Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw
Part 15 : Direct Control Zones
15.73 DC 87 Direct Control Zone
Direct Control District
- (a) To establish a site specific Direct Control zone to accommodate residential uses that includes affordable housing and related services that are appropriate for the site.
Area of Application:
- (a) This zone shall apply to Lot 3; Block 11; Plan 9120631, totaling approximately 1.17 hectares (2.89 acres), as shown on the above map.
- (a) Subject to any fundamental use criteria for certain uses set out below, the uses for this zone are:
Table 15.73(A) Uses
Assisted living facility |
Care centre, intermediate |
Care centre, major |
Congregate housing |
Dwelling, apartment |
Dwelling, stacked townhouse |
Dwelling, townhouse |
Group home |
Recreation, community |
Fundamental Use Criteria:
- (a) The following uses shall not be located less than 20.0 m from a lot line abutting a R1A – Single Detached Residential A zone:
- (i) Assisted living facility
- (ii) Care centre, intermediate
- (iii) Care centre, major
- (iv) Congregate housing
- (v) Group home, where there are more than six (6) residents
- (vi) Recreation, community
- (b) The group home use shall be considered group home, major and group home, minor, as defined in Section 1.17 of the Land Use Bylaw.
- (c) A development permit is not required for a group home where there are no more than six (6) residents.
Development Regulations:
- (a) The maximum site coverage shall be 65%.
- (b) The maximum height shall be 16.0 m.
- (c) A minimum setback of 3.0m shall be provided from all lot lines.
- (d) Despite, (b) and (c) above, the following regulations shall apply to a use located less than 20.0 m from a lot line abutting the R1A - Single Detached Residential A zone:
- (i) The maximum height shall be 11.0 m.
- (ii) A minimum setback of 6.0 m shall be provided from all from a lot lines.
Other Regulations:
- (a) The total number of required on-site parking for all uses shall be a minimum of 1.1 parking spaces per dwelling unit and sleeping unit, which consists of a combination of underground and surface parking spaces.
- (b) There shall be no minimum parking requirement for non-residential uses.
- (c) Despite 6(a) above, the development officer may reduce the minimum number of required parking spaces, supported by a parking analysis study prepared by a qualified professional.
- (d) A parking area which is visible from an adjacent site in a residential Zoning District or from a road other than a lane, shall be screened through a combination of planting, fencing, and/or decorative structures.
- (e) On-site parking at grade of 50 stalls or more shall be required to have a landscaped area within the parking lot.
- (f) For the purpose of calculating amenity space, the development officer may consider any combination of common amenity space and/or private amenity space and Section 3.4.2 and Section 3.4.4 of the Land Use Bylaw are not applicable.
- (g) Buildings shall contribute to the pedestrian experience through articulation of the facade, architectural features, projections, colour, lighting, and/or glazing.
- (h) Section 3.5.13 of the Land Use Bylaw does not apply to development within this zone.
- (i) On-site loading spaces shall not be located within the minimum setback.
- (j) Overhangs, canopies, balconies, and other similar architectural projections shall be permitted to project a maximum of 2.5 m into the required setbacks, but in all cases at least 1.2 m between any portion of the building and the lot line shall be maintained.
- (k) In addition to the regulations above, the listed uses are subject to the applicable regulations contained in the Land Use Bylaw unless such regulation is specifically excluded or modified by this Direct Control Zoning District.
- (a) The development officer may grant variances in accordance with Section 2.16 of the Land Use Bylaw.
- (b) Despite 7(a) above, the development officer shall not consider a variance to the following:
- (i) building height; and
- (ii) to any regulations for uses within 20.0 m of a lot line abutting a R1A – Single Detached Residential A zone.
Development Permits:
- (a) A development officer shall consider and decide upon all development permit applications in this district.