Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 2 : Administrative Provisions

2.7  Development permit application requirements


The development authority may only accept an application for a development permit from the owner of a lot, the authorized agent of the owner of a lot, or other persons having legal interest in a lot.


A development permit application must be in the form prescribed by Administration and include the following:

  1. (a) a completed application form with the signature of the owner or where applicable, the agent authorized by the owner;
  2. (b) a copy of the Certificate of Title for the subject lot(s) dated within 30 days of the application date, copies of any caveats or restrictive covenants registered by the County, and any other documents requested by the development officer verifying that the applicant has a legal interest in the lot(s) ;
  3. (c) the fee according to the County’s Fees, Rates and Charges Bylaw;
  4. (d) a detailed site plan. If the proposed development includes a principal building, or if requested by the development authority, then the detailed site plan must be prepared by an Alberta Land Surveyor. A site plan shall include:
    1. (i) legal description of the subject site;
    2. (ii) identification of any abutting roads, highways and road right-of-way, and any existing or future access to the proposed development;
    3. (iii) identification of any water bodies, water courses, drainage courses and flood hazard areas on or abutting the site including arrows indicating the direction of water flow;
    4. (iv) identification and location of any easements and right-of-way on-site or abutting the site;
    5. (v) setback(s) from the right-of-way of a pipeline;
    6. (vi) location and dimensions of any existing and proposed development including setbacks to lot lines;
    7. (vii) location of any existing and proposed utilities;
    8. (viii) location, dimensions and material of any aisles, parking spaces, and curbs, location of any lighting, as well as the total number of parking spaces;
    9. (ix) location of any proposed landscaping;
    10. (x) location and access to any garbage enclosures;
    11. (xi) location, dimensions and material of any sidewalks, patios, steps, porches, decks, playgrounds, amenity space, and other similar features;
    12. (xii) location of any abandoned, suspended or active oil or gas wells;
    13. (xiii) north arrow, scale and date of drawing;
    14. (xiv) a description of the proposed development including the area of the lot or site, the gross floor area and ground floor area of any building(s), residential density, number of residential units, any parking and loading spaces, existing and proposed lot grades, a calculation of site coverage, height of any development, number of storeys in any building(s) and the floor area ratio of any building(s), as applicable.
    15. (xv) if the proposed development will be on a site that is 8.1 ha or greater, then the detailed site plan may focus on the part of the site that will contain the development provided that all other required information is shown in that focused area.
  5. (e) in the case of a manufactured home community or multi-unit residential development, a detailed plan showing the proposed dwelling unit locations and amenity space within the overall development area;
  6. (f) in the case of a development of a site with multiple uses, an overall development concept and preliminary engineering plan for the entire site to the satisfaction of the development officer;
  7. (g) floor plans drawn to scale showing all uses, cross section, foundation plan, elevations, perspective of the proposed development including a description of the exterior finishing materials;
  8. (h) in the case of development of an apartment dwelling, a report or plan, or both, demonstrating how the building design incorporates the County’s waste management practices;
  9. (i) information from the Alberta Energy Regulator identifying the location or confirming the absence of any abandoned wells within a site on which any proposed building greater than 47 m² (500 ft²) is to be constructed, or on which an existing building is to be altered or added to resulting in that building being larger than 47 m2 in size;
  10. (j) a traffic impact analysis stamped by a professional accredited by APEGA, for a development which is generally considered to be:
    1. (i) a development that regularly generates more than 100 trips in the peak afternoon or evening. Typically, this is a residential development with more than 100 units or a commercial development with more than 1,400 m2 of gross floor area, the final decision remaining with the development authority; or
    2. (ii) a development that because of its nature or unique circumstances may have an impact on the area;
  11. (k) any additional information required to assess or evaluate the proposed development, including, but not limited to, the following reports, studies, or plans prepared by a qualified professional to the satisfaction of the development authority:
    1. (i) Real Property Report;
    2. (ii) geotechnical report;
    3. (iii) parking assessment;
    4. (iv) biophysical assessment;
    5. (v) groundwater report;
    6. (vi) flood hazard mapping study;
    7. (vii) noise attenuation study;
    8. (viii) reclamation plan;
    9. (ix) wetland conservation plan;
    10. (x) tree preservation plan;
    11. (xi) landscape plan;
    12. (xii) outdoor lighting plan including lighting conditions measured in lux at the lot lines of the lot;
    13. (xiii) topographical survey;
    14. (xiv) site grading or drainage plan;
    15. (xv) site servicing plan;
    16. (xvi) risk assessment report; and
    17. (xvii) erosion or sediment control plan;
  12. (l) for a development located within the CITP zone, the following, where applicable, and to the satisfaction of the development authority:
    1. (i) a detailed site plan that conforms to the Centre in the Park Area Redevelopment Plan and this bylaw which shows a potential ultimate build out scenario for the area of the CITP zone that contains the proposed development and includes:
      1. (A) the location of build-to lines;
      2. (B) the anticipated use category for buildings (such as residential, commercial, or mixed use) ;
      3. (C) the location, size, and orientation of surface parking areas and the locations of their accesses;
      4. (D) the location, size, and orientation of publicly accessible amenity spaces;
      5. (E) the location, size, and orientation of stormwater management facilities and on-site infrastructure;
      6. (F) the location, size and orientation of active transportation infrastructure connections, as well as any crossings of or by active transportation infrastructure connections;
      7. (G) the location, size, and orientation of internal private streets; and
      8. (H) the location, size, and orientation of each vehicle access to a site;
    2. (ii) a servicing plan for the proposed development which outlines the proposed utilities infrastructure;
    3. (iii) a cross-section for internal private streets for the proposed development which includes pedestrian facilities;
    4. (iv) the design of active transportation infrastructure connections for the proposed development;
    5. (v) a parking analysis study for any non-residential use and for any residential use where the number of parking spaces is proposed to be less than what is required by this bylaw;
    6. (vi) a massing plan outlining building heights for the proposed development;
    7. (vii) a sun/shadow impact study for proposed buildings that have a height of 14.5 m or greater which provides recommendations for mitigation of shadow in publicly accessible amenity spaces and streets; and
    8. (viii) a phasing plan in the event the proposed development will take place in phases.
  13. (m) Despite section (l), the development officer may allow a site plan to be submitted that covers less than the entirety of the area of the CITP zone that contains the proposed development.

Completeness of a development permit application


The development authority must, within 20 days after the receipt of an application for a development permit, determine whether the application is complete.


Despite 2.7(3), the development authority may determine that an application for a development permit that does not include one or more of the items required by this bylaw is complete if, in the opinion of the development authority, the application contains the documents and other information necessary to review the application.


Unless extended by an agreement in writing between the applicant and the development authority, within 20 days after the receipt of an application for a development permit the development authority must:

  1. (a) issue a written acknowledgement to the applicant advising that the application is complete; or
  2. (b) issue a written notice to the applicant advising that the application is incomplete, listing the outstanding documents and information, and setting a date by which the outstanding documents and information must be submitted for the application to be complete.

If the outstanding documents and information are provided by the date set in the notice issued pursuant to section 2.7(5)(b), the development authority shall issue a written acknowledgement to the applicant advising that the application is complete.


If the outstanding documents and information are not provided by the date set in the notice issued pursuant to section 2.7(5)(b) the development authority shall issue a written notice to the applicant that the application has been refused and the reason for the refusal.


Despite that the development authority has issued a written acknowledgement pursuant to section 2.7(5)(a) or 2.7(6), the development authority may request additional information or documentation from the applicant that the development authority considers necessary to review the application.


Any written acknowledgement or notice issued pursuant to Section 2.7:

  1. (a) must include:
    1. (i) the date of issuance of the notice of acknowledgement;
    2. (ii) contact information for the development authority;
    3. (iii) the development authority file number for the application; and
    4. (iv) any other information at the discretion of the development authority; and
  2. (b) must be sent or given to the applicant by hand delivery, electronic mail, or regular mail.

Review of a development permit application


When reviewing an application for a development permit the development authority:

  1. (a) must:
    1. (i) send a copy of the application for a development permit to the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) if the application is for a development that results in a permanent dwelling, public facility, or unrestricted country residential development, as defined by the AER, and if any of the land that is subject to the application is within 1.5 kilometres of a sour gas facility or a lesser distance agreed to in writing by the AER and the subdivision authority;
    2. (ii) consult the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada published by Parks Canada if the application relates to a municipal historic resource; and
    3. (iii) conduct at least one inspection of the site where the application for development permit is for a proposed development that is proposed to be located within the MNO overlay; and
  2. (b)  may refer the application for comment to any person it deems appropriate, including any agency, branch, or department of the County, another municipality, the Province of Alberta, or the Federal Government of Canada.


Last updated: Friday, January 17, 2025
Page ID: 51722