Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 5 : Sign Regulations

5.4  General regulations governing all signs


Despite any other regulation in this bylaw, a sign shall be considered accessory to an approved use with a zone.


Where a development permit has been issued for a residential, commercial, or industrial development that encompasses more than one parcel, signs may be erected or installed on the land as if the development was located on a single parcel.


Where a rule in this Part provides a maximum height for a sign, the height must be measured from the ground to any point adjacent to:

  1. (a) a building to the highest portion of the sign when the sign locates on or projects from a building; or
  2. (b) the sign support structure to the highest portion of the sign when the sign is freestanding.

Unless provided for elsewhere within this Part, signs and their structures shall be located a minimum of:

  1. (a) 1.0 m back from an existing or future curb line;
  2. (b) 0.3 m from the inside edge of any sidewalk;
  3. (c) 3.0 m from any road access; and
  4. (d) 1.0 m from a property line, when located on private property.

Signs shall not be located within an intersection corner visibility triangle.


Signs shall not be placed in or on a required parking space or loading space and shall not be placed so as to reduce the number of required parking stalls or loading spaces, pursuant to this bylaw or an approved development permit.


Trees and shrubs shall not be removed or damaged to erect a sign, to make a sign more visible, to maintain a sign, or to change copy on a sign.


A permanent sign shall not be constructed within or encroach upon a registered right-of-way within a parcel of land.



The landowner shall ensure that signs are maintained in accordance with the regulations of this bylaw.


All signs shall be maintained in good repair and working order at all times to ensure that pedestrian and vehicular traffic are not compromised.


All sign copy shall be fastened securely to the sign structure. Where a portion of a copy has been removed, it shall be replaced within a reasonable timeframe, either new copy or filled in with material consistent with the sign, as determined by the development authority.



Electrical power supply to a sign shall be located underground except when a sign is powered by solar energy. The solar power device may be located above ground, provided it is attached to the sign and no wires, cords, or other components of the power supply device are located on the ground further than 0.3 nm from the sign structure. All wiring and conduits shall be concealed from view.


A sign with illumination or a sign with an electronic message feature shall not be allowed in residential zones.


Any sign located within 30.0 m of a residence or a residential zone shall not be illuminated between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. The development authority may also impose additional conditions to mitigate any other effects that the sign may cause on a residential development.


All signs that are illuminated shall have the capacity to be dimmed to the satisfaction of the development authority. Signs that are illuminated shall not:

  1. (a) shine or reflect light directly onto neighbouring properties or, in the direction of oncoming traffic;
  2. (b) create hazards for pedestrians or motorists; or
  3. (c) be of an intensity or brightness that would interfere with the space, comfort, convenience, and general welfare of residents or occupants of adjacent properties or, with vehicular traffic.

Externally illuminated signs shall:

  1. (a) use full cut-off or shielded and screened external light sources; and
  2. (b) be positioned in a manner that directs the light directly onto the sign and minimizes glare.

Where permitted, internally illuminated signs shall have the light source completely shielded from direct view.

Changeable display feature


Where a sign is permitted with a changeable display feature, the messages on the changeable display feature shall relate to:

  1. (a) a special event; or
  2. (b) a use, business, or occupant of the site where the sign is located.

Signs with an electronic message feature shall have automatic timers.

Calculation of sign and copy area


The development officer shall determine the sign area of a sign without an identifiable frame or border by measuring the smallest rectangle which frames the entire sign display.


A portion of a sign used to identify a multiple tenant commercial or industrial development shall be excluded from the calculation of sign area.


For a double-faced sign, the development officer shall only use one face for the purposes of determining sign area and copy area.


Where this bylaw has a regulation for maximum allowable sign area that is a percentage of the area of building face within a multiple tenant development, the development officer shall determine the maximum sign area allowed by considering the height of the building, and the width of the tenant’s leased premises.


The development officer shall determine the maximum copy area of a sign:

  1. (a) as a percentage of the maximum sign area, as noted within this bylaw; or
  2. (b) a specified numerical figure, as noted within this bylaw.

Electronic message feature


Where a sign is permitted with an electronic display feature, images must be static and remain in place for a minimum of 6.0 seconds before switching to the next copy. Messages shall not include moving effects, message transition effects or videos.

Signs exempt from a development permit


The following signs shall not require a development permit provided they comply with the regulations of this bylaw:

  1. (a) a flag banner sign;
  2. (b) an open house sign;
  3. (c) a private sale sign;
  4. (d) a real estate sign;
  5. (e) a construction sign;
  6. (f) a future development sign
  7. (g) a farm identification sign;
  8. (h) an advertisement that is an integral part of a transit terminal, or bus shelter or bench;
  9. (i) a changeable copy sign in a PS or PR zone.
  10. (j) a fascia sign with a sign area not greater than 0.2 m2 in a residential zone or 0.5 m2 in a non-residential zone;
  11. (k) a show home sign and a flag sign on a site with an approved residential sales centre; and
  12. (l) a directional sign as part of a commercial or industrial development that is noted within an approved development permit.
  13. (m) a sign related to the functions or work of the County or other public authority.


Last updated: Friday, January 17, 2025
Page ID: 51796