Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 14 : Sustainable Urban Village Zones

14.11  UV3 – Centennial Village

Centennial Village




To establish a site-specific Urban Village zone, compliant with the Urban Village #2 provisions of the North of Lakeland Drive Area Concept Plan, that defines specific development guidelines for multiple residential housing.

Area of Application


This zone shall apply to those parts of the NE 3-53-23-W4 and SE 10-53-23-W4, located west of Sherwood Drive and north of Lakeland Drive, as indicated by the above map.



Subject to any fundamental use criteria for certain uses set out below, the permitted uses and the discretionary uses for this zone are listed in Table 14.11(A).

Table 14.11(A) Permitted and Discretionary Uses

Permitted uses

Discretionary uses

apartment housing 

child care facility, intermediate

home business, minor*

home business, intermediate 


residential sales centre*

Development Regulations


The maximum density is 100 units per hectare.


The maximum site coverage is 40%.


The maximum height is 16.0 m.


The minimum front yard setback is 6.0 m.


The minimum side yard setback is 8.0 m.


The minimum rear yard setback is 7.5 m.

Landscaping and Screening Regulations


In addition to the landscaping requirements of this bylaw the following shall apply to development within this zone:

  1. (a) Any proposed fencing shall share a common design theme and be architecturally consistent with the architectural design of each phase of development.
  2. (b) Fencing shall be installed between each phase of development where required by the development officer.
  3. (c) Landscaping of the required front, rear and side yards of each phase of the development shall ensure that trees and shrubs be included on the landscape plan to meet the following requirements:
    1. (i) One tree for each 25m² and one shrub for each 15m² of required yard;
    2. (ii) One tree for each 15m² and one shrub for each 10m² of required parking area island provided that there will be a minimum of one tree per parking island.

Design Standards


In addition to the Design Standards within this bylaw the following shall apply to development within this zone:

  1. (a) Each phase of development shall share a common architectural design theme and principal design elements, finishing materials, colours and roof style shall be applied to each building, with minor variations, regardless of the staging sequence of the project.
  2. (b) All building sides shall be treated as a principal facade and finished in a consistent, harmonious architectural manner.

Other Development Regulations


In addition to the regulations above, the listed uses are subject to the applicable regulations contained within the Land Use Bylaw, unless such regulation is specifically excluded or modified by the Urban Village zone.

Development Permits


A development officer shall consider and decide upon all Development Permit Applications within this zone.


Last updated: Friday, January 31, 2025
Page ID: 52028