Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 14 : Sustainable Urban Village Zones

14.9  Area VII – Commercial and High Density Residential



To provide a range of commercial uses that help define the urban centre and services both for the Emerald Hills community and Sherwood Park area. The development area includes the opportunity for high density residential development and live work units to enhance the sustainability of the urban village.



Subject to any fundamental use criteria for certain uses set out below, the permitted uses and the discretionary uses for this zone are listed in Table 14.9(A).

Table 14.9(A) Permitted and Discretionary Uses

Permitted uses

Discretionary uses

apartment housing

animal grooming

business support service

commercial school

care centre, intermediate

convenience vehicle rental

care centre, major

flea market

financial service

food service, drive-in

food service, restaurant

gas bar

food service, specialty

household repair service

government service

neighbourhood pub

health service, minor

parking, non-accessory

home business, minor

recreation, indoor

information centre

residential sales centre


retail, alcohol

personal service establishment

retail, cannabis*

religious assembly, minor

utility service, minor

retail, convenience


retail, general


townhousing (live/work)


Fundamental Use Criteria


The maximum floor area ratio is 0.5.


The maximum site coveage is 35%.


The maximum height is 40.0 m. Where a mixed use building is proposed, the development officer may allow up to an additional 10% of height. Height shall be transitioned within the area as shown on Attachment “I”.


The maximum building floor plate per storey located above 20.0 m in height is 800 m².


Where additional underground on-site parking is provided; and a transportation impact assessment is approved to the satisfaction of the County; and an intensification plan is approved by County Council; the total floor area ratio may be increased to a maximum of 1.5, and the maximum site coverage may be increased to 50%.

Development Regulations



  1. (a) The minimum building setback is 1.2 m and the maximum building setback is 6.0 m to the west Development Area boundary line.
  2. (b) The minimum building setback is 1.2 m and the maximum building setback is 6.0 m to the south Development Area boundary line.
  3. (c) The minimum building setback is 1.2 m and the maximum building setback is 7.0 m to the Development Area boundary line adjacent to Clover Bar Road.
  4. (d) The minimum building setback is 0.2 m and the maximum building setback is 5.0 m south of the existing Utility Right-of-Way (Plan 812 0631) adjacent to Emerald Drive.
  5. (e) The minimum building setback within a Development Area is 0 m and the maximum building setback is 24.0 m from any property line that is not also a Development Area boundary line.
  6. (f) Projections from buildings such as awnings, porticos, eaves, unenclosed balconies, shade protection, and similar architectural features that are not considered part of the interior space of the building may project up to 1.2 m into the minimum building setback, except along Clover Bar Road and Emerald Drive where the maximum projection is 0.2 m. Under no circumstances are buildings or building projections to encroach over a parcel boundary.
  7. (g) Setbacks for all buildings are illustrated on Attachment “I”.

A 3.0 m wide protected open space or pathway shall be provided that links the Mews to the commercial development internal to the site as shown on the Master Site Plan, to the satisfaction of the development officer.


Buildings with only non-residential uses shall front onto Emerald Drive and Clover Bar Road.


An apartment housing use within a mixed-use building shall be located above commercial uses or separated from commercial uses by way of separate entrances and lobby areas.


The live work units shall be located along the mews or internal roadway.


The uses commercial school, convenience vehicle rental, flea market and recreation, indoor may be considered, if in the development officer's opinion the proposed development would not materially interfere with or affect the use and parking availability of neighbouring uses or development areas.


Vehicular oriented commercial uses shall be located so that they do not front onto the central public plaza area, and must be minimum of 30m from the entrance of buildings where residential housing (except live work units) are located.


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Last updated: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Page ID: 52024