Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 14 : Sustainable Urban Village Zones

14.14  Area 2 – Arterial Commercial



The primary purpose of this area is to provide for a range of commercial uses appropriate to the site's prominent location along the major arterial of Wye Road, with due regard for the country residential uses abutting the site to the south.



Subject to any fundamental use criteria for certain uses set out below, the permitted uses and the discretionary uses for this zone are listed in Table 14.14(A).

Table 14.14(A) Permitted and Discretionary Uses


Discretionary uses

Business support service

Convenience vehicle rental**

Care centre, intermediate

Drive-through vehicle service**

Care centre, major

Convenience vehicle rental**

Financial service

Utility service, minor

Food service drive-in

Vehicle sales/rental

Food service, restaurant  

Food service, specialty

Accessory to principal uses

Gas bar * and **

Animal grooming facility

Health service, minor**

Equipment, minor

Library and exhibit

Greenhouse and plant nursery


Household repair service

Personal service establishment**

Warehousing and storage

Recreation, indoor**


Retail, alcohol*


Retail, cannabis*


Retail, general


Retail, convenience


Service station, minor* and **


Veterinary service, minor**


Veterinary service, major**


Warehouse sales**


Fundamental Use Criteria


The maximum floor area ratio is 1.0.


The maximum site coverage is 40%.

Specific Use Regulations


The following regulations apply to uses identified by a double asterisk:

Table 14.14(B) Specific Use Regulations

(a) Animal grooming facility

For the purposes of this zone, this use is limited to small domestic animals (livestock is prohibited)

(b) Convenience vehicle rental

Vehicle washing facilities prohibited as a primary or accessory use.

(c) Drive-through vehicle service

Vehicle washing facilities prohibited as a primary or accessory use. 

(d) Gas bar

Vehicle washing facilities prohibited as a primary or accessory use. 

(e) Greenhouse and plant nursery

Primary access must be provided from within the interior of the principal building.

Seasonal outdoor displays shall be setback from the building/enclosure frontage at the discretion of a development officer to ensure safe pedestrian and vehicular circulation.

(f) Health service, minor

Shall be permitted provided this use is not contained in a standalone building. 

(g) Personal service establishment

For the purpose of this zone, on-site dry cleaning facilities are prohibited; a dry cleaner’s drop-off outlet shall be permitted.

(h) Recreation, indoor

For the purposes of this zone, uses shall be related to fitness and health centres; rifle and pistol ranges are prohibited.

(i) Service station, minor

Vehicle washing facilities prohibited as a primary or accessory use. 

(j) Vehicle sale/rental

Vehicle washing facilities prohibited as a primary or accessory use.

(k) Veterinary service, minor

For the purposes of this zone, this use is limited to the treatment of small domestic household pets only (i.e. no horses or livestock). Overnight boarding of animals is prohibited.

(l) Warehousing and storage

Primary access must be provided from within the interior of the principal building. 

Outdoor storage shall be contained within an attractive, screened structure located next to the principal building.

Outdoor storage materials shall be stacked to a height not exceeding the adjacent wall so as to ensure containment of goods.

Conditions of Land Use


Seasonal outdoor displays may be permitted provided they are setback and contained, at the discretion of a development officer, to ensure safe pedestrian and vehicular circulation.

Development Regulations



  1. (a) The minimum building setbacks are illustrated on Area 2 Site Plan.
  2. (b) Notwithstanding Section 6.7 of the Land Use Bylaw, the minimum building setback from the edge of the petroleum product easement or right-of-way adjacent to Wye Road shall be 7.5 m.
  3. (c) The minimum building setback adjacent  to the west and east boundaries shall be 4.0 m.
  4. (d) The minimum building setback adjacent to the south boundaries shall be 4.0 m, except as provided below.
  5. (e) The minimum building setback, for buildings over 6.0 m in height, is 10 m adjacent to the south boundary, where it abuts Area 3.
  6. (f) The minimum building setback, for buildings 6.0 m and less in height, is 0.0 m where it abuts Area 3.
  7. (g) The minimum building setback adjacent  to Area 1 is 7.5 m.
  8. (h) Where a building abuts an internal drive aisle, a minimum setback of 1.5 m shall be required to ensure pedestrian safety and vehicular sightlines.

Building Heights

  1. (a) The maximum height for all principal buildings shall be 14 m.
  2. (b) The maximum height for accessory buildings shall be 6.0 m.


  1. (a) On-site security and parking lot lighting shall be located and arranged so that no direct rays of light are directed at any adjoining residential properties. Security lighting fixtures must be shrouded to prevent light spilling into adjacent residential yards.
  2. (b) The maximum height of security and parking lot lighting shall be 9.0 m.


  1. (a) No parking shall be permitted within the minimum building setbacks from the east and west boundaries.
  2. (b) Access points to parking lots shall be well spaced and clearly defined.
  3. (c) Loading and receiving facilities shall be located away from the major street side of the buildings Where this is not practical, due to a building surrounded by streets, loading and receiving facilities shall be screened from the street with landscaping features and/or architectural treatment.


  1. (a) Landscaping shall be provided in conjunction with, and shall be part of, any development proposed in any application for a Development Permit.
  2. (b) Landscaping Plans for Area 2 shall include the abutting Area 3.
  3. (c) See the landscaping provisions for Area 3 and Section 5.6 Landscaping.

Green Street

  1. (a) Green Street is an east-west connection between Ridgeway Street and Ash Street and is planned to be provided via an internal link (private road with a public access easement) through Area 2.
  2. (b) Green Street shall be developed with the first proposed principal use within Area 1 or 2.
  3. (c) A public access easement shall be registered for the private road, naming the County as a third party, to the satisfaction of the development officer.
  4. (d) The private road shall be constructed such that it appears and functions as an obvious pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle connection between Ridgeway Street and Ash Street while incorporating pedestrian, safety and landscape features consistent with the concept of a sustainable community. These features may include:
    1. (i) Landscaping on either side of the road;
    2. (ii) Safe channeling of pedestrian traffic across the street;
    3. (iii) Elevated tables and traffic calming measures at pedestrian crossings;
    4. (iv) Incorporating low impact development design strategies; and
    5. (v) Utilizing innovative stormwater management design

Area 2A - The following regulations shall apply to Area 2A (that portion of Area 2 located south of Green Street) as shown on Area 2 Site Plan

  1. (a) Hours of Operation: Retail operating hours shall be as follows:

Mon – Fri: 7am – 11pm

Sat: 8am – 8pm

Sun: 9am – 8pm

  1. (b) The use of any outdoor address or other sound systems shall be prohibited.
  2. (c) All attempts will be made to mitigate the off-site noise impacts of outdoor machinery (i.e. back-up beepers on forklifts) provided such measures fall within the bounds of safety code requirements.
  3. (d) Deliveries shall be prohibited between 6pm and 7am.
  4. (e) Delivery trucks shall be prohibited from idling at night (between 7pm and 7am).
  5. (f) A concrete retaining wall with a concrete fence on top to form a 4.2 m wall along with a landscaped berm shall be constructed inside the south boundary of Area 2A for the purposes of providing sound attenuation. This concrete fence/wall will be located adjacent to the drive aisle as shown on Area 2 Site Plan. The concrete fence/wall shall be stepped down as it approaches Ridgeway Street and shall consist of two steps: the first from 4.2 m to 3.0 m in height; the second from 3.0 m to 1.8 m in height with each step measuring 3.6 m in length for a total of 2.7 m.
  6. (g) A double board fence in combination with a retaining wall to form a 2.4m wall shall be constructed within the south boundary of Area 2A from the west edge of the concrete fence in vi (above) to the east edge of the proposed storage sheds, as shown on Area 2 Site Plan.
  7. (h) A single board fence in combination with a retaining wall to form a 2.4m wall shall be constructed adjacent to the south and west boundary of Area 2A at the rear of the storage sheds, as shown on Area 2 Site Plan.



Last updated: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Page ID: 52034