Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw
Part 6 : Specific Use Regulations
6.13 Model aircraft facility
A model aircraft acility shall:
- (a) not be located within:
- (i) Alberta’s Industrial Heartland;
- (ii) 1.5 km of lands designated as heavy industrial by an adopted statutory plan; or
- (iii) any hamlet.
- (b) have any overfly area:
- (i) be setback a minimum of 500 m from any building; and
- (ii) not cross a road right-of-way.
- (c) have accesses and on-site roadways be designed in a manner that provides a safe and clearly defined circulation pattern.
- (d) have all on-site parking areas and roadways be of a durable surface material that will prevent mud tracking to the satisfaction of the development authority.
- (e) not include storage of vehicles, equipment, or materials other than maintenance equipment used specifically in the operation of the site.
- (f) be subject to the following regulations:
- (i) a development permit application shall only be considered from a model aircraft club that is a member of the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada (MAAC) ; and
- (ii) all activities on-site, installations and site layout shall be in accordance with the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada (MAAC) Safety Code and approval shall be provided to the satisfaction of the development officer.
- (g) have a maximum of six scheduled events per year, in case of which:
- (i) the proponent shall notify all adjacent landowners in writing 14 days prior to any scheduled event;
- (ii) provide adequate water service and sewage disposal facilities for the scheduled event to the satisfaction of the development officer; and
- (iii) any proposed limited overnight stays (during the scheduled event only) may be considered as an accessory use; and
- (iv) despite (iii) above, overnight stays shall not be located within 1.5 km of lands designated as heavy industrial by an adopted statutory plan.
A temporary accessory building may be considered by the development officer.
In addition to the application requirements of section 2.7, the following is required to be submitted with a development permit application:
- (a) a plan to scale, identifying the layout of the site, including the overfly and no-fly areas; and
- (b) letter(s) of consent from all landowners within the overfly area to allow entrance onto their lands in order to retrieve aircraft that may land on their lands.
As part of the development permit process, and prior to a decision on a proposed model aircraft facility, an applicant shall:
- (a) hold a public meeting for adjacent and affected landowners; and
- (b) provide an attendance log and record of the issues and concerns expressed by the attendees of the public meeting and provide a response as to how the applicant proposes to address and mitigate concerns.