Interactive Land Use Bylaw
Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw
Part 3 : General Regulations
3.7 Fences
For the purpose of determining the height of a fence, the measurement shall be taken from 0.5 m inside of the lot lines of the subject property. The height measurement includes the materials used in constructing the fence, but does not include the posts or supporting material used to anchor the fence.
The maximum height of a fence shall be 2.0 m in the Urban Service Area and hamlets.
Despite section 3.7(2), for a fence located within the front yard or flanking side yard, the maximum height shall be 1.0 m within residential areas of the Urban Service Area and hamlets.
The development officer may vary the height of a fence in order to provide additional security, safety, privacy or screening from roads or adjacent development.
Electric fences shall not be permitted on any parcel within the Urban Service Area or hamlets.
Within the Urban Service Area and hamlets, fences consisting only of barbed wire and posts shall only be permitted on lots with AD zoning.
Within the Rural Service Area, fences consisting only of barbed wire and posts shall not be permitted on lots with RE, RCL or RCH zoning.
Despite section 3.7(2), fences with barbed wire may be allowed in non-residential zones for security purposes, at the discretion of the development officer, provided:
Last updated: Friday, January 17, 2025
Page ID: 51750