Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 3 : General Regulations

3.11  Pipeline setbacks


Despite any other regulation in this bylaw, the minimum setback of development from a right-of-way of a petroleum or natural gas product pipeline must comply with Table 3.11(A).

Table 3.11(A) : Minimum Setbacks from a Petroleum or Natural Gas Product Pipeline Right-of-Way


Type of building


with a maximum licensed operating pressure of 3447.5 kPa or greater


Principal residential, commercial or industrial building in the Urban Service Area

15.0 m


Despite (a), for residential development only, and subject to the discretion of the development officer, the pipeline setback may be reduced to 7.5 m if a permanent fence exists along the property line abutting the pipeline right-of-way.


Principal residential, commercial or industrial building in the hamlets or Rural Service Area

(The pipeline right-of-way must be clearly marked with identification posts and signage with the consent of the pipeline owner/operator.)

15.0 m


Accessory residential, commercial or industrial building

1.0 m


Despite (a), (c) and (d), the development authority may reduce the minimum setback to 0.0 m for a development that is a petrochemical plant site


Principal building for community recreation, emergency service, exhibition and convention facility, health service major, private education, public education, religious assembly major, religious assembly minor, or spectator sport

200.0 m

with a maximum licensed operating pressure less than 3447.5 kPa


All principal buildings

5.0 m


Despite (g), the development authority may reduce the minimum setback to 0.0 m for a development that is a petrochemical plant site


Last updated: Friday, January 17, 2025
Page ID: 51758