Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 10 : Mixed Use Zones

10.1  MU1 – Centennial Mixed Use 1



To provide for compact, pedestrian-oriented mixed-use development on Lot A, Plan 6676KS within the boundaries of the Centennial Area Structure Plan.



Subject to any fundamental use criteria for certain uses set out below, the permitted uses and the discretionary uses for this zone are listed in Table 10.1(A).

Table 10.1(A) Permitted and Discretionary Uses

Permitted uses

Discretionary uses

Alcohol retail*^

Animal grooming and care

Apartment dwelling

Business support service^

Assisted living facility^

Commercial school^

Cannabis retail*^

Gas bar

Care centre intermediate^


Care centre major^

Service station minor

Congregate housing^

WECS small*

Convenience retail^


Financial service^


General retail^


Government service^


Health service minor^


Home business minor*


Household repair service


Indoor recreation^


Neighbourhood pub^




Personal service establishment^




Secondhand retail^


Senior citizen housing^


Specialty food service^


Veterinary service minor


* Refer to Part 6: Specific Use Regulations for additional regulations pertaining to this use.

^ Refer to Section 13.2 IHO 1.5 – Heavy Industrial Transition Overlay 0 km to 1.5 km and Section 13.3 IHO 3.0 – Heavy Industrial Transition Overlay 1.5 km to 3.0 km for limitations and/or additional regulations that may apply to this use.

Development Regulations


Development must comply with Table 10.1(B).

Table 10.1(B) Development Regulations: Principal Building






Maximum height

46.0 m


A building with a height greater than 23.0 m shall address massing and building articulation in accordance with the following regulations:

(i) A stepback shall be required between a minimum height of 3.5 m and a maximum height of 13.0 m;

(ii) The building shall include design elements that create a pedestrian-oriented built form such as, but not limited to, articulation around entranceways, roof treatment, building articulation, and the architectural treatment of the facades; and

(iii) The base of the building shall incorporate weather protection in the form of a wide canopy or any other architectural element on facades wherever active commercial frontages exist.


Where a tower and podium are utilized:

(i) The podium shall be a minimum height of 3.5 m and shall not exceed 13.0 m;

(ii) The tower shall be differentiated from the podium, but should reinforce some of the design details, materials and architectural details from the podium;

(iii) The tower shall stepback from the podium wall a minimum of 3.0 m; and

(iv) The minimum distance between a tower and another tower shall be 20.0 m.

Minimum setbacks


From a lot line abutting Sherwood Drive

6.0 m


From a side lot line

2.0 m


From a side lot line, for a building with more than three storeys

2.0 m plus 1.0 m per additional storey or partial storey above the third storey


From a rear lot line

3.0 m

Maximum setback


From a front lot line abutting Sherwood Drive, for a gas bar or service station minor use or both

60.0 m

Maximum gross floor area


Within a mixed use building, for any of the following uses:

(i) Alcohol retail

(ii) Animal grooming and care

(iii) Business support service

(iv) Cannabis retail

(v) Commercial school

(vi) Convenience retail

(vii) General retail

(viii) Household repair service

(ix) Indoor recreation

(x) Neighbourhood pub

(xi) Restaurant

(xii) Secondhand retail

150 m2


Within a standalone commercial building, for any of the following uses:

(i) Alcohol retail

(ii) Animal grooming and care

(iii) Business support service

(iv) Cannabis retail

(v) Commercial school

(vi) General retail

(vii) Household repair service

(viii) Indoor recreation

(ix) Neighbourhood pub

(x) Restaurant

(xi) Secondhand retail

254 m2


Within a standalone commercial building, for the following use:

(i) Convenience retail

235 m2

Site Density


Minimum residential density

100 du/nrha

Additional Development Regulations


Gas bar and service station minor uses shall front onto Sherwood Drive.


Vehicular-oriented uses shall be located a minimum of 30.0 m from the principal entrance of a building where a residential use is located.


Outdoor storage areas shall not be permitted.


Resident parking shall be provided in underground or stacked parking facilities.


Loading and garbage collection areas shall be located at the rear or sides of the principal building and shall be screened from view from any adjacent properties and from any road.

Design Standards


Development shall incorporate an internal grid street pattern which contains sidewalks that are:

  1. (a) a minimum 1.2 m in width on both sides of the internal private street; and
  2. (b) a minimum 2.44 m in width along the entire length of the building façade which contains a principal entry.

Internal private streets may contain on street parking along both sides of the internal private street.


The layout of parking areas shall address the interrelation of pedestrian, vehicular and bicycle circulation to provide continuous, direct pedestrian access with a minimum of driveway and drive aisle crossings. Remedial treatments such as raised pedestrian crossings, forecourts and landings, special paving, light or bollards shall be provided where a pedestrian is expected to cross a driveway or drive aisle.


Surface parking areas shall be located at the rear of buildings or interior of sites and be designed in smaller clusters, with landscaped areas separating sidewalks, adjacent parking areas and buildings.


Parking, loading and passenger drop-off areas are required to be easily accessible and designed to minimize pedestrian-vehicle conflicts.


Complementary and consistent signage and wayfinding materials shall be incorporated into site design to ensure clear and identifiable connections throughout the site and connecting sites.


Design of the buildings and site features shall have a common architectural theme, principal design elements, finishing materials, colours and roof styles. These elements shall be applied to each building, with minor variations, regardless of the staging sequence of development.


Non-vehicular-oriented buildings shall be designed to front directly onto internal private streets with principal entrances oriented towards the sidewalk of the internal private street, to create street-oriented products with areas for outdoor seating and patios incorporated into the streetscape.


Projections from apartment buildings, such as, awnings, porticos, eaves, unenclosed balconies, shade protection, and similar architectural features that are not considered part of the interior space of the building, may project up to 1.2 m into the minimum building setback, provided there is no encroachment onto an easement, utility right-of-way or over a property line.


Mechanical equipment on the roof of any building shall be concealed by incorporating it within the building roof, or by screening it in a way that is consistent with the character and finishing of the building.


All building façades shall include design elements, materials, and articulation that reduces the perceived mass of the building façade and adds architectural interest. Blank walls are not permitted on any façade of a building.


Horizontal stretches of uninterrupted façade shall not exceed 12.0 m in length.   

Last updated: Friday, January 17, 2025
Page ID: 51916