section;
- river lot shown on an official plan, as defined in the Surveys Act, that is filed or lodged in a Land Titles Office;
- settlement lot shown on an official plan, as defined in the Surveys Act, that is filed or lodged in a Land Titles Office;
- part of a parcel of land described in a Certificate of Title if the boundaries of the part are described in the Certificate of Title other than by reference to a legal subdivision; or
- part of a parcel of land described in a Certificate of Title if the boundaries of the part are described in the Certificate of Title by reference to a Plan of Subdivision.
Lot area means the total area within the lot lines.
Lot depth means the distance between the midpoints of the front and rear lot lines.
Lot line means the legal boundary of a lot.
Lot width means the distance between the midpoints of the side lot lines.
In the case of:
- an irregularly shaped lot such as a pie lot, the width shall be the distance between the side lot lines at 9.0 m from the front lot line; or
- a reverse pie lot is the distance between the side lot lines 22.0 m from the front lot line.
Where lot width cannot be reasonably calculated by these methods, the development officer shall determine the lot width having regard to the access, shape and buildable area of the lot, and adjacent lots.
Lumen means a unit of luminous flux equal to the light emitted in a unit solid angle by a uniform point source of light.
Lux means the measurement of lumens per square metre of area.
Maintenance, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means the cleaning, painting, repair, or replacement of any defective parts of a sign in a manner that does not alter the basic design or structure of the sign and does not change the sign area.
Major pedestrian frontage zone, when used in Part 16: Centre in the Park zone, means 'Major Pedestrian Frontage Zone' as defined in the CITP ARP.
Mansard roof, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means a sloped roof or roof-like façade architecturally comparable to a building wall. For the purposes of the regulations in Part 5: Sign Regulations, the area of the mansard roof shall be determined by multiplying the width and the total vertical height, ignoring any slope.
Manufactured home (<20 feet wide) means a transportable single storey prefabricated dwelling unit with a skirted undercarriage that meets Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards and has a width less than 6.096 m. A manufactured home (<20 feet wide) uses steel lateral beams as both part of the transportation and floor system. This does not include a modular home, a park model trailer, a recreational vehicle or an industrial camp trailer.
Manufactured home (≥20 feet wide) means a transportable single storey prefabricated dwelling unit that meets Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards where the lesser dimension is equal to or greater than 6.096 m in width. A manufactured home (≥20 feet wide) may be towed in one or two sections to be joined together into one dwelling unit on site. Where there is an undercarriage, it is skirted. This does not include a manufactured home (<20 feet wide), a modular home, a park model trailer, a recreational vehicle or an industrial camp trailer.
Manufactured home community means a development for manufactured homes (<20 feet wide) or manufactured homes (≥20 feet wide) that does not have a registered plan of subdivision of individual lots. Spaces, or spaces with individual manufactured homes already sited on them, may be rented. Ownership and responsibility for the maintenance of internal roadways, underground services, communal areas and buildings, snow clearance, and garbage collection, together with general park operations, rests with the management.
Manufactured home space means a lot in a subdivision designed for manufactured homes (<20 feet wide) or manufactured homes (≥ 20 feet wide) or an area set aside and designated within a manufactured home community for the installation and placement of a manufactured home (<20 feet wide) or manufactured home (≥ 20 feet wide), including space for the exclusive accessory use by the owner or occupant of that manufactured home (<20 feet wide) or manufactured home (≥ 20 feet wide).
Marina means a facility that extends into or over a water body and provides service to the public or members for docking, loading or other servicing of watercraft.
Massage service (non-therapeutic) means a service providing the application of physical external manipulation of the soft tissues of the human body by another person. It does not include massages administered as part of a skin care treatment by an aesthetician (where the massage is for the purpose of product application and is a minor or incidental part of the treatment) or massages administered by medical or therapeutic professionals registered or entitled to practice under provincial legislation.
Massage therapy means a service where massages are administered by medical or therapeutic professionals registered or entitled to practice under provincial legislation or massages are administered as part of a skin care treatment by an aesthetician (where the massage is for the purpose of product application and is a minor or incidental part of the treatment).
Mature Neighbourhood Urban Form and Architectural Character Assessment means the Strathcona County Mature Neighbourhood Urban Form and Architectural Character Assessment dated February 2015, which is a technical background study prepared for the County that identifies the defining features of mature neighbourhoods that contribute to their unique character.
Mechanical penthouse means a structure projecting above a building roof or parapet housing an elevator shaft or stairwell, or forming a wall or screen around equipment mounted on the roof.
Median means any part of a roadway between vehicle travelling lanes which is not intended for vehicle traffic.
Menu board sign means a sign associated with a drive-through food services establishment and that is used to display food, beverages and their associated prices.
Mixed-use building, when used in Part 16: Centre in the Park zone, means a multi-storey building containing at least one residential use and at least one other non-residential use.
Mobile catering means the delivery and sale of food to the public using a fleet of vehicles.
Model aircraft means a scale-size aircraft used for recreational purposes with a weight not exceeding a total of 35 kg that may be mechanically driven, propelled or launched into flight and, that is not designed for, or capable of carrying persons or other living creatures.
Model aircraft facility* means an area on land or water that is used for flying model aircraft.
Motel means a building divided into self-contained sleeping or dwelling units, each with a separate exterior entrance and convenient access to on-site parking. Motels may include food services and personal service establishments.
Mural, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means an artistic rendering or drawing that is painted or otherwise applied to the exterior wall or other integral parts of a building and that is intended for public display but that does not include any advertising. A mural is not considered a sign.
Natural area means natural or sensitive lands owned by the County that are identified for conservation or nature appreciation or both.
Neighbourhood pub means premises where the primary purpose is the sale of alcoholic beverages and food for consumption on the site. This includes bars, and cocktail lounges.
Neighbouring, when used in section 13.4 MNO - Mature Neighbourhood Overlay, means up to three lots located immediately next to the subject lot, and on each side of the subject lot, on which the development is proposed.
Net floor area (NFA) means the gross floor areaof a building, less the area of stairways, elevators, mechanical areas, vertical service shafts, common corridors, lobbies, public washrooms, internal garbage storage and internal vehicular areas.
Nightclub means premises where the primary purpose is the sale of alcoholic beverages and food for consumption on site. A nightclub contains a portion of the floor area for entertainment. This includes, but is not limited to, dance clubs, cabarets, theatre restaurants, and banquet facilities.
Non-accessory parking means vehicular parking that is intended for the use of residents, employees, or clients of a development not located on the development site. This includes surface parking lots and parking structures above or below grade.
Non-conforming building means a building:
- that is lawfully constructed or lawfully under construction at the date a Land Use Bylaw affecting the building or the land on which the building is situated becomes effective; and
- that on the date the Land Use Bylaw becomes effective does not, or when constructed will not, comply with the Land Use Bylaw.
Non-conforming use means a lawful specific use:
- being made of land or a building or intended to be made of a building lawfully under construction at the date a Land Use Bylaw affecting the land or building becomes effective; and
- that on the date the Land Use Bylaw becomes effective does not, or in the case of a building under construction will not, comply with the Land Use Bylaw.
Non-resident on-site employee means any person employed by the resident operator of a home business who normally works on the site of the home business more than a total of four hours in a consecutive seven-day period as part of their employment. Employees who work off-site or occasionally attend the site for less than this period of time in any seven-day period shall not be considered a non-resident on-site employee.
Nuisance means anything that in the opinion of the development authority may cause adverse effects to the amenities of the neighbourhood or interfere with the normal enjoyment of adjacent land or building. This could include that which creates or is liable to create:
- noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odour, heat, electrical interference, glare, light, fumes, fire, explosion, or any other hazard to health or safety; and
- unsightly or unsafe storage of goods, salvage, junk, waste or other materials.
Office means premises primarily for the provision of professional, management, administrative, consulting, or financial services in a non-residential setting. Typical uses include, but are not limited to, the offices of lawyers, accountants, travel agents, real estate and insurance firms, photographers and clerical agencies. This does not include the servicing and repair of goods, the sale of goods to the customer on the site, and the manufacture or handling of a product.
Oil recycling depot means the use of premises specifically intended for temporary storage of used automotive petroleum products and containers excluding any dangerous or hazardous materials or containers. Materials temporarily stored on-site shall be limited to residential products.
Open house sign means an A-frame sign advertising a public viewing of a dwelling or dwelling unit that is for sale or for rent.
Open space means public lands that provide social and environmental benefit and may include outdoor infrastructure that provides an identity or sense of place for the community. Open space includes, but is not limited to, landscaped areas, natural areas, recreational areas and outdoor community gathering spaces.
Outdoor motorized vehicle recreation facility means a facility for vehicular or motorized sports activities, or both, conducted outdoors. This includes, but is not limited to, sport recreation vehicle facilities such as motor bikes, snowmobiles, motor vehicle racecourses and boating facilities.
Outdoor recreation means outdoor facilities used for recreational activities, which utilize tracts of land and may require accessory facilities or structures. This includes, but is not limited to, cross-country ski trails, ice rinks, playgrounds, ski hills, sports fields and paintball.
Outdoor storage means the storage of equipment, goods, and materials in the open air. This includes, but is not limited to, pipe yards, vehicle or heavy equipment storage compounds, storage of construction material, or storage unrelated to the principal use of the lot or site. This does not include storage that is accessory to the principal use or recreational vehicle storage.
Overlay means additional regulations or restrictions placed on specific areas of the Zoning Map, which supersede or add to the regulations of the underlying zone.
Owner, as it respects land, means the Crown or the owner(s) registered at the Land Titles Office of Alberta of an estate in fee simple, any other person(s) having a legal interest in the lot or site, or an authorized agent designated in writing.
Painted wall sign means a sign that is painted, inscribed or marked directly on any exterior wall or other integral part of a building but does not include a fascia sign or a mural.
Parapet or parapet wall means that portion of a perimeter building wall that rises above the roof.
Parcel means the aggregate of the one or more areas of land described in a certificate of title or described in a certificate of title by reference to a plan filed or registered in a land titles office.
Park means a use where public land is specifically designed or reserved for the general public for active or passive recreation, or for educational, cultural or aesthetic purposes, and includes all natural areas and landscaped areas. This includes, but is not limited to, playing fields, playgrounds, picnic grounds, trails, amphitheaters, bike parks, skateboard parks, dog off-leash areas, natural areas, water features, and related accessory buildings.
Park model trailer means a recreational unit that conforms to the appropriate standards for park model trailers at the time of manufacture.
Parking space means an on-site space of the size and dimensions to park one vehicle in conformance with Part 4 of this bylaw exclusive of driveways, aisles, ramps, or obstructions. In the case of a residential lot within the Urban Service Area or hamlets, parking spaces may be located on the driveway exclusive of the sidewalk.
Party wall means a wall jointly owned and jointly used under an easement agreement or by right in law and erected at or upon a line separating two parcels of land, each of which is, or is capable of being, a separate lot.
Patio means a floor structure less than 0.6 m in height above finished grade and without a roof or walls. A patio is designed and intended for use as an outdoor amenity area.
Pawnshop means premises involved in the loaning of money on the security of personal property deposited.
Pedestrian infrastructure means infrastructure installed specifically for pedestrians. Pedestrian infrastructure typically includes, but is not limited to, bus shelters, lighting infrastructure, pedestrian islands, street furniture, traffic calming infrastructure, or wayfinding infrastructure.
Pedestrian scaled means of a scale intended for the use of pedestrians, rather than vehicles.
Pedestrian through zone, when used in Part 16: Centre in the Park zone , means 'Pedestrian Through Zone' as defined in the CITP ARP.
Permanent sign means a sign that cannot be readily relocated because of its attachment to the site. It does not include a banner sign, inflatable sign or a flag sign, but includes signs painted on, or attached to a motor vehicle if the vehicle is parked on a regular basis to act as a sign.
Permitted use means those uses of land, buildings, or structures for which a development permit shall be approved by the development officer, if the development meets all applicable regulations of this bylaw.
Personal service establishment means premises that provide personal services to an individual that are related to the care and appearance of the body or the cleaning and repair of personal effects. This includes, but is not limited to, an aesthetician, hairstylist, barber shop, nail salon, dry cleaning outlet, laundromat, shoe repair, seamstress or tailor.
Pick-up/drop-off space means a parking space allotted for short term stops where the driver does not leave the vicinity of the vehicle.
Pie lot means a lot which is generally configured such that its width at the rear lot line is greater than at its front lot line.
Pipeline as defined under the Pipeline Act.
Planned site means one lot or an area of land consisting of two or more abutting lots having a common interest, use or development and which may include private roadways.
Podium means the base of a building which supports a tower of a smaller width, length or both.
Porch means a covered unenclosed shelter projecting in front of the entrance of a principal building.
Portable sign means a sign that has independent supports and is easily moveable, with a flat copy area of one or two sides to which copy can be applied and, that is designed to allow for the message or advertising to be changed frequently and easily.
Post sign means a sign consisting of a base of one or more upright posts, rods, poles, stakes or similar support, placed in or on the ground and that has a flat copy area, with one or two sides to which copy can be applied.
Primary architectural style, when used in section 13.4 MNO - Mature Neighbourhood Overlay, means the dominant architectural style of a development.
Primary building face, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means one side of a building that fronts onto a public road, internal road or an internal parking lot and, that is the main focus of external advertising. This side of the building generally includes the main public access into the building or business as well as the address of the building.
Principal building means a building that accommodates the principal use of a lot or site.
Principal dwelling means a permanent dwelling unit that occupies the entirety of a building or a larger gross floor area than another dwelling unit within the same building.
Principal use means a use that, in the opinion of the development officer:
- occupies the major or central portion of a lot or site; or
- is the main building or use among one or more buildings or uses on a site; or
- that constitutes, by reason of its use, the primary purpose for which the site is used.
There shall be no more than one principal use on each site, except where otherwise indicated in this bylaw.
Private airstrip means a runway for the takeoff or landing of private, non-commercial aircraft only and includes the necessary building and structure to store the aircraft owned by the property owner(s) of the site. This does not include the landing of helicopters.
Private amenity space means a space in the form of a landscaped area located within the same lot or unit as the dwelling unit, or a deck, patio or balcony which is attached to the dwelling unit and that is provided for the exclusive use of that dwelling unit.
Private camp means premises or land for the social or recreational activities of members of a non‑profit, religious, philanthropic, athletic, or business organization generally with an outdoor emphasis. A private camp may include rooms for sleeping, eating, drinking and assembly purposes.
Private club means premises or land used for the meeting, social, or recreational activities of members of a philanthropic, social service, non-profit, athletic, business or fraternal organization. Private clubs may include rooms for eating, drinking, and general assembly.
Private education means premises for instruction and education not maintained at public expense and which offers courses equivalent or similar to those offered in a public school. This may include a dormitory, an accessory building, or school bus parking.
Private sale sign means an A-frame sign or a post sign advertising a private sale of personal property such as a garage sale, or rummage sale, but excludes advertising the sale of land.
Prohibited use means a use listed in an overlay as a prohibited use for which the development officer shall not accept a development permit application for that use regardless of whether the use is permitted or discretionary in the underlying zone.
Projecting sign means a single solid structure affixed upright and perpendicular against the exterior façade of a building that supports a copy area with one or two sides to which copy can be applied.
Projection means any portion of a building or structure as outlined in section 3.12 of this bylaw which extends into a required setback.
Public airport means any area designed, prepared, equipped or set aside for the arrival, departure, movement or servicing of commercial and private aircraft; it includes any associated buildings, installations, open space, and equipment. This also includes aircraft and airport-related manufacturing and services.
Public education means premises that are publicly supported and involve public assembly for education, training or instruction purposes, and include the administration offices required for the provision of such services on the same site. This includes, but is not limited to, a public school, a separate school, a community college, a university, a technical and vocational school, their administrative offices or school bus parking.
Public notice, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means a message of interest or warning to the public in general and that is required by, or erected pursuant to, the provisions of federal, provincial or local government legislation, regulation, bylaw or policy.
Public space, when used in Part 16: Centre in the Park zone, means an area of land or a development that is open to the public.
Public utility means a system or works used to provide water or steam, sewage disposal, public transportation operated by or on behalf of the municipality, irrigation, drainage, fuel, electric power, heat, waste management, telecommunications, and includes the thing that is provided for public consumption, benefit, convenience or use.
Publicly accessible amenity space means open space that is publicly or privately owned, and that is provided for the use of the public. Publicly accessible amenity space typically includes courtyards, gardens, playgrounds, plazas, parks or publicly accessible interior connections.
Quantitative risk assessment means the numerical evaluation of the likelihood of undesired events and the likelihood of harm or damage being caused together with the significance of the results.
Real estate sign means a post sign or a consolidated post sign that advertises property for sale, lease or, rent.
Rear lot line means the lot line opposite to, and most distant from, the front lot line; or where there is no such property line, the point of intersection of any property lines other than a front lot line which is furthest from and opposite the front lot line.
Rear yard means the portion of a lot or site abutting the rear lot line extending across the full width of the lot or site, situated between the rear lot line and the nearest wall of the principal building, not including projections.
Reclamation plan is a description of the procedures used to return the site to equivalent land capability (this may involve returning the site to conditions and land uses that are similar to the pre-development setting or, in some instances, to an approved alternate land use different than before). It is based on pre-disturbance site assessments of soil, landscape, vegetation, and land use.
Recreational vehicle means a vehicle or trailer that is designed, constructed and equipped, either temporarily or permanently, as a temporary accommodation for travel or vacation purposes, or a vehicle used for recreation purposes and includes, but is not limited to, motor homes, slide-in campers, chassis mounted campers (whether located on a truck or other vehicle or not), travel trailers, tent trailers, boats, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles and the trailer used to transport any of the aforementioned.
Recreational vehicle storage major* means a principal or accessory use where recreational vehicles are stored on a site when they are not in use. This does not include camping, the storage of equipment, containers or abandoned vehicles.
Recreational vehicle storage minor* means a use where recreational vehicles are stored on a site when they are not in use, and the number of vehicles stored is limited based on the size of the parcel. This does not include camping, the storage of equipment, containers or abandoned vehicles.
Recycling depot means premises used for the buying, collection, sorting, and temporary storage of bottles, cans, newspapers and similar household goods for reuse where all storage is contained within an enclosed building.
Religious assembly major* means a building where people regularly assemble for worship and related religious, philanthropic or social activities, and where the seating capacity exceeds 250 seats or the maximum size of the building or structure exceeds 930 m² in gross floor area. This includes, but is not limited to, churches, chapels, mosques, temples, synagogues, convents, and monasteries as well as accessory manses or rectories.
Religious assembly minor* means a building where people regularly assemble for worship and related religious, philanthropic or social activities, and where the seating capacity does not exceed 250 seats or the maximum size of the building or structure does not exceed 930 m². This includes, but is not limited to, churches, chapels, mosques, temples and synagogues. It also includes accessory manses or rectories.
Residential business sign means a sign installed, erected or displayed to identify a business located on a lot within a residential zone and contains only the name of the business on-site.
Residential sales centre* means a building used during limited hours on a temporary basis for the purpose of marketing residential land or buildings.
Residential security/operator unit means an accessory use to provide on-site accommodation by the employer for persons employed on the property, a residence for the site caretaker or operator of a commercial establishment, or for the on-duty security personnel at a storage facility when listed in a zone. No more than one residential security/operator unit is permitted on a site.
Resort site means an area of land that:
- is used for seasonal short-term accommodation for individuals within a cabin, or recreational vehicle; and
- is at least 183.0 m2 in area, 8.5 m wide, and 21.5 m deep.
Resort site does not include land used for accommodation for persons within a boarding or lodging house, hotel, manufactured home (<20 feet wide), manufactured home (≥20 feet wide), modular home, motel, or park model trailer.
Restaurant means premises where the primary purpose is the sale of prepared foods and beverages to the public for consumption on or off the site. This use typically has a varied menu, with a fully equipped kitchen and preparation area.
Reverse pie lot means a lot which is generally configured such that its width at the rear lot line is less than at its front lot line.
Right-of-way means the right to pass over or through real property owned by someone else, usually based upon an easement with a dominant and servient tenement.
Riparian area means transitional areas between upland and aquatic ecosystems. Riparian areas usually have soil, biological and other physical characteristics that reflect the influence of water and hydrological processes.
Risk means the measure of the probability and severity of an adverse effect due to a hazard.
Risk assessment means the characterization of the likelihood and importance of risks. Risk assessments involve estimating:
- the likelihood or expected frequencies of undesirable events;
- consequences to people of these undesirable events; and
- the associated risk in quantitative terms based upon Major Industrial Accidents Council of Canada (MIACC) methodology.
Road as defined in Part 17 of the Municipal Government Act.
Roof pitch, when used in section 13.3 MNO - Mature Neighbourhood Overlay, means the vertical rise of the roof divided by the horizontal run of the roof, for the dominant portion of the roof visible from a road. The calculation of roof pitch conforms to the below diagram:
Roofline means the horizontal line made by the intersection of the wall of the building with the roof of the building or the top of the edge of the parapet. In the case of a building with a pitched roof, the roofline shall be at the eave level.
Rotating sign means a freestanding sign consisting of a base placed in or on the ground with a copy area or portion thereof that rotates around an upright axis in either a clockwise or counterclockwise motion. This shall not include a changeable display feature or an electronic message feature.
Rural road means a road located outside of:
- the Urban Service Area;
- a designated hamlet; and
- a multi-parcel subdivision.
This does not include a provincial highway.
Rural Service Area as identified in the County's Municipal Development Plan.
Satellite dish means an accessory structure designed to send or receive telecommunication signals from a satellite.
School bus parking* means the overnight parking of operational and licensed school bus or buses on a lot.
Seasonal recreational resort* means development that:
- consists of an area of land that has been planned and improved and is used for a seasonal short-term period;
- contains 60 or less resort sites;
- may have resort sites located on the same lot or on adjacent bare land condominium units; and
- may have accessory uses including, but not limited to, administrative offices, boating facilities, laundry facilities, picnic grounds, playgrounds, sanitary facilities, and indoor or outdoor space designed for recreational use.
Secondary building face, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means any side of a building that is not intended to be the main focus of external advertising and does not include the main public access into the building.
Secondary suite* means an additional dwelling unit that is located within a single dwelling, semi-detached dwelling or townhouse dwelling. (Bylaw 46-2024)
Second-hand retail means premises used for the retail sale, including refurbishing and repair, of second-hand or used household goods. This includes but is not limited to, the resale of items such as antiques, used furniture, major appliances, and the resale of clothing, jewelry, entertainment electronics and musical instruments. This does not include the sale of used vehicles, recreation craft, or construction and industrial equipment.
Semi-detached building means a building containing two dwelling units, each with a separate exterior entrance at grade that shares a vertical party wall with the adjoined dwelling unit.
Semi-detached dwelling means one of the two dwelling units within a semi-detached building.
Senior citizen housing means accommodation constructed and financed in accordance with provincial legislation.
Service station major means premises used for the sale of gasoline, other petroleum products, and a limited range of vehicle parts and accessories and the servicing, washing, or repairing of vehicles. Accessory uses include, but are not limited to, restaurant, specialty food service, convenience retail, or a combination. Truck stops and highway service stations are included in this use.
Service station minor means premises used for the sale of gasoline, petroleum products, and a limited range of automotive parts and accessories and the washing, servicing or repair of vehicles within a building containing not more than three service bays. Service station minor may include convenience retail as an accessory use.
Setback means the measured distance from a lot line to a building or structure or any other feature specified by this bylaw. A setback is not a yard or amenity space.
Shopping centre means one or more buildings containing more than six retail stores and other businesses exceeding 2500 m2 of gross floor area, which share common services, parking, and other facilities on one or more lots.
Show home sign, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means a sign that advertises or directs attention to a show home or a residential sales centre.
Side lot line means any lot boundary that is not a front or rear lot line.
Side yard means that portion of a lot or site abutting a side lot line extending from the front yard to the rear yard and the nearest wall of the principal building, not including projections.
Sign, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means a device, notice, or medium, including its support system and other components, that is used or is intended or capable of being used, to attract attention for advertising, identification or, for information purposes.
Sign area, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means the areas of a sign that are available for copy (excluding the main support structure).
Single dwelling means a permanent, detached building containing one dwelling unit. This includes modular homes that conform to the National Building Code, Alberta edition. (Bylaw 39-2024)
Site means one lot or an area of land consisting of two or more abutting lots with a shared development.
Site coverage means the ratio of the ground floor area of all existing or proposed buildings to the lot area or site area, as applicable. Within this bylaw, site coverage shall be expressed as a percentage. The calculation of site coverage shall not include steps, eaves, cornices, cantilevered balconies, or similar projections, open courtyards, decks, terraces, patios, driveways, aisles, canopy areas for service stations, or parking pads.
Site depth means the average horizontal distance between the front lot line and rear lot line.
Site grading means any work, operation or activity resulting in a disturbance of the earth. This includes the removal of topsoil or borrow, the stock piling, excavating, trenching, backfilling, filling, land levelling, re-contouring, and grading independent of another approved development. This does not include the installation or removal of any landscaping required by this bylaw. Site grading is a discretionary use in all zones.
Sleeping unit means a habitable room, or a group of two or more habitable rooms, which are not equipped with self-contained cooking facilities, and which provide sleeping accommodation for residents, overnight guests or both. In a bed and breakfast, a sleeping unit does not accommodate more than two adults. In accessory agricultural housing, a sleeping unit does not accommodate more than one adult.
Solar collector means a non-reflective accessory structure used to collect sunlight that is part of a system used to convert radiant energy from the sun into thermal or electrical energy.
Special event, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means an event, the duration of which is temporary in nature and, which is limited to a farmers' market, an exhibition, a fair, a carnival, a festival, a recreational competition, or other similar event or activity.
Special event sign means a temporary sign erected to advertise a special event.
Specialty food service means premises where limited types of prepared foods and beverages are offered for sale to the public for consumption primarily off-site. This use relies primarily on walk-in clientele and typically include, but are not limited to, coffee shop, bakery, cheese shop, juice bar or dessert shop.
Spectator entertainment means an enclosed building designed specifically for the presentation of live artistic performances or the showing of motion pictures. Typical uses include, but are not limited to, auditoria, cinemas, theatres, and concert halls. This does not include entertainment developments associated with nightclubs.
Spectator sport means indoor and outdoor facilities intended for sports and athletic events that are held primarily for public entertainment,. This includes gymnasiums, stadiums, and arenas.
Stacked townhouse dwelling means a building containing three or more dwelling units, each with a separate external entrance and separated from the other dwelling units vertically, horizontally or both.
Stepback means the entire horizontal distance that a storey of a building is set back from the below storey.
Storey means that portion of a building that is between the top of any floor and the top of the floor above it. If there is no floor above, the storey is the portion of the building that is between the top of any floor and the ceiling above it.
Streetscape, when used in section 13.3 MNO - Mature Neighbourhood Overlay, means neighbouring lots that are visible from a road when facing the front of the lot on which a development is proposed to be located. An example of streetscape in a mature neighbourhood is set out in the diagram below:
Structure means development other than a building that is fixed to, supported by, or sunk into land or water. This includes, but is not limited to, towers, flag poles, swimming pools, docks, signs, storage tanks and excludes areas of hard surfacing and landscaping.
Studio dwelling means a dwelling unit in which the sleeping and living areas are combined.
Subdivision as defined in Part 17 of the Municipal Government Act.
Subdivision And Development Appeal Board means a subdivision and development appeal board established by County Bylaw 56-2017 in accordance with the Municipal Government Act.
Subdivision authority means the Subdivision Authority established by County Bylaw 83-2003 in accordance with the Municipal Government Act.
Sun/shadow impact study means a technical document that provides a visual model and written description of the impact of shadows cast by a development on adjacent land.
Tandem parking means two parking spaces, one behind the other, with a common or shared point of access to a maneuvering aisle, lane or road.
Temporary care dwelling* means a temporary dwelling unit used to accommodate person(s) with a personal care and support relationship with the residents of a dwelling unit on the same lot. A temporary care dwelling is not considered to be accessory development.
Temporary development means development for which a development permit has been issued for a limited time only.
Temporary dwelling (construction)* means a dwelling to be located on a lot on a temporary basis while a new dwelling is being constructed on the same lot.
Temporary shelter service means the provision of communal accommodation sponsored or supervised by a public authority or non-profit agency intended to provide basic lodgings for persons requiring immediate shelter and assistance for a short period of time.
Temporary sign means a sign that is not a permanent sign and that is designed and intended to be displayed for a short period of time.
Third party advertising, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means advertising which directs attention to a business, merchandise, service, activity or entertainment which is conducted, sold or offered elsewhere other than on the parcel or road right-of-way on which the sign is located.
Top of bank means the top of a water body's valley or ravine. Where a bank is not well defined (i.e., in the case of lakes and wetlands) the top of bank shall be equivalent to the 1:100 year floodplain.
Tower means the portion of a building located above the podium.
Tower, when used in Part 16: Centre in the Park zone, means the portion of a building located above the podium that has a width, length, or both a width and length that is smaller than the podium.
Townhouse building means a building containing three or more dwelling units each with a separate external entrance that shares no more than two vertical party walls with adjoined dwelling units. No part of any townhouse dwelling is placed over another in part or whole.
Townhouse dwelling means a dwelling unit within a townhouse building, not including a secondary suite. (Bylaw 46-2024)
Transition zone, when used in Part 16: Centre in the Park zone , means 'Transition Zone' as defined in the CITP ARP.
Tree clearing means the cutting down or removal of trees or both other than for commercial logging. It does not include the removal of any landscaping required by this bylaw. Tree clearing is a discretionary use in all zones.
Truck and manufactured home sale/rental means premises primarily used for the on-site sale or rental of new or used trucks, recreational vehicles, manufactured homes (<20 feet wide), manufactured homes (≥20 feet wide) or a combination thereof. This includes, but is not limited to, incidental maintenance services, the sale of parts and accessories and automobile sales. This includes, but is not limited to, truck dealerships, recreational vehicle sales and manufactured home dealerships.
Unsubdivided quarter section as defined in the Matters Related to Subdivision and Development Regulation.
Urban Service Area as identified in the County's Municipal Development Plan.
Urban square, when used in Part 16: Centre in the Park zone , means the plaza including a clock tower located in front of Savona Centre and the Community Centre.
Use means the purposes for which land or a building is utilized or intended, or for which either land, a building, or a structure is, or may be, occupied and maintained.
Utility service major means a facility for utility infrastructure purposes which is likely to have a major impact on adjacent uses by virtue of their potential emissions or effects, or their appearance. This includes, but is not limited to, sewage treatment plants, water treatment plants, major pump houses, water towers or storage tanks, sewage lagoons, snow dumping sites, sludge disposal beds, garbage transfer and compacting stations, power terminal and distributing stations, power generating stations, cooling plants, equipment and material storage yards for vehicles, utilities and services, district heating plants, incinerators, and waste recycling plants.
Utility service minor means a facility for utility infrastructure purposes which is likely to have only minor impact on the environment or adjacent land uses by virtue of its appearance, noise, size, traffic generation or operational characteristics. This includes, but is not limited to a stormwater management facility, minor pump houses, wireless communication facilities, transit terminals, district energy and/or heating systems, and gate stations for natural gas distribution.
Variance means the flexibility that may be exercised by the development officer to vary the regulations of this bylaw.
Vehicle means a motor vehicle as defined in the Traffic Safety Act.
Vehicle repair major means the servicing and mechanical repair of automobiles, light trucks and utility vehicles, motorcycles, snowmobiles, recreational vehicles, and similar vehicles or the sale, installation or servicing of related accessories and parts. This includes, but is not limited to, transmission shops, muffler shops, tire shops, automotive glass shops, and upholstery shops.
Vehicle repair minor means the servicing and mechanical repair of automobiles, light trucks and utility vehicles, motorcycles, snowmobiles, and similar vehicles. This does not include transmission shops, muffler shops, tire shops, automotive glass shops, or upholstery shops.
Vehicle sale/rental means the retail sale or rental of new or used vehicles, bicycles, motorcycles, snowmobiles, tent trailers, boats, travel trailers or similar light recreational vehicles, together with incidental maintenance services, sales of parts and accessories. This includes automobile dealerships but does not include dealerships for the sale of trucks with a gross vehicle weight of more than 4,100 kg or the sale of motor homes with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 5,500 kg or a length greater than 6.7 m.
Vehicular-oriented use means a use that predominantly caters to vehicle traffic. Vehicular-oriented uses include, but are not limited to, gas bars, service stations, financial institutions, and drive-through services.
Vermiculture means development for the raising and production of earthworms for use as bait, composting or soil aeration.
Veterinary service major means the care and treatment of animals including livestock, where the veterinary service primarily involves outpatient care and medical procedures involving hospitalization for fewer than four days. Typical uses include veterinary clinics and veterinary offices for the care of animals. This use may include accessory outdoor storage.
Veterinary service minor means the care and treatment of animals where the on-site veterinary service primarily involves outpatient care and minor medical procedures involving hospitalization for fewer than four days for small animals. Typical uses include, but are not limited to, pet clinics.
Video display, when used in Part 5: Sign Regulations, means a device such as a television, computer monitor, flat panel display, plasma screen or similar medium used as a sign.
Walkout basement means a storey of a building located below the first storey and having at least one wall wholly or partially above grade.
Walkway means a right-of-way intended to carry pedestrian and non-motorized traffic (except for mobility aids) only, except that a walkway may be designed for maintenance and emergency vehicle use.
Warehouse sales means premises used for the wholesale or retail sale of a limited range of goods from within an enclosed building where the size and nature of the principal goods being sold typically require large floor areas for direct display to the purchaser or consumer. This includes, but is not limited to, development where principal goods being sold are furniture, carpet, major appliances, and building materials.
Warehouse and storage means the use of a building primarily for the keeping of goods and merchandise that may include outdoor accessory storage. This does not include the storage of dangerous or hazardous materials, inoperable vehicles (or parts thereof), or any waste material.
Waste management major means a site used primarily for the storage, processing, treatment and disposal of solid or liquid wastes or both, which may have adverse environmental impact on adjacent sites by virtue of potential emissions, appearance or both. This includes sanitary landfills, garbage transfer and compacting stations, recycling facilities or incinerators.
Waste management minor means a site used for the storage, disposal and filling of clean clay, waste concrete and paving materials, non-noxious scrap building materials, and similar non-hazardous wastes which normally do not generate any environmental pollution to the site and surrounding lands.
Water body as defined in the Water Act.
Watercourse as defined in the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act. This does not include a municipal stormwater management facility.
WECS*, also known as Wind Energy Conversion System, means the equipment, machinery or structures utilized in connection with the conversion of the kinetic energy available in the wind into mechanical energy. This includes a tower, rotor blades and nacelle.
WECS blade or Blade means an element of a WECS rotor which acts as a single airfoil, thereby extracting kinetic energy directly from the wind.
WECS blade clearance means in reference to a horizontal axis rotor, the distance from grade to the bottom of the rotor's arc.
WECS guy wire means a cable or wire used to support a tower.
WECS horizontal axis rotor means a WECS, where the rotor is mounted on a downward 5 % angle to the earth's surface.
WECS large multiple means multiple freestanding turbine structures that each have a manufacturer's maximum rated output of 300 kW or greater and are each greater than 60.0 m in height.
WECS large single means a single freestanding turbine structure that has a manufacturer's maximum rated output of 300 kW or greater and is greater than 60.0 m in height.
WECS micro means a turbine that has a manufacturer's maximum rated output of less than 10 kW or less and is intended for on-site purposes only.
WECS nacelle means the frame and housing at the top of the tower that encloses the gearbox and generator and protects them from the weather.
WECS name plate capacity means the manufacturer's maximum rated output of the electrical generator found in the WECS nacelle.
WECS over speed control means a device which prevents excessive rotor speed.
WECS rotor’s arc means the largest circumferential path traveled by a WECS blade.
WECS small means a freestanding single turbine structure that has manufacturer's maximum rated output of 10 kW or greater but less than 300 kW and is intended for on-site purposes only.
WECS total height means the height from grade to the highest vertical extension of a WECS. In the case of a WECS with a horizontal axis rotor, total height includes the distance from grade to the top of the tower, plus the distance from the top of the tower to the highest point of the rotor's arc.
WECS tower means the structure which supports the rotor above grade.
WECS vertical axis rotor means a WECS where the rotor is mounted on an axis perpendicular to the earth's surface.
Wetland means land saturated with water long enough to promote wetland or aquatic processes.
Window sign means a sign, picture, symbol, or combination thereof, that is painted, pasted, inscribed or otherwise placed on a window for viewing from the outside of the building or premises and does not include merchandise located in a window for display purposes.
Wireless communication facility* means the components, either individually or in combination, needed to operate wireless transmitters or receivers, antennas, control equipment, and possible equipment shelter. A wireless communication facility is not normally staffed on a permanent basis and only requires periodic maintenance.
Wrecking yard means any land or building used for the collection, demolition, dismantling, storage, salvage, recycling or sale of waste materials including scrap metal, vehicles not in operable condition or used parts of motor vehicles machinery, and other discarded materials.
Zone means an area of the County as defined in Parts 7 to 16 and described on the Zoning Maps in Schedule A of this bylaw. Zone, as used in this bylaw, means districts as referenced in section 640(2) of the Municipal Government Act.