Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 15 : Direct Control Zones

15.39  DC 45 Direct Control zone




To establish a site specific Direct Control zone to accommodate a compatible mix of low intensity business and service commercial uses in planned centres with good visibility and accessibility.


Area of Application

This zone shall apply to a portion of NW ¼ Sec.10 – Twp.53 – Rge.23 – W4th, located within the Yellowhead East – Sherwood Business Park, south of Highway 16 and east of Provincial Avenue, totalling approximately 6.6 hectares, as shown on the above map.



Table 15.39(A)

Permitted uses

Discretionary uses

animal grooming facility

autobody repair and paint shop

business support service

commercial storage

contractor service, limited

contractor service, general

convenience vehicle rentl

fleet service

custom indoor manufacturing

food service, mobile catering

drive-through vehicle service

recreation, indoor^

equipment, minor

recycling, oil depot

financial service

retail, alcohol*

food and beverage products

retail, cannabis*

food service, drive-in

retail, general^

gas bar

retail, secondhand^

government service

service station, major

household repair service

truck and manufactured home sale/rental


utility service, minor

personal service establishment


recycling depot


recycling drop-off


retail, convenience


service station, minor


vehicle repair, major


vehicle repair, minor


vehicle sale/rental


veterinary service, minor


warehouse sales^


warehousing and storage


Uses containing a carat (^) may be prohibited or subject to limitations or additional regulations pursuant to section 7.19, Heavy Industrial Transition Overlay.


 Development Regulations

  1. (a) The maximum floor area ratio is 1.0.
  2. (b) The maximum height is 12 m.
  3. (c) The minimum lot width is 30 m.
  4. (d) The minimum front yard is 7.5 m.
  5. (e) The minimum side yard is 3.0 m, except it is 6.0 m on a flanking road.
  6. (f) The minimum rear yard is 3.0 m, except it is 6.0 m where it abuts a road or a residential zone.

  Other Regulations

  1. (a) No general industrial uses are permitted which carry out their operations such that there would be a nuisance factor from noise, odour, earthborne vibrations, heat, high brightness light sources, or dust created outside an enclosed building.
  2. (b) In addition to the regulations above, the listed uses are subject to the applicable regulations contained within the Land Use Bylaw, unless such regulation is specifically excluded or modified by the Direct Control zone.

Development Permits

  1. (a) A development officer shall consider and decide upon all development permit applications within this zone.

Last updated: Thursday, January 30, 2025
Page ID: 52134