Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw
Part 14 : Sustainable Urban Village Zones
14.21 Area 9 – Village Commercial
The purpose of this development area is to provide a range of commercial uses for meeting the needs of the local residential community. The creation of local employment opportunities close to residential development will promote the neighbourhood goal of an interactive and sustainable mixed-use community. Building orientation and parking areas will support pedestrian friendly “main street’ design and provide a view corridor and pedestrian link into the village’s major park located west of the site.
Subject to any fundamental use criteria for certain uses set out below, the uses for this zone are listed in Table 14.21(A).
Table 14.21(A) Uses
Uses |
Animal grooming facility |
Recreation, indoor |
Business support service |
Retail, alcohol* |
Care centre, intermediate |
Retail, cannabis* |
Care centre, major |
Retail, convenience |
Custom workshops |
Retail, general |
Financial service |
Service station, minor |
Food Service, restaurant |
Veterinary service, minor |
Food Service, specialty |
Warehouse sales |
Gas Bar* |
Government service |
Health service, minor |
Hotel |
Household repair services |
Laundromat |
Library and exhibit |
Neighbourhood pub |
Office |
Personal service establishment |
Accessory uses |
Equipment, minor** |
Convenience vehicle rental** |
Specific Use Regulations
The following regulations apply to uses identified by a double asterisk:
Table 14.21(B) Specific Use Regulations
(a) Equipment, minor |
For the purposes of this zone, there is no outside display of products. |
(b) Convenience vehicle rental |
Surface parking spaces may be considered. Parking for an accessory use shall be in accordance with the parking regulations.” |
Development Regulations
- (a) The building setbacks are illustrated on Attachment “B” - Area 9 Site Plan.
- (b) The minimum building setback is 3.0 m along Tisbury Street and adjacent to Area 12.
- (c) The minimum building setback along Wye Road is 7.5 m, and along Mitchell Street the minimum building setback is 3.0 m.
- (d) Projections from buildings such as awnings, signs, porticos, eaves, unenclosed balconies, shade protection, and similar architectural features shall not encroach over a property line.
Building heights
- (a) The maximum height for principal buildings is 14.0 m.
- (b) The minimum building height is 7.5 m.
Site coverage
- (a) The maximum site coverage is 55%.
Accessory structures
- (a) Accessory structures shall conform to the regulations for non-residential buildings, and shall not exceed 4.5m in height.
- (b) Accessory structures shall conform to the architectural design and finish of the principal building.
‘Tisbury Street’ and Urban Design
- (a) Development abutting Tisbury Street shall encourage pedestrian activity, public interaction, and urban village character by use of a combination of the following design considerations:
- (i) Building facades should achieve a minimum of 75% frontage along Tisbury Street.
- (ii) Buildings should be sited at the minimum front setback along Tisbury Street; however, parts of buildings may be setback slightly line for visual interest or to accommodate outdoor social activities (outdoor cafes, patios, displays, and street furniture).
- (iii) Buildings along Tisbury Street shall incorporate high standards in materials and architecture.
- (iv) Corner buildings located along Tisbury Street should be treated as community focal points and be of higher design quality.
- (v) Buildings shall front onto Tisbury Street, or be designed to appear to front onto Tisbury Street, to create an attractive public realm through the use of the following design elements:
- (A) Facades and rooflines on the sides of buildings facing Tisbury Street shall convey permeability to the street by use of architectural elements that may include entrances, glazing, changes in materials, building articulation and variations that will reduce perceived mass and linearity of larger buildings.
- (B) Building exteriors abutting Tisbury Street should form a continuous edge along the street with no single exterior treatment being longer than 12 metres. Longer facade lengths should be interrupted by variations in planes (recessing or extending of facade) or changes in materials.
- (C) Building exteriors should be provided with openings that are proportionate and at regular intervals to create harmony, rhythm, and balance in overall design.
- (D) Large welcoming display windows and/or well defined entryways with openings (windows, glass facades, and entryways) should cover a minimum 30% of a building facade along Tisbury Street.
- (vi) Restaurants located along Tisbury Street should establish patio areas or wrap around the building toward Tisbury Street.
- (vii) Commercial advertising shall be sensitive to and supportive of the Tisbury Street character.
- (b) Commercial buildings along Salisbury Way and Mitchell Street shall be sited to the greatest extent possible along the Area 9 periphery to reinforce the street-oriented character of the urban village.
- (c) Contemporary architectural design is required in Phase 2.
Amenity Area
- (a) Area 9 shall provide an Amenity Area of a minimum 650m2 that is connected to pedestrian infrastructure network within Salisbury Village and provides outdoor seating/patio area.
- (a) The development of a vehicular-oriented use or a drive-thru associated with a listed use within Area 9 shall have a form of screening (fencing, architectural screening and/or landscaping) to reduce the visibility of the building from a public street and the screening be complimentary to the overall architectural theme of the Village Commercial.