Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw
Part 15 : Direct Control Zones
15.2 DC 1 Direct Control zone
To establish a special purpose zone to accommodate appropriate commercial, business, and related uses with site specific development regulations to ensure a high and comprehensive standard of appearance appropriate to the site's exposure on major entrance routes to Strathcona County; and to ensure compliance with the Broadview Business Park Area Structure Plan.
Area of Application
This zone shall apply to the SW 3-53-23-W4, located northeast of the intersection of Broadmoor Boulevard and Baseline Road, as shown on the above map.
For the purpose of DC Special Purpose zone, four sites are established as outlined on the below map.
- (a) The following uses are permitted in this zone except as noted in b), d) and f) below:
Table 15.2(A) Uses
Permitted uses |
Alcohol sales |
Major and minor service stations |
Automotive and equipment rental |
Minor amusement establishments^ |
Automotive and recreational vehicles |
Major and minor eating and drinking establishments |
Business support services |
Personal service shops |
Convenience retail |
Professional and financial offices |
Daytime child care^ |
Retail, cannabis* |
Drive-in food services |
Spectator entertainment^ |
Drive-through vehicle service |
Veterinarians |
Equipment rental |
Warehousing sales including outdoor storage^ |
Gas bars |
General retail^ |
Government services |
Health services^ |
Hotel^ and motels^ |
Household appliance repair |
Indoor participant recreation^ |
- (b) The following uses are permitted in this zone except within a radius of 200 m from the intersection of the centrelines of Broadmoor Boulevard and Baseline Road:
Table 15.2(B)
Permitted uses |
Automotive and equipment repair |
Equipment rental |
Automotive and recreational vehicle |
Warehouse sales including outdoor storage^ |
- (c) The following uses are discretionary in this zone:
Table 15.2(C)
Discretionary uses |
Major amusement establishments^ |
Retail, secondhand^ |
- (d) The following uses are discretionary in this zone when located within 200 m of Baseline Road:
Table 15.2(D)
Discretionary uses |
Automotive and equipment repair |
Equipment rental |
Automotive and recreational vehicle |
Warehousing sales including outdoor storage^ |
- (e) Notwithstanding subsection (d), an automotive and equipment repair use shall be a permitted use if located greater than 150 m from Baseline Road and in accordance with the Site Plan presented to Council on January 29, 1991.
- (f) Uses containing a carat (^) may be prohibited or subject to limitations or additional regulations pursuant to section 7.19, Heavy Industrial Transition Overlay.
Development Regulations
In addition to the general regulations of the Bylaw, the following regulations shall apply:
- (a) The overall site development shall be in accordance with the urban design guidelines and principles established herein, in the Broadview Park Area Structure Plan, and other urban design guidelines which may be established by the County for this area, to the satisfaction of a development officer.
- (b) The maximum floor area ratio shall be 1.0 for all developments, except a hotel for which the maximum floor area ratio shall be 3.0.
- (c) The maximum site coverage shall be 70%.
- (d) The minimum yard required along any public roadway shall be 7.5 m (24.6 ft.).
- (e) The minimum rear yard not abutting a public roadway shall be 6.0 m (19.7 ft.).
- (f) The maximum building height shall not exceed 16 m (52.5 ft.) nor 4 storeys, except for a hotel which shall not exceed 30 m (98.4 ft.) nor 10 storeys.
- (g) Development in this zone shall be in accordance with the following architectural guidelines, to the satisfaction of a development officer:
- (i) the design of each site shall establish a single architectural theme or period architecture and the principal design elements, finishing materials, colours and roof style shall be applied to each building, with minor variations, regardless of the staging sequence of the project;
- (ii) both the rooflines and building facades shall be articulated and varied to reduce the perceived mass and linearity of large buildings and add architectural interest;
- (iii) the predominant exterior finishing material shall consist of brick, stone, stucco, wood, architecturally finished block or concrete, or prefinished metal or other durable and aesthetically pleasing materials, having regard to the objective of ensuring that the development is of a high quality that is compatible with the location;
- (iv) all exposed sides of the buildings shall be finished in a consistent, harmonious architectural manner;
- (v) retail commercial buildings that are not automotive related should be designed to provide a canopy area, arcade, awning or overhang at entrances, where appropriate, to protect the public from inclement weather;
- (vi) all mechanical equipment on the roof of any building fronting Baseline Road, Broadmoor Boulevard, and the east-west collector shall be completely screened or be incorporated in the roof envelope;
- (vii) buildings along Baseline Road and Broadmoor Boulevard shall have a significant building orientation towards Baseline Road and Broadmoor Boulevard; and
- (viii) each site shall be designed with due regard and sensitivity to adjoining sites in order to ensure developments are of a compatible and complementary nature, to the satisfaction of a development officer.
- (h) Appropriate lighting of the project shall be undertaken to provide security and to add visual interest. Lighting shall be directed away from adjacent roadways. No lighting standard or fixture shall exceed 10.7 m in height. Lighting standards and fixture shall be of a consistent design, complementary to the overall architectural theme of each development.
- (i) Each development shall be designed such that parking facilities within and between developments are coordinated functionally and aesthetically to the greatest practical extent.
- (j) A pedestrian circulation plan for each development shall be submitted to and approved by a development officer prior to approval of any development permit. This plan shall provide for pedestrian connections between developments such that potential conflict between on site pedestrian and vehicular traffic is minimized. The pedestrian connections between developments shall also provide a visual link between those developments.
- (k) Major entry points to each development from Broadmoor Boulevard, Baseline Road, and the north/south collector are to be given special landscape treatment to ensure that they are both attractive and readily identifiable.
- (l) The corner of Baseline Road and Broadmoor Boulevard shall be developed, subject to the yard requirements contained in these regulations, either as a retail commercial building or a major landscape feature. The provision of parking and/or vehicular circulation in this area is to be minimized.
- (m) A detailed landscaping plan for each development shall be submitted to and approved by a development officer prior to the approval of any development permit. These plans shall include details of pavement materials, fencing, exterior lighting and street furniture elements, garbage and storage areas, pedestrian seating areas, sizes and species of new plantings for the site, including any adjacent boulevard areas, sidewalk improvements, parks and open spaces. A development officer in its evaluation shall have regard for the degree to which the design of these features is consistent within the development and complementary to existing adjacent retail/commercial development. All such features, including fences, shall be of a quality and aesthetic appearance appropriate to the retail/commercial development permitted in this zone. These features, where practical, shall be finished in materials the same as or complementary to the architectural theme established pursuant to section 4(g) i) of these regulations.
- (n) A landscaped yard, a minimum of 4.0 m in width shall be provided along Baseline Road and Broadmoor Boulevard. Landscaping treatment therein shall consist of a mixture of coniferous and deciduous trees and evergreen shrubs grouped in clusters to enhance the development. Deciduous trees shall have a minimum calliper of 8.0 cm and coniferous trees a minimum height of 3.0 m. This landscaping shall be provided to the satisfaction of a development officer.
- (o) A comprehensive sign design plan shall be prepared for a development to be approved by a development officer, having regard to the sign regulations of the Land Use Bylaw as if the site were in a C2 – Arterial Commercial zone.
- (p) All outdoor storage shall be sited and adequately screened to the satisfaction of a development officer, having regard for the location on major entrances to the urban service area, with special emphasis on those sites within 200 m of Baseline Road and the visual integrity of Baseline Road and Broadmoor Boulevard. None of the materials being stored shall be visible from Broadmoor Boulevard or Baseline Road.
Other Regulations
- (a) In addition to the regulations above, the listed uses are subject to the applicable regulations contained within the Land Use Bylaw, unless such regulation is specifically excluded or modified by the Direct Control zone.
Development Permits
- (a) A development officer shall consider and decide upon all development permit applications within this zone.
DC 1 – Schedule “A”