Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 15 : Direct Control Zones

15.71  84 DC Direct Control zone




To establish a site-specific Direct Control zone to allow for the use of a snowmelt facility as a pubic utility intended to serve Strathcona County.


Area of Application

This zone shall apply to Lot 1 Block 1 Plan 1321808 within the NE ¼ section 10-53-22-W4M, as shown on the above map.



Table 15.71(A)


Utility service, major

(a) It is a fundamental use criteria of this zone that despite the definition of utility service, major, this site shall only be used for a snowmelt facility and buildings or structures accessory to the snowmelt facility.


Subdivision Regulations

  1. (a) N/A

Development Regulations

  1. (a) Setbacks:
    1. (i) The minimum setback from the front lot line shall be 18.0 m.
    2. (ii) The minimum setback from a rear lot line shall be 20.0 m.
    3. (iii) The minimum setback from the west side lot line shall be 10.0 m.
    4. (iv) The minimum setback from the east side lot line shall be 30.0 m.
    5. (v) Despite the above and section 3.6 Environmental Features, a berm may be considered within the east side setback subject to the development officer being provided with an environmental and geotechnical assessment, prepared by a qualified professional in accordance with County requirements, which verifies that a lesser setback is warranted.
  2. (b) Accessory Buildings:
    1. (i) The maximum height shall be 6.0 m.
    2. (ii) The total ground floor area on a site shall not exceed 225 m2.
  3. (c) Landscaping and Screening:
    1. (i) the planting of trees and shrubs, and the construction of a berm and fencing shall be required along the length of the site boundary to reduce nuisance to adjacent lots;
    2. (ii) The minimum width of the landscaped buffer shall be 5.0 m.
    3. (iii) The minimum height of a berm shall be 2.0 m.
    4. (iv) One tree shall be provided for each 46 m2 and one shrub for every 10 m2 of any required setback.
    5. (v) Tree species at maturity shall have an average spread of crown greater than 5.0 m. Trees having a lesser average mature crown of 5.0 m may be grouped so as to create the equivalent of 5.0 m or greater crown at maturity.
    6. (vi) Deciduous trees shall be at least 0.06 m caliper;
    7. (vii) Coniferous trees shall have a minimum height of 2.5 m;
    8. (viii) Coniferous shrubs shall have a minimum spread of 0.45 m; and
    9. (ix) Deciduous shrubs shall have a minimum height of 0.45 m.

Other Regulations

  1. (a) In addition to the regulations above, the listed use is subject to the applicable regulations contained within the Land Use Bylaw, unless such regulation is specifically excluded or modified by the Direct Control zone.

Development Permits

  1. (a) A development officer shall consider and decide upon all development permit applications within this zone.

Last updated: Friday, January 31, 2025
Page ID: 52198