Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw
Part 15 : Direct Control Zones
15.17 DC 19 Direct Control zone
To establish a special purpose zone to accommodate appropriate vehicle-oriented commercial, business, and other related uses that are with site specific development regulations which ensure a high and comprehensive standard of appearance appropriate to the site’s exposure on major entrance routes to Strathcona County; and which is in compliance with the South of Wye Road Area Redevelopment Plan.
Area of Application
This zone shall apply to those parcels south of Wye Road and west of Rge Rd 233 as shown on the above map.
The following permitted and discretionary uses pertain to those parcels shown within “Area A” as shown on Schedule “A:”
Table 15.17(A)
Permitted uses |
Discretionary uses |
Business support services |
Animal grooming facility |
Drive-through vehicle service |
Hotels |
Financial service |
Office |
Food Service, Drive-in |
Personal service establishment |
Food Service, restaurant |
Recreation, indoor |
Gas bar |
Retail, alcohol* |
Greenhouse and plant nursery |
Retail, cannabis* |
Health service, minor |
Retail, general |
Neighbourhood pub |
Vehicle repair, major |
Retail, convenience |
Warehouse sales |
Vehicle repair, minor |
Vehicular oriented use |
Veterinary service, minor |
The following uses pertain to those parcels shown within “Area B” as shown on Schedule “A:”
Table 15.17(B)
Permitted uses |
Animal grooming facility |
Office |
Business support service |
Personal service establishment |
Commercial storage (indoor storage only) |
Recreation, indoor |
Financial service |
Retail, general |
Food Service, restaurant |
Retail, convenience |
Health service, minor |
Veterinary service, minor |
Development Regulations
Site Requirements
“Area A”:
- (a) The maximum floor area ratio for those parcels within “Area A” shall be 0.7.
- (b) The minimum front yard and/or flanking yard for those parcels within “Area A” shall be 7.5 m except where there is a lot adjacent to the north western utilities right-of-way the minimum side yard may be 3.0 m.
- (c) The minimum side yard setback for those parcels within “Area A” shall be 4.5m.
- (d) The minimum rear yard setback for those parcels within “Area A” shall be 7.5m or 4.5m from the edge of an easement.
- (e) The maximum height for those parcels within “Area A” shall be 10.5m; an additional storey may be approved for a hotel development at the discretion of the development officer where the aesthetics of the neighbourhood and the compatibility with the scale of adjacent properties are not adversely affected.
“Area B”:
- (a) The maximum floor area ratio for those parcels within “Area B” shall be 1.0.
- (b) The minimum flanking side yard setback for those parcels within “Area B” shall be 7.5 m.
- (c) The minimum rear yard setback for those parcels within “Area B” shall be 4.5m.
- (d) The minimum south yard setback within “Area B” shall be 4.5 m.
- (e) The minimum west yard setback for those parcels within “Area B” shall be 4.5m.
- (f) The maximum height for those parcels within “Area B” shall be 10.5 m.
Design Standards
Architectural character
- (a) All building frontages are to present a major orientation to Wye Road, unless deemed by the development officer to be otherwise acceptable.
- (b) Development within this Direct Control zone shall:
- (i) maintain a sensitive relationship to the neighbouring country residential parcels;
- (ii) encourage architectural solutions which capitalize on the high level of visibility of this site; and
- (iii) stress unifying design elements amongst the built forms in order to develop consistency and harmony along the streetscape.
- (c) Buildings and accessory buildings shall employ similar elevations, forms, and materials to achieve scale and design continuity, which are also complementary with the surrounding development.
- (d) All exterior wall elevations of buildings visible from frontage and side streets and customer parking areas, including screen walls, shall have architectural treatments.
- (e) Rooflines and building facades shall be articulated and varied to reduce the perceived mass and linearity of the buildings and shall add architectural interest.
- (f) Building entrances shall be designed to provide a canopy area, awning, or overhang at entrances where appropriate, to protect the public from inclement weather.
- (g) Particular attention shall be given to the building front/sidewalk relationship. Sidewalks shall be wide enough to allow for the safety of pedestrians. The enhancement of the transition zone, which lies between the parking lot and the interior of the building, can be achieved through the use of specialized paving materials, varied paving patterns, installation of site furniture, and the introduction of landscaping.
- (h) Finishing material for the building exterior shall predominantly consist of brick, stone, stucco, wood, architecturally finished block or concrete, or prefinished metal or other durable and aesthetically pleasing materials, having regard to the objective of ensuring that the development is of a high quality that is compatible with the location.
- (i) Design shall discourage crime by reducing concealment opportunities by:
- (i) Placement of windows in order to maximize informal surveillance
- (ii) Providing lighting to minimize dark spaces
- (iii) Providing easily identifiable street addresses
- (a) An overall colour scheme shall unify various elements of the building facade and the signage. Vent louvres, overhead doors, service doors, gutters downspouts and similar features are to be painted consistent with the portion of the building to which they are attached. Warm subdued background shades shall blend as a whole throughout the block and brighter accent colours shall highlight areas of focus (doorways, window frames, fascia trim).
- (b) Gutters and downspouts shall be painted to match the surface to which they are attached, unless used as a major design element, in which case, the colour is to be consistent with the colour scheme of the building.
Parking and Loading Requirements
- (a) Access points to parking lots shall be well spaced and clearly defined.
- (b) No parking shall be permitted on roads or driveways.
- (c) Parking and access shall be provided in on-site facilities, paved with asphalt and/or concrete.
- (d) Whenever possible, parking facilities shall be designed and/or located for protection against winter winds, and to minimize walking times in the winter.
- (e) Adequate parking for employees and customers shall be provided. Parking requirements shall conform to the parking standards outlined in the Land Use Bylaw.
- (f) Loading and receiving facilities shall be located away from the major street side of the building and screened in a manner compatible with the overall character of the development. Loading requirements shall conform to the loading regulations outlined in the Land Use Bylaw.
- (g) Where off-street parking for 50 or more vehicles is required, there shall be a landscaped open space within the interior of the parking area in which a minimum of 1.0 m² of landscaping shall be provided for each parking space.
Additional Design Elements
- (a) Storage Areas and Garbage Enclosures:
- (i) Free-standing garbage enclosures shall not be permitted.
- (ii) Outdoor storage shall be discouraged.
- (iii) Any external garbage enclosure shall be enclosed within a permanent, attractive, screened structure, and located next to the principal building.
- (iv) Any garbage enclosure shall be constructed of materials the same or similar to external materials on the principal building.
- (v) All outdoor storage areas and refuse collection areas shall be visually screened so that materials stored within these areas shall not be visible from streets and adjacent properties.
- (vi) Storage and/or garbage collection areas shall not be permitted in a front yard and/or flanking yard, nor in advance of the principle or flanking frontage of the building.
- (b) Utility Connections - No lines, wire or other devices for the communication or transmission of electrical current or power shall be constructed, placed or maintained either in or upon the property unless the same shall be maintained underground or concealed, in, under or on the buildings.
- (c) All roof top mechanical equipment and/or ductwork shall be:
- (i) screened from view, and/or incorporated into the roof envelope;
- (ii) screened to minimize visibility from the street or surrounding buildings, and;
- (iii) located in areas of the buildings which are not visually prominent.
- (d) Roof mounted ventilators shall be a maximum of 0.46 m above the point to which they are attached, and are to be painted or prefinished, consistent with the colour scheme of the building.
- (e) Transformers, storage tanks and other outdoor mechanical systems and/or equipment, and other appurtenant items of poor visual quality are to be screened by the use of concrete or masonry walls, dense mature landscape materials or approved fencing materials.
- (f) Buildings in “Area B” shall be oriented so that no primary building entrance is facing the Country Residential to the west and south.
- (g) No drive lanes shall be permitted along the outside of buildings on the south or west property boundaries of “Area B”.
- (h) Buildings in Area “B” shall not be permitted to have windows above the first storey of the south and west facades.
- (a) A comprehensive sign design plan shall be prepared for each development to be approved by a development officer.
- (b) Signs and awnings shall adhere to a consistent theme with respect to colouring, configuration and illumination, and shall be carefully located with consideration of the building facade, architectural features, and the adjacent buildings and their signs.
- (c) No flashing, blinking, or travelling signs shall be permitted.
- (d) Commercial signage shall be permitted on the face of individual buildings or free standing within 2.0 m. of a building provided that the design of this signage is integrated with the architectural plans proposed.
- (e) No temporary portable signs shall be allowed.
- (f) For multiple tenancy buildings: one freestanding sign shall be permitted at the principle entrance to collectively identify the project.
- (g) Each individual unit within a multiple tenancy building may have a wall or fascia sign over the entrance to identify the tenant, and the said sign shall be oriented toward the parking or pedestrian area of the building.
- (h) Despite 5.5 g), within “Area B”, fascia signs may be permitted on a wall of a building, provided that the wall is parallel to and within 6 m of the north lot line of “Area B”.
- (i) in the case of any proposed fascia signs in “Area B”, an application for a sign permit must include written authorization from the condominium board for the proposed sign and its location.
Fencing within the development is to be generally discouraged, however, it may be employed for security purposes, screening and protection of mechanical equipment or merchandise located outside the building. In those cases where fencing is to be permitted, the following standards shall apply:
“Area A”:
- (a) No fences shall be erected facing fronting or flanking streets, nor shall they extend past the face of the building or the building line of an adjacent building.
- (b) No fence shall exceed 2.45 m in height, except where necessitated for reasons of security, in which case, a 4.5 m fence may be permitted. No walls higher than 0.9 m shall be located within the setback area paralleling a flanking yard.
- (c) All fencing shall be of a permanent material, architecturally consistent with the building. Walls or fences of sheet or corrugated iron, aluminium, barbwire, asbestos, or security chain link fence, are prohibited. Vinyl-coated chain link fence is permitted when heavily screened or used in combination with battens. The colour and material shall blend with the surrounding development.
“Area B”:
- (a) No fences shall be erected along the frontage of the property, nor shall they extend past the face of the building or the building line of an adjacent building unless required for reasons of security. If required for reasons of security, a porous vinyl-coated chainlink fence may be constructed.Vinyl-coated chain link fence is only permitted when used in combination with landscaping. The colour and material shall blend with the surrounding development.
- (b) A solid wood screen fence with a height of 2.45 meters shall be provided along the west property line of Area ‘B’.
- (c) A vinyl coated chain link fence with a minimum height of 1.8 m shall be provided along the south property line of Area ‘B’.
- (d) No fence shall exceed 2.45 m in height
- (a) Lighting standards and fixtures shall be of a consistent design, complimentary to the overall architectural theme of each development.
- (b) Lighting shall be directed away from adjacent roadways and residential properties.
- (c) Lighting shall be provided for security purposes. Security lighting fixtures shall not project above the fascia or roofline of the building and are to be shielded. The shields shall be finished to match the surface to which they are attached. Security lighting fixtures are not to be substituted for parking lot or walkway lighting fixtures and are restricted to lighting only loading and storage locations, or other similar areas.
- (d) Walkway lighting fixtures shall have an overall maximum height not exceeding 2.5 m.
- (e) Maximum height of parking lot lighting shall not exceed 10.7 m.
Noise Attenuation
- (a) All sites and buildings shall be designed to minimize vehicular circulation and other business, support or customer activity alongside a residential property line.
- (b) Where possible, outdoor (roof-mounted) cooling equipment, which may cause noise, shall be located as far away from neighbouring residential property as possible. Also, the screening of such equipment shall be designed for both visual and noise attenuation purposes.
- (c) No outdoor public address or other sound systems shall be allowed within the area unless on a temporary basis (e.g.: special event).
Landscape Standards
In accordance with the Landscaping and Screening provisions of this bylaw, new development or where existing development is substantially enlarged or increased in capacity, shall provide for landscaping of the site in accordance with the regulations contained in this section.
Wherever any development is approved, existing vegetation shall be preserved and protected, or replaced, unless the development shall require space containing existing vegetation in such a location that existing vegetation must be removed.
- (a) Landscaping shall be provided in conjunction with, and shall be part of, any development proposed in any application for a Development Permit
- (b) Landscaping shall have regard to the built form and adjacent developments. These plans shall include details of pavement materials, fencing, exterior lighting and street furniture elements, garbage and storage areas, pedestrian seating areas, sizes and species of new plantings for the site, including any adjacent boulevard areas, sidewalk improvements, parks and open spaces. The evaluation by the development officer shall have regard for the degree to which the design of these features is consistent within the development and complementary to existing adjacent retail/commercial development
- (c) Any planting required or provided shall be installed in the finished grade. Where this is not practical, planters may be used, provided that such planters shall have sufficient soil and insulation, and shall be of adequate design, to support the proposed landscaping.
- (d) A soft landscaped buffer with a minimum width of 3.0 m shall be provided in any yard abutting a public roadway or the ATCO Gas Ltd. right-of-way
- (e) A three (3) metre landscaping buffer shall be required along the entirety of the south boundary of “Area B” that includes one (1) tree for every four (4) linear meters of frontage and one (1) shrub for every two and a half (2.5) linear meters of frontage.
- (f) Landscaping of parking and storage areas is to be provided in addition to required setback area and not considered a replacement for such
- (g) All planting material required shall be hardy to the Sherwood Park region, and to the location on the site where they are planted.
- (h) All trees and tree planting previously mentioned shall conform to the following:
- (i) the proportion of deciduous to coniferous trees shall be approximately 60:40
- (ii) deciduous trees shall be at least 60 mm caliper and a minimum height of 450 mm; and,
- (iii) coniferous trees shall have a minimum spread of 450 mm and a minimum height of 2.5 m.
- (i) A development officer may require, as a condition of a development permit that the applicant/owner provide a guaranteed security to ensure that landscaping is provided and maintained for two growing seasons.
Other Regulations
- (a) In addition to the regulations above, the listed uses are subject to the applicable regulations contained within the Land Use Bylaw, unless such regulation is specifically excluded or modified by the Direct Control zone.
Development Permits
- (a) A development officer shall consider and decide upon all development permit applications within this zone.