Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 16 : Centre in the Park Zone

16.11  SC – Sherwood Care Area 

Area of Application 


The SC area contains the area of land identified as "SC" on 16.1(66) Drawing "CITP". The regulations set out in this section 16.11 apply to the SC area. 



The purpose of this area is facilitating the continued use of the existing long term care facility and opportunities for supporting uses or expansions. 



Subject to any fundamental use criteria for certain uses set out below, the permitted uses and the discretionary uses for this zone are listed in Table 16.11(A).

Table 16.11(A) Permitted Uses and Discretionary Uses 

Permitted uses

Discretionary uses

Assisted living facility

Apartment dwelling

Care centre intermediate

Indoor recreation

Care centre major

Religious assembly minor

Care centre minor

Residential sales centre

Congregate housing

Utility service minor


WECS small

Specialty food service


Health service minor


Home business minor


Home office




Non-accessory parking


Personal service establishment


Convenience retail


General retail


Secondhand retail


Senior citizen housing


Pease refer to the Fundamental Use Criteria for this zone for additional information. 

Fundamental Use Criteria 


The fundamental use criteria for certain uses before uses become permitted or discretionary uses within this zone are: 

  1. (a) A commercial use shall only be considered where it fronts onto Festival Way and is located on the first storey of a mixed-use building

Development Regulations 


Development must comply with Table 16.11(B). Figure “SC” provides a visual representation of some of the following provisions. 

Table 16.11(B) Development Regulations: Principal and Accessory Buildings




Minimum height 


For any building 

10.0 m 

Maximum height 


For any building 

20.0 m or six storeys 

Built-to lines


From a lot line that is adjacent to Festival Way 


0.0 m - 4.0 m 

Minimum setbacks 


From any lot line that is adjacent to the BL zone 

 3.0 m 


From any lot line that is adjacent to Brentwood Boulevard 

6.0 m 


From any lot line that is adjacent to the R3 zone 

7.5 m 

Maximum number of seats 


For any of the following uses: 
(i) restaurant 
(ii) specialty food service 

100 seats 

Maximum gross floor area


For any of the following uses: 
(i) personal service establishment 
(ii) convenience retail 
(iii) general retail 
(iv) secondhand retail 


Publicly accessible amenity space


Where a building face contains a public entrance and that faces towards the BL Area, the development must provide a publicly accessible amenity space that: 

  1. (a) is located between the build-to line and the boundary of the BL Area; and 
  2. (b) has an active transportation infrastructure connection to the BL Area. 



A development shall provide the active transportation infrastructure connections shown on Drawing "SC" or alternative linkages on the same site to the satisfaction of the development officer.



Drawing "SC":



Figure "SC":

Last updated: Monday, January 27, 2025
Page ID: 52226