Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 2 : Administrative Provisions

2.2  Direct control zones



The purpose of the designation of Direct Control zones is to enable Council to exercise particular control over the use and development of land or buildings within a specific geographic area of the County where the regulation and control of any other zone would be inappropriate or inadequate having regard to existing or future surrounding developments and to the interests of the applicant and the public.


A Direct Control zone may only be used when the following conditions are met:

  1. (a) the proposed development is, in the opinion of Council, considered appropriate for the site, having regard for the policies and objectives of the Municipal Development Plan and any other applicable statutory plan or policy; and
  2. (b) the use of any other zone of this bylaw to accommodate the proposed development would, in the opinion of Council, result in potential conflicts with the scale and character of existing or future surrounding development, should the full development potential of such zone be utilized;
  3. (c) the proposed development requires specific regulation not available in other zones due to the unique characteristics, innovative ideas, or unusual site constraints of a proposed development; or
  4. (d) the proposed development is of a scale, character, or complexity requiring comprehensive planning and implementation that, in the opinion of Council, is of a unique form or nature not contemplated or reasonably regulated by another zone.

A Direct Control zone shall not be used:

  1. (a) in substitution of any other zone in this bylaw that could be used to achieve the same result, either with or without relaxation of this bylaw; or
  2. (b) to regulate matters that may be addressed by subdivision or development permit approval conditions.

Permitted and discretionary uses


Care centre minor and home office are permitted uses within a Direct Control zone with a residential purpose.


Park and WECS micro are permitted uses in all Direct Control zones.


Site grading and tree clearing are discretionary uses in all Direct Control zones.


A group home minor is a permitted use in any residential or agricultural Direct Control zone except where it is listed as a discretionary use.

Amendment application to create a Direct Control zone


The creation of a Direct Control zone may be initiated through the amendment process for this bylaw detailed in section 2.1; or Council may, following a public hearing on a bylaw proposing an amendment to this bylaw to create a new standard zone, amend the proposed bylaw to create a Direct Control zone in place of the standard zone, where Council is of the opinion that the specific circumstances of the proposed development warrant the use of a Direct Control zone in accordance with sections 2.2(2) and 2.2(3).

Last updated: Tuesday, January 07, 2025
Page ID: 51712