Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 4 : Parking and Loading Regulations

4.6  Non-residential parking requirements


The number of parking spaces required for non-residential uses shall be calculated in accordance with Tables 4.6(A), 4.6(B), 4.6(C), 4.6(D) and 4.6(E).

Table 4.6(A): Parking Requirements for Agricultural and Rural Uses



Minimum parking space requirement


Agricultural product stand

1 per product stand


Agricultural support service

1 per 100 m2 gross floor area (GFA) ; or

3 per tenant/establishment


Agriculture intensive horticulture

2; plus

1 per employee


Animal boarding facility

2; plus

1 per employee



2 per 100 m2 GFA of retail sales structure; plus

1 per 100 m2 GFA of yard, warehouse, or both

Table 4.6(B): Parking Requirements for Commercial and Industrial Uses



Minimum parking space requirement


Any commercial use not listed specifically within this table, with a GFA of:


(i) less than 4500 m2

2.5 per 100 m2 of GFA

(ii) 4500 m2 to 8999 m2

3.0 per 100 m2 of GFA

(iii) 9000 m2 to 28000 m2

3.5 per 100 m2 of GFA

(iv) greater than 28000 m2

4.0 100 m2 of GFA


Alcohol retail

4 per 100 m2 GFA


Animal hospital and shelter

Veterinary service major

Veterinary service minor

4 per veterinarian


Apartment hotel

1 per sleeping unit


Auctioneering establishment

1 per 3.5 seats; or

3.1 per 10 m2 GFA,

whichever is greater


Autobody repair and paint

2 per service bay


Bingo hall

1 per two seats; or

2.1 per 10 m2 GFA,

whichever is greater


Business support service

3.4 per 100 m2 GFA


Cannabis retail

4 per 100 m2 GFA


Commercial schools

1 per eight students


Commercial storage

Warehouse and storage

1 per 100 m2 GFA, up to 2000 m2; plus

0.2 per additional 100 m2 GFA


Convenience vehicle rental

2; plus

1 per employee


Drive-through vehicle service

2.2 per 100 m2 GFA for a minimum of 5 total parking spaces


Financial service

3.4 per 100 m2 GFA


Fleet service

1 per employee


Funeral service

1 per five seats


Gas bar

Service station major

Service station minor

1 per two employees; plus

2.2 per 100 m2 GFA


Health service minor

4 per doctor or dentist




1 per sleeping unit


Neighbourhood pub


1 per four seats; or

1 per 3.0 m2 of GFA,

whichever is greater



3.4 per 100 m2 GFA



1 per four seats


Truck and manufactured home sale/rental

2.2 per 100 m2 GFA


Vehicle repair

2 per service bay


Vehicle sale/rental

2.2 per 100 m2 GFA


Warehouse sales

5.0 per 100 m2 GFA


Any industrial use not listed specifically in this table

3 per establishment; or 1 per 100 m2 GFA, whichever is greater; or

as determined by the development authority

Table 4.6(C): Parking Requirements for Institutional Uses



Minimum parking space requirement



10 per hectare


Correctional service

1.1 per 100 m2 GFA


Emergency service

10 per 100 m2 GFA (excluding parking garages)


Exhibition and convention facility

1 per five fixed seating spaces; plus

20 per 100 m2 GFA


Government service

5 per 100 m2 GFA


Health service major

1.1 per 100 m2 GFA


Library and exhibit

3.6 per 100 m2 GFA


Private education

Public education

Elementary or junior high school

2 per classroom; or

1 per 10 students,

whichever is greater

Senior high school

5 per classroom; or

1 per five students,

whichever is greater


Religious assembly major

Religious assembly minor

1 per three fixed seating spaces; or

20 per 100 m2 of floor area used for assembly, recreation or other accessory uses

Table 4.6(D): Parking Requirements for Recreational Uses



Minimum parking space requirement



1.1 per camping space


Community recreation

11 per 100 m2 GFA; plus

an additional 10 per 100 m2 GFA used for general assembly


Golf course

6 per hole; plus

parking for any accessory uses


Indoor recreation

1 per 3.5 seats; or

31 per 100 m2 GFA used by patrons

(i) Bowling alley

4 per lane

(ii) Curling rink

8 per sheet

(iii) Health and fitness club

1 per 10 m2 GFA

(iv) Hockey rink and pool

1 per 3.5 seats; or

1 per 5 m2 of playing/water surface

(v) Racket sport facilities

2 per court



1 per two boat spaces


Model aircraft facility

1 per four persons


Outdoor recreation

1 per 3.5 seats; or

31 per 100 m2 GFA used by patrons


Private club

1 per five fixed seating spaces; plus

20 per 100 m2 GFA


Seasonal recreational resort

1 per resort site


Spectator entertainment

Spectator sport

1 per 3.5 seats


Last updated: Friday, January 17, 2025
Page ID: 51782