Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw
Part 10 : Mixed Use Zones
10.2 MU2 – Salisbury Village Mixed Use 2
To provide for pedestrian-oriented mixed-use development consisting of residential and/or commercial land uses within the boundaries of the Salisbury Village Area Structure Plan.
Subject to any fundamental use criteria for certain uses set out below, the permitted uses and the discretionary uses for this zone are listed in Table 10.2(A).
Table 10.2(A) Permitted and Discretionary Uses
* Refer to Part 6: Specific Use Regulations for additional regulations pertaining to this use.
Subdivision Regulations
Subdivision must comply with Table 10.2(B).
Table 10.2(B) Subdivision Regulations
Subsection |
Regulation |
Measurement |
(a) |
Minimum lot width |
30.0 m |
(b) |
Minimum lot width for a townhouse dwelling on an interior lot |
5.4 m |
(c) |
Minimum lot width for a townhouse dwelling on an end lot |
6.6 m |
(d) |
Minimum lot width for a townhouse dwelling on a corner lot |
8.4 m |
(e) |
Minimum lot depth for a townhouse dwelling |
33.0 m |
Development Regulations
Development must comply with Table 10.2(C) and Table 10.2(D).
Table 10.2(C) Development Regulations: Principal Building
Subsection |
Regulation |
Measurement |
Height |
(a) |
Maximum height of a principal building |
23.0 m |
(b) |
Maximum height of a principal building within 100 metres of the eastern lot line abutting Range Road 232 |
10.0 m |
Minimum setbacks |
(c) |
From a lot line, for a principal building, as illustrated in the MU2 site plan below |
4.0 m |
Site Coverage |
(d) |
Maximum site coverage for all buildings |
65% |
Site Density |
(e) |
Maximum residential units in Area ‘A’, as illustrated in the MU2 site plan below |
250 dwelling units |
(f) |
Maximum residential units in Area ‘B’, as illustrated in the MU2 site plan below |
125 dwelling units |
Table 10.2(D) Development Regulations: Accessory Buildings
Subsection |
Regulation |
Measurement |
Height |
(a) |
Maximum height of accessory buildings and accessory structures |
4.5 m |
Minimum setbacks |
(b) |
From a lot line, for accessory buildings and accessory structures |
3.0 m |
MU2 Site Plan
Parking, Loading and Circulation Regulations
Resident parking shall be provided by on-street, underground or stacked parking facilities, or a combination thereof.
An internal private street may be created within the site to provide on-street parking.
The internal private street shall:
- (a) contain on-street parking along both sides of the street;
- (b) have marked pedestrian crossings that are located in a manner that provides continuous pedestrian connectivity of sidewalks and to primary building entrances;
- (c) include a minimum 1.2 m wide sidewalk along the entirety of both sides;
- (d) include a minimum 1.2 m wide landscaped area abutting the entirety of all sidewalks;
- (e) locate required benches, trash receptacles, bicycle parking, and lighting within the landscaped area; and
- (f) locate all signage outside the required 1.2 m sidewalk.
The layout of parking areas shall address the interrelation of pedestrian, vehicular and bicycle circulation to provide continuous, direct pedestrian access with driveway and drive aisle crossings. Remedial treatments such as raised pedestrian crossings, forecourts and landings, special paving, light or bollards shall be provided where a pedestrian is expected to cross a driveway or drive aisle.
Despite section 10.2(8), where enhanced landscaping is provided adjacent to a public road, a portion of surface parking may be located along Wye Road, Mitchell Street or Range Road 232.
Parking, loading and passenger drop-off areas shall be easily accessible and designed to minimize pedestrian-vehicle conflicts.
A well-defined pedestrian walkway shall be provided from an area south of the site shown on the MU2 site plan and extend north to Wye Road. This pedestrian walkway shall be a minimum width of 3.0 m and be an independent walkway within the site or incorporated into an internal private street or building sidewalk to the satisfaction of the development officer.
Loading and garbage collection areas shall be located at the rear or sides of the principal building and shall be screened from view from any adjacent properties and from any road.
Additional Development Regulations
Vehicle-oriented uses shall be located a minimum of 30.0 m from the principal entrance of a building where a residential use is located.
Outdoor storage areas shall not be permitted.
Design Standards
Sidewalks internal to the site shall have a minimum width of 1.2m.
Horizontal stretches of uninterrupted facade shall not exceed 12.0 m in length.
Mixed-use commercial/residential buildings shall:
- (a) create the appearance of regularly spaced frontages, and
- (b) include storefront windows.
Accessory buildings and structures shall conform to the architectural design and finish of the principal building.