Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 14 : Sustainable Urban Village Zones

14.24  Area 12 – Mixed-Use Commercial/Residential



The purpose of this development area is to provide opportunities for residential apartment development, commercial development or mixed-use development consisting of a combination of residential and commercial uses. Building orientation and parking areas will support pedestrian-friendly "main street' design and a pedestrian link will be provided from this development area into the park located west of the site.



Subject to any fundamental use criteria for certain uses set out below, the uses for this zone are listed in Table 14.24(A).

Table 14.24(A)  Uses


Animal grooming and care

Business support services

Care centre, intermediate

Care centre, major

Care centre, minor

Congregate housing

Dwelling, apartment

Financial service

Food Service, restaurant

Food Service, specialty

Government service

Health service, minor

Home business, minor

Home office

Household repair service


Neighbourhood pub


Personal service establishment

Retail, convenience

Retail, general

Retail, second hand

Veterinary service, minor

Fundamental Use Criteria


The commercial components within a mixed-use building shall be designed and located to minimize any impacts on the residential component of the development related to noise, traffic circulation or loss of privacy.

Development Regulations



  1. (a) The building setbacks are illustrated on Attachment "B" - Area 12 Site Plan.
  2. (b) The minimum building setback is 3.0 m along Mitchell Street, Salisbury Way, Tisbury Street and adjacent to Area 9.
  3. (c) Buildings should be sited along Tisbury Street or Salisbury Way at the minimum front setback where possible to a maximum of 12 metres from the property line.
  4. (d) Projections from buildings such as awnings, signs, porticos, eaves, unenclosed balconies, shade protection, and similar architectural features shall not encroach over a property line.


  1. (a) The maximum density shall be 140 units per net residential hectare.

Site coverage

  1. (a) The maximum site coverage is 65%.

Building heights

  1. (a) The maximum building height shall be a maximum 24.0 metres.

Parking requirements

  1. (a)  Resident and employee parking shall be provided through underground, stacked, or on-street parking or a combination thereof.
  2. (b)  An internal private street may be created within the site to provide additional on-street parking. The internal private street shall:
    1. (i) Be limited to parallel and/or angle parking;
    2. (ii) Have marked pedestrian crossings that are located in a manner that provides continuous pedestrian connectivity of sidewalks and to primary building entrances;
    3. (iii) Include a minimum 1.2m wide sidewalk along both sides of the entire internal private street;
    4. (iv) Include a minimum 1.2 m wide landscaped area abutting the entirety of all sidewalks;
    5. (v) Provide wheel stops for every parking space along the internal private street, where a minimum 1.2 m wide landscaped area is not located between the sidewalk and the internal private street, to prevent vehicular encroachment onto the sidewalks;
    6. (vi) Locate required benches, trash receptacles, bicycle parking, and lighting within the landscaped area; and
    7. (vii) Locate all signage outside the required 1.2 m sidewalk.
  3. (c)  The development officer may, at their discretion, vary the residential parking regulations if the developer demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the development officer, a reduced demand for parking through the introduction of a travel demand management program, which includes effective strategies, such as, a car share program and access to transit service within 30.0 m of this development,or a parking study prepared by a qualified professional.
  4. (d)  Parking should be setback from the street at the rear of buildings or interior of sites and be designed with landscaped areas.
  5. (e)  Loading and storage areas shall be located at the rear or sides of the building(s) and shall be screened from view from any adjacent sites or public roadways.

Accessory buildings

  1. (a) Accessory structures shall conform to the architectural design and finish of the principal building, and shall not exceed 4.5m in height.
  2. (b) Accessory structures shall have a setback of 3.0 metres from the property line or principal building.

Urban Design

  1. (a) Development abutting Tisbury Street and/or Salisbury Way shall encourage pedestrian activity, public interaction, and urban village character by use of a combination of the following design considerations:
    1. (i) Building facades should achieve a minimum of 75% frontage along Tisbury Street and Salisbury Way.
    2. (ii) Buildings along Tisbury Street or Salisbury Way shall conform to Section 5.1 of this Bylaw.
    3. (iii) Corner buildings should be treated as community focal points and shall conform to Section 5.1 of this Bylaw.
    4. (iv) Buildings shall front onto Tisbury Street and/or Salisbury Way, or be designed to appear to front onto Tisbury Street and/or Salisbury Way, to create an attractive public realm through the use of the following design elements:
      1. (A) Facades and rooflines on the sides of buildings facing Tisbury Street shall convey permeability to the street by use of architectural elements that may include entrances, glazing, changes in materials, building articulation and variations that will reduce perceived mass and linearity of larger buildings.
      2. (B) Building exteriors should form a continuous edge along the street with no single exterior treatment being longer than 12 metres. Longer facade lengths should be interrupted by variations in planes (recessing or extending of facade) or changes in materials.
      3. (C) Building exteriors should be provided with openings that are proportionate and at regular intervals to create harmony, rhythm, and balance in overall design.
      4. (D) Large welcoming display windows and/or well defined entryways with openings (windows, glass facades, and entryways) should cover a minimum 30% of a building facade.
    5. (v) Restaurants should establish patio areas or wrap around the building.
    6. (vi) Commercial advertising shall be sensitive to and supportive of street character.
    7. (vii) On-site walkways shall provide connectivity to neighbourhood sidewalks, trails and site amenities from building entrances.



For the purpose of Salisbury Village zone Area 12, an INTERNAL PRIVATE STREET means a privately owned and operated vehicular transportation connection, which resembles a public street with pedestrian facilities on both sides and is located on a privately owned lot.

Additional Regulations


In addition to the regulations listed in the zone, permitted and discretionary uses are subject to the applicable regulations contained within this Bylaw, unless such regulation is specifically excluded or modified by the Urban Village zone.


A development officer shall consider and decide upon all development permit applications within this zone.







AREA 3 (Phase 1) SITE PLAN


AREA 3 (Phase 2) SITE PLAN


AREA 4 SITE PLAN                                                                                   

AREA 5 SITE PLAN                                                                                 


AREA 6 SITE PLAN                                                           

AREA 7 SITE PLAN                                                                                   


AREA 8A SITE PLAN                                                                                 

AREA 8B SITE PLAN                                                                               

AREA 9 SITE PLAN                                                                                   

AREA 10 SITE PLAN                                                                                

AREA 11 SITE PLAN                                                                                

AREA 12 SITE PLAN                                                                                






Last updated: Friday, January 31, 2025
Page ID: 52054