Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 15 : Direct Control Zones

15.69  DC 82 Direct Control zone




To establish a site-specific Direct Control zone on un-serviced lands to accommodate custom manufacturing and/or building/construction services in accordance with the approved Conceptual Scheme for SE 15-53-22-W4.


Area of Application

This zone shall apply to Lot 3, Plan 9721088 (SE 15-53-22-W4), as shown on the above map.



Table 15.69(A)

Permitted uses

Discretionary uses

Contractor service, general

Warehousing and storage

Custom indoor manufacturing


  Subdivision Regulations

  1. (a) The minimum lot area is 1.21 ha.

  Development Regulations

  1. (a) The maximum, height shall be 10 m.
  2. (b) The minimum front yard is 10 m.
  3. (c) The minimum side yard is 7.5 m.
  4. (d) The minimum rear yard is 10 m.
  5. (e) Notwithstanding b), the minimum front yard is 40 m from the centreline of a rural road.

  Additional Regulations

  1. (a) Development shall be in accordance with the following design standards, to the satisfaction of the development officer:
    1. (i) The exterior design and finishing materials of the buildings shall incorporate architectural features and elements that are characteristic of the rural/agricultural setting of the zone;
    2. (ii) Outdoor service areas, including loading and/or vehicular service areas which are visible from an adjacent public road, shall be suitably screened with fencing, berming and/or landscaped screen planting; and
    3. (iii) Landscaping within any setback from a road right-of-way shall include a minimum of one tree placed along each 10 m of linear frontage. Deciduous trees shall have a minimum 60 mm caliper and coniferous trees shall be a minimum of 2.5 m in height.
  2. (b) A development officer shall consider and decide upon all development permit applications within this zone. In this regard only an “Agricultural Business Sign” shall be permitted in this zone.

Last updated: Friday, January 31, 2025
Page ID: 52194