Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 15 : Direct Control Zones

15.63  DC 75 Direct Control zone




To accommodate selected medium industrial uses; office and maintenance shop development; and major truck stop facility and associated accessory uses appropriate to the area in compliance with the Strathmoor Industrial Area Structure Plan.


Area of Application

This zone shall apply to that portion of the NE 9-53-23-W4 located south of Highway 16 and west of Broadmoor Boulevard, totaling approximately 14.4 ha as shown on the above map. This zone is divided into three areas that recognize the varied functions of the site. Each area is considered a site for the purpose of application of the regulations.

  1. (a) Area A +/ - 2.9 ha – Medium Industrial
  2. (b) Area B +/ - 3.4 ha – Light Industrial
  3. (c) Area C +/ - 8.1 ha – Highway Commercial

Subdivision Regulations

A subdivision application within this zone requires the submission of a development concept plan demonstrating the consistency and compatibility of the new parcel with current and future development within the site.


Development Regulations


Area A – Medium Industrial



To provide for medium industrial uses that are compatible with the surrounding area and are sensitive to high visibility from Highway 16.



Table 15.63(A)

Permitted uses

Discretionary uses

Drive-through vehicle service

Industrial general^

Equipment, major

Utility service, minor

Vehicle repair, major


Vehicle repair, minor


Warehousing and storage



  1. (a) The maximum floor area ratio is 0.5.
  2. (b) The maximum building height shall not exceed 10.0 m nor 2 storeys.
  3. (c) The minimum yard required along any public roadway shall be 7.5 m and for all other property lines 6.0 m.
  4. (d) Exterior storage of accessory goods, equipment and materials is permitted, but shall be screened from adjacent properties and roadways.

Area B – Light Industrial



To provide an area that will facilitate services or businesses of a light industrial nature which do not create nuisance factors beyond the site where outdoor storage shall be completely screened from roadways and adjacent properties.



Table 15.63(B)

Permitted uses

Discretionary uses

Contractor service, limited

Contractor service, general

Drive-through vehicle service

Utility service, minor

Equipment, major




Vehicle repair, minor


Warehousing and storage



  1. (a) The maximum floor area ratio is 0.5.
  2. (b) The maximum building height shall not exceed 10.0 m nor 2 storeys.
  3. (c) The minimum yard required along any public roadway shall be 7.5 m and for all other property lines 6.0 m.
  4. (d) Exterior storage of accessory goods, equipment and materials is permitted, but shall be screened from adjacent properties and roadways.

Area C – Highway Commercial



To accommodate a major truck stop facility and associated accessory uses to serve the traveling public.



Table 15.63(C)

Permitted uses

Discretionary uses

Amusement arcade, major^

Commercial school^

Amusement arcade, minor^

Health service, minor^

Drive-through vehicle service

Retail, alcohol^

Financial service^

Retail, cannabis^

Food Service – Drive-In^

Utility service, minor

Food Service – restaurant^


Food Service - specialty^






Neighbourhood pub^


Night club^




Personal service establishment^


Retail, convenience^


Retail, general^


Service station, major


Vehicle repair, major


Uses containing a carat (^) may be prohibited or subject to limitations or additional regulations within section 7.19, Heavy Industrial Transition Overlay.



  1. (a) The maximum floor area ratio is 0.5.
  2. (b) The maximum building height shall not exceed 10.0 m nor 2 storeys.
  3. (c) The minimum yard required along any public roadway shall be 7.5m and all other property lines shall be 6.0 m.
  4. (d) Hotels and motels shall be limited to a maximum of 120 accommodation units for the site.

Design Standards

In addition to the requirements of this bylaw, the following standards shall be applicable to development within the zone:


   Area Design

Each of Area A, B and C shall establish a single architectural theme and the principal design elements, finishing materials, colours, and roof style shall be applied to each building within that Area, with minor variations permitted.


   Building Design

Within each area:

  1. (a) The rooflines and building facades shall be articulated and varied to reduce the perceived mass and linearity of large buildings and add architectural interest.
  2. (b) The predominant exterior finishing material shall consist of brick, stone, stucco, wood, architecturally finished block or concrete, or pre-finished metal or other durable and aesthetically pleasing materials, having regard to the objective of ensuring that the development is of a high quality that is compatible with the location.
  3. (c) All exposed sides of the buildings shall be finished in a consistent, harmonious architectural manner.

   Landscaping and Screening

In addition to the requirements of this bylaw, the following standards shall be applicable to each Area within this zone:

  1. (a) A landscaped yard, a minimum of 4.0 m in width shall be provided along Broadmoor Boulevard and Highway 16.
  2. (b) Each access point into the site shall be given special landscape treatment to ensure that is attractive and readily identifiable.
  3. (c) A detailed landscaping plan shall be prepared and submitted in conjunction with the exterior lighting and street furniture elements, garbage, and storage areas, pedestrian seating areas, sizes and species of new plantings for the site including any adjacent boulevard areas, sidewalk improvements, parks and open spaces. All such features including fences shall be of a quality and aesthetic appearance appropriate to the development permitted in the zone.


  1. (a) Appropriate lighting of each Area shall be undertaken to provide security and to add visual interest.
  2. (b) Lighting shall be directed away from adjacent roadways.
  3. (c) No lighting standard or fixture shall exceed 30 m in height.
  4. (d) Lighting standards and fixtures shall be of consistent design, complementary to the overall architecture of each Area.


  1. (a) A comprehensive sign design plan shall be prepared and submitted with each development proposed, having regard to the Sign Regulations of the Land Use Bylaw as if the site were in a C3 Highway Commercial zone.
  2. (b) With respect to the erection of freestanding signs adjacent to the north property line, one sign per site shall be allowed and the following regulations shall apply:
    1. (i) The maximum height shall not exceed 18.3 m.
    2. (ii) The maximum size of the sign shall not exceed 111.5 m².
    3. (iii) No portion of the sign shall project over the boundary of the site.
    4. (iv) Approval of the sign is required from Alberta Transportation.
    5. (v) The sign shall not interfere with or obstruct the sightlines required for pedestrian or vehicular traffic, under this bylaw or any other bylaw.

  Other Regulations

  1. (a) All site and building designs shall provide for ease of evacuation and emergency responses, and an adequate level of protection for shelter in place for occupants, in case of an industrial accident. Development permits shall be circulated to Emergency Services for review and comment.
  2. (b) In addition to the regulations above, the listed uses are subject to the applicable regulations contained within the Land Use Bylaw, unless such regulation is specifically excluded or modified by the Direct Control zone.
  3. (c) Reference shall also be made to the regulations of the Heavy Industrial Transition Overlay of the Land Use Bylaw.

  Development Permits

  1. (a) A development officer shall consider and decide upon all development permit applications within this zone.

Last updated: Friday, January 31, 2025
Page ID: 52182