Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Strathcona County - Interactive Land Use Bylaw

Part 9 : Industrial Zones

9.1  IH – Heavy Industrial



To provide for industrial uses which may generate nuisance beyond the boundaries of the site. This zone also allows for some compatible non-industrial uses.



Subject to any fundamental use criteria for certain uses set out below, the permitted uses and the discretionary uses for this zone are listed in Table 9.1(A).

Table 9.1(A) Permitted and Discretionary

Permitted uses

Discretionary uses

Equipment major


General agriculture

Aggregate extraction*

Oil recycling depot

Asphalt plant major

Outdoor storage

Asphalt plant minor

Utility service minor

Concrete plant major

Warehouse and storage

Concrete plant minor

WECS small*

Emergency service


General industrial


Heavy industrial


Non-accessory parking


Residential security/operator unit


Service station minor


Utility service major


Waste management major


Waste management minor


WECS large single*


Wrecking yard

* Refer to Part 6: Specific Use Regulations for additional regulations pertaining to this use.

Subdivision Regulations


Subdivision must comply with Table 9.1(B).

Table 9.1(B) Subdivision Regulations





Minimum lot width

50.0 m

Development Regulations


Development must comply with Table 9.1(C).

Table 9.1(C) Development Regulations




Minimum setbacks


From a lot line abutting a road

30.0 m


From a front lot line

15.0 m


From a side lot line

15.0 m


From a rear lot line

15.0 m


Despite (a), (b), (c) and (d), the development officer may require a greater setback for a use that may interfere with the safety and amenity of adjacent sites or in accordance with 9.1(5), as guided by reports, studies or additional information prepared by an accredited professional and required as part of an application.

Other Regulations


A proposed use or expansion to an existing use shall not exceed the following acceptable levels of industrial risk as determined through a risk assessment completed in accordance with the standards established by the Major Industrial Accidents Council of Canada:

  1. (a) 1 in 100,000 (1 x 10-5) chance of a fatality resulting from an industrial accident within a distance of 1.5 km from the boundary of the Heavy Industrial Policy Area of the Municipal Development Plan.
  2. (b) 1 in 1,000,000 (1 x 10-6) chance of a fatality resulting from an industrial accident within a distance of 3.0 km from the boundary of the Heavy Industrial Policy Area of the Municipal Development Plan.


Last updated: Friday, January 17, 2025
Page ID: 51902