Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 15 : Direct Control Zones

15.7  DC 7 Direct Control zone




To establish a site-specific Direct Control zone to accommodate congregate care and/or assisted living facility development with specific development regulations.


Area of Application

This zone shall apply to part of Lot G, Plan 2736RS located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Brower Drive and Baseline Road as shown on the above map.



Table 15.7(A)


Assisted living facility

Health service, minor

Congregate housing

Senior citizen housing


Subdivision Regulations

  1. (a) The maximum lot area shall be 0.70 ha.
  2. (b) The minimum lot width shall be 35.0 m.

Development Regulations

  1. (a) Setbacks:
    1. (i) The minimum setback from the front lot line shall be 6.0 m.
    2. (ii) The minimum setback from the rear lot line shall be 9.0 m.
    3. (iii) The minimum setback from the north side lot line shall be 7.0 m.
    4. (iv) The minimum setback from the south side lot shall be 5.0 m.
  2. (b) The maximum number of units shall be 165.
  3. (c) The maximum building height shall be 6 storeys to a maximum height of 24.0 m.
  4. (d) The maximum site coverage shall be 50%.


  1. (a) Parking shall be provided at the ratio of 0.25 stalls per 1 unit.
  2. (b) Resident parking shall be provided underground.
  3. (c) Parking for visitors and staff parking may be located on the surface.

Design Regulations

  1. (a) Projections such as awnings, porticos, eaves, unenclosed balconies, shade protection, and similar architectural features that are not considered part of the interior space of the building may project up to 1.2 m.
  2. (b) Massing of building walls greater than 15 m. in length shall be reduced through the use of architectural elements such as columns, ribs, pilasters or piers, changes in plane (e.g., recesses and projections), changes in building finishes, materials and textures, or other features that create an identifiable pattern and sense of human scale. Massing elements such as major entries, windows, shifts in wall planes, trellises, roof elements, cupolas, gazebos, terracing, arcades or other similar elements should be incorporated to add visual interest to the basic massing.
  3. (c) section 3.5.13 of this bylaw does not apply.
  4. (d) For each unit a minimum of 3.5 m²/per unit of common amenity space is required within the site.
  5. (e) Common amenity space includes indoor and outdoor spaces with a minimum allocation of 50% to outdoor common amenity space. The common amenity space shall be accessible by all residents within the development, and may include rooftop spaces. Building setbacks and building code separations between buildings shall not be considered as common amenity space.
  6. (f) Buildings shall utilize materials such as brick, stone or textured, split face block veneer, cast stone or tinted masonry to the satisfaction of the development officer. The following materials are prohibited:
    1. (i) Painted or unpainted concrete block facing public roadways.     
    2. (ii) Tilt-up concrete panels
    3. (iii) Reflective glass
    4. (iv) Aluminum or vinyl siding, fiberglass or asphalt
  7. (g) The sidewalk adjacent to the principal entry shall be a minimum of 2.44 m wide. All other connecting sidewalks shall be a minimum 1.50m wide.
  8. (h) Accessory structures shall conform to the architectural design and finish of the principal building.


  1. (a) Where limited by space, tree planting may be substituted in one of the following manners:
    1. (i) Shrub groupings may be substituted at the rate of five shrubs for one tree; and/or
  2. (b) The cash equivalent value of the planting deficiency is used to enhance non-planting landscape amenities such as one or more of those as noted in section 3.5.14 of this bylaw within the subject parcel to the satisfaction of the development officer.

Additional Regulations

  1. (a) In addition to the regulations above, the listed uses are subject to the applicable regulations contained within the Land Use Bylaw, unless such regulations is specifically excluded or modified by the Direct Control zone.

  Development Permits

  1. (a) A development officer shall consider and decide upon all development permit applications within this zone.
  2. (b) A development officer may grant a variance for a development permit where the development officer determines that the variance, in addition to section 2.16 of the Land Use Bylaw, considers the attainment of the County planning objectives in the Durham Town Square Area Structure Plan.
  3. (c) Despite 10 b) above no variance shall be granted to the maximum number of units or to the maximum building height or maximum storeys.

Last updated: Thursday, January 30, 2025
Page ID: 52070