Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 3 : General Regulations

3.16  Vehicular-oriented use requirements


Vehicular-oriented uses shall not adversely impact the functioning of adjacent roads or negatively affect any adjacent residential uses.


A site for a vehicular-oriented use must comply with Table 3.16(A).

Table 3.16(A) : Vehicular-Oriented Use Site Criteria





Minimum site area

930 m2


Minimum site area for a drive-through vehicle service

140 m2 not covered by buildings for each service bay


Minimum site area for a car wash

370 m2 not covered by buildings for each car wash bay


Minimum site area for a service station

1200 m2


Despite (a), (b), (c) and (d), where two or more vehicular-oriented uses are part of a development on the same site, the total site area requirement is the sum of the requirements of the uses calculated separately, unless there is a complementary use of space, which in the opinion of a development officer, would warrant a reduction in site area requirement


Minimum site width

30.0 m


Maximum site coverage



Queuing lanes shall provide sufficient space for turning and manoeuvring.


Queuing spaces for vehicular-oriented uses must comply with Table 3.16(B).

Table 3.16(B) : Queuing Space Criteria





Minimum length

6.0 m


Minimum width

3.0 m


The number of queuing spaces required for specific uses shall be calculated in accordance with Table 3.16(C).

Table 3.16(C): Queuing Space Requirements


Type of development or use

Minimum queuing space requirement


Drive through facility associated with a restaurant or specialty food service use

8 per service lane (including 5 that must be in advance of any menu order-board) plus 2 located downstream of the service window


Drive through facility associated with a financial service use

6 per service lane plus 1 located downstream of the service window


Car wash facility

5 per service lane or washing bay plus 2 located downstream of each service lane or washing bay


Other drive through facilities not specifically listed in this table

3 inbound and 2 outbound for each service lane or bay


Service stations shall adhere to the following additional criteria:

  1. (a) all pump islands shall be located a minimum of 6.0 m from any lot line, on-site parking space or drive aisles on the site; and
  2. (b) a canopy over a pump island shall be located a minimum of 3.0 m from all lot lines of the lot on which it is located.

Last updated: Friday, January 17, 2025
Page ID: 51768