Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 15 : Direct Control Zones

15.61  72 DC Direct Control zone




To establish a site specific Direct Control zone that accommodates a broad range of commercial uses that meet the retail and service needs of the region and the travelling public. Commercial development will be master planned and feature enhanced visual design that recognizes the gateway role the land plays for residents and visitors to Strathcona County and Sherwood Park.


  Area of Application

This zone shall apply to a portion of the NW and NE 11-53-23-W4, located within the Emerald Hills area, totalling approximately 25.64 ha (63.35 ac), as shown on attached Schedule A. This master planned zone is divided into two areas that recognizes the size and scale of the two areas in relation to adjoining roadways. Each Area is considered a site for the purposes of application of the regulations.

  1. (a) AREA I, +/-21.88 hectares – Large Format Highway Commercial
  2. (b) AREA II, +/-3.76 hectares – Highway/Arterial Commercial

Subdivision Regulations


Concept Plan

A subdivision application within this zone requires the submission of a development concept plan demonstrating the consistency and compatibility of the new parcel and subsequent development within the Area and Site.


Development Regulations


Area I – Large Format Highway Commercial



To provide for a mix of large format commercial uses in combination with medium and smaller format commercial and retail businesses.The proximity of Area I to Highway 16 makes it an ideal location for commercial uses that require high visibility and convenient access. The location of the lands at the intersection of Highway 16 and Sherwood Drive also provides a unique opportunity to create a grand urban entrance to Sherwood Park. The adjacent Stormwater Management Facility anchors the western edge of Area I and complements the “gateway” nature of this prominent urban location. The Area will be designed and landscaped to complement the Stormwater Management feature in conjunction with the goals and guidelines set out in the Emerald Hills Sustainability Summary to achieve the “gateway” elements of the development.



Table 15.61(A)

Permitted uses

Discretionary uses

Business support service

Greenhouse and plant nursery

Drive-through vehicle service

Landscaping sales and service

Financial service

Neighbourhood pub

Food service, drive in

Retail, alcohol*

Food service, restaurant

Retain, cannabis*

Food service, specialty

Utility service, minor

Gas bar

Vehicle sale/rental

Health service, minor


Personal service establishment


Recreation, indoor


Retail, convenience


Retail, general


Vehicle repair, minor


Veterinary service, minor


Warehouse sales



  1. (a) The maximum floor area ratio is 0.5.
  2. (b) The maximum height is 15.0 m.
  3. (c) The minimum yard is 6.0 m to all property lines aligned with the zone boundaries established on the above map, except for yards adjacent to pipelines which shall be in accordance with this bylaw. The minimum yard is 0 m to future internal property lines.
  4. (d) No outdoor storage shall be permitted, except where proposed as an integral component of a principal use for seasonal displays. Storage areas must be screened and developed of high quality materials that match the characteristics of the adjacent buildings.

Area II – Highway/Arterial Commercial



To provide for a mix of medium and smaller format commercial uses and retail businesses. The area is intended to complement the large format commercial development in Area I and the proposed service commercial areas to the south and west, offering supporting complementary uses such as hotels and services to adjacent employment nodes, the travelling public and residents in the area. Area II will be designed and landscaped to complement the adjacent Stormwater Management Facility in conjunction with the goals and guidelines set out in the Emerald Hills Sustainability Summary.



Table 16.61(B)

Permitted uses

Discretionary uses

Business support service

Neighbourhood pub

Drive-through vehicle service

Retail, alcohol*

Financial service

Retail, cannabis*

Food service, drive in

Retail, general

Food service, restaurant

Utility service, minor

Food service, specialty

Vehicle sale/rental

Gas bar






Personal service establishment


Retail, convenience


Service station, minor


Vehicle repair, minor



  1. (a) The maximum floor area ratio is 2.0.
  2. (b) The maximum height is 15.0 m, except it is 20.0 m for a hotel.
  3. (c) The minimum yard is 6.0 m to all property lines aligned with the zone boundaries established in Schedule A. The minimum yard is 0 m to future internal property lines.
  4. (d) No outdoor storage shall be permitted.

Design Standards

In addition to the requirements of this bylaw, the following standards shall be applicable to development within this zone:


   Area Design

The design of each Area shall establish a single architectural theme or period architecture and the principal design elements, finishing materials, colours and roof style shall be applied to each building, with minor variations, regardless of the staging sequence of development within the Area.



  1. (a) In order to ensure that high-quality, authentic materials that evoke the parkland image of Strathcona County and Sherwood Park are used in new commercial development, buildings shall be constructed of high-quality materials such as brick, stone or textured, cast stone or tinted masonry units. The following materials are prohibited:
    1. (i) Concrete block, painted or unpainted
    2. (ii) Tilt-up concrete panels
    3. (iii) Pre-fabricated steel or sheet metal panels
    4. (iv) Reflective glass
    5. (v) Aluminum, vinyl, fiberglass, asphalt or fiberboard siding
    6. (vi) Wood siding
  2. (b) Side and Rear Treatments – In order to ensure continuity of materials and facade treatments on all visible facades, all building facades visible from a public street or walkway shall employ materials and design features as the front facade.
  3. (c) Colours – In order to ensure that building colors are aesthetically pleasing and compatible with surrounding buildings, buildings colors shall consist of subtle, neutral or muted colors, with low reflectance. Recommended colors include browns, grays, tans, beiges, and dark or muted greens, blues and reds. No more than two principal colors may be used on a façade. Bright, white or primary colors should be used only as accents, occupying a maximum of 10 percent of building facades.
  4. (d) Roof Top Mechanical – all mechanical equipment on the roof of any building shall be completely screened or be incorporated in the roof envelope, and shall not be visible from any side of the building.


A lighting and illumination plan for each Area shall be submitted to and approved by a development officer prior to approval of any development permit within the Area. Exterior lighting shall be the minimum necessary for safety and security. Lighting shall be designed to coordinate with building architecture and landscaping. Building-mounted fixtures shall be compatible with the building facades. Overall lighting levels should be consistent with the character and intensity of the surrounding area. All light fixtures shall be shielded or other directed to ensure that light is not directed onto adjacent properties or roadways.


   Community Amenities

Each retail development of over 100,000 square feet in floor area, or hotel/motel development, shall provide an outdoor community amenity area such as a patio or outdoor seating area, which may also be in the form of outdoor cafes or dining areas, with the stipulation that at least 50 percent of the area shall be reserved for public use. The amenity shall be a contiguous area, a minimum of 1000 square feet in area.The outdoor area shall include seating and central focal feature such as a clock tower, sculpture, play structure, etc. that reflects the heritage parkland image of Strathcona County and Sherwood Park.


Parking, Loading and Circulation

In addition to the requirements of this bylaw, the following standards shall be applicable to development within this zone:


   On-site Parking, Loading and Circulation Standards

  1. (a) All required onsite parking, loading and aisles shall be subject to all setback and yard requirements, except setbacks from pipeline right-of-ways.
  2. (b) A pedestrian circulation plan for each area shall be submitted to and approved by a development officer prior to approval of any development permit within the Area. This plan shall provide for pedestrian connections between developments such that potential conflict between on site pedestrian and vehicular traffic is minimized.
  3. (c) A well-defined pedestrian path shall be provided from adjacent roadway sidewalks to each principal customer entrance of a building. Walkways shall be located so that the distance between street and entrance is minimized. Walkways shall be at least 5 feet in width, and shall be distinguished through pavement material from the surrounding parking lot. Walkways shall be landscaped for at least 50 percent of their length with trees, shrubs, and planting beds.
  4. (d) Sidewalks of at least 8 feet in width shall be provided along all front building facades that abut public parking areas.
  5. (e) Walkways and sidewalks shall be defined by design features such as way-finding signs, towers, arcades, porticoes, pedestrian-scale light fixtures, planters, and other architectural elements.
  6. (f) Bicycle parking shall be provided in a convenient and visible location no farther from the principal entrance than the closest automobile parking space.

Landscaping and Screening

In addition to the requirements of this bylaw, the following standards shall be applicable to development within this zone:


   Highway 16

Area I – The significant exposure of Area I toward Highway 16 requires that enhanced landscaping standards be applied along the north boundary of the zone. The required yard adjacent to the north boundary of Area I shall be landscaped as follows:

  1. (a) A minimum of one tree and one shrub shall be planted for every 10 linear metres of yard adjacent to the north boundary of Area I.
  2. (b) Deciduous trees shall be at least 90 mm in caliper;
  3. (c) Coniferous trees shall be at least 3 m in height;
  4. (d) Tree species at maturity shall have a minimum crown of 4 m;
  5. (e) Trees may be grouped to screen parking and loading areas that are visible from Highway 16.
  6. (f) The pipeline right-of-way within Area I shall be given special landscape treatment, including but not limited to an extension of the pedestrian trail located south of Emerald Drive.


In addition to the requirements of this bylaw, the following standards shall be applicable to development within this zone:


   Comprehensive Sign Design Plan

A comprehensive sign design plan shall be prepared for each Area to be approved by a development officer, having regard to the sign regulations of the Land Use Bylaw as if the Areas were in a C3 Highway Commercial zone.


   Fascia Signs

Fascia signs shall adhere to a consistent theme with respect to colouring, configuration, and illumination throughout each Area.


   Non-Permanent Changeable copy signs

Non-permanent changeable copy signs shall not be permitted on the site.


Other Regulations

  1. (a)  In addition to the regulations above, the listed uses are subject to the applicable regulations contained within the Land Use Bylaw, unless such regulation is specifically excluded or modified by the Direct Control zone.
  2. (b) The submission of Development Permits within this zone shall include a completed Emerald Hills Sustainability Summary evaluating the proposal against the sustainability goals and objectives within Emerald Hills.
  3. (c) A development shall consider and decide upon all development permit applications within this zone.

Last updated: Friday, January 31, 2025
Page ID: 52178