The Municipal Policy Handbook provides a working document for Council and the Administration of Strathcona County containing policies to guide the actions of the County in the handling of local affairs. All Council policies have been adopted by resolutions of Council which can be found in Council minutes.
Search tip: use quotes around your search terms to look for an exact phrase. For example: "Conservation Easement".
GOV-002-035D Contract Signing and Financial Spending Authority Directive (26.5 KB)
The purpose of this Directive is to provide Associate Commissioners with oversight of high value contracts and expenditures occurring within their division.
GOV-002-040 Diversity and Inclusion (99.6 KB)
The purpose of this Policy is to provide a framework to integrate Diversity and Inclusion values and practices into the County’s operations and work to eliminate systemic Barriers
GOV 002-027 History and Heritage (25.4 KB)
Strathcona County shall enable responsible safeguarding and conservation of local history and heritage
1) providing a process for Strathcona County residents to assist them in protecting their history and heritage
2) recognizing the interconnectedness of its history, its intangible cultural heritage, its heritage buildings and sites, and its natural heritage
3) supporting and enabling activities that cultivate an appreciation of its history and heritage among its citizens.GOV-002-021 Mandatory Review of Bylaws and Policies (66.2 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to ensure all Bylaws are up-to-date and take into account changing circumstances in the County. This Policy will also ensure all the County’s Policies are reviewed regularly for content, effect, and alignment to the County’s Strategic Plan.
GOV-002-031 Municipal Policy Handbook Program (42.7 KB)
Strathcona County will have a system for organizing Policies, Directives, and Procedures that allows for efficient approval and review and will assist residents and employees in understanding Council’s direction on recurrent matters. This system will establish municipal programs and services, and set service levels. It will also be used to establish the County’s business and strategic priorities and, where appropriate, to mitigate risk.
The collection and disclosure of personal information may only be undertaken within the parameters of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FOIP Act”). Strathcona County will ensure that
appropriate measures are in place to govern the collection and disclosure of personal information.GOV-002-005 Reimbursement or Indemnification for Action or Judgment (19.9 KB)
Strathcona County shall maintain adequate insurance to provide coverage for the reimbursement or indemnification of any Elected Official, Committee, Commission or Board Member, employee, official, agent or other person performing any duty for Strathcona County, whether remunerated or not, (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the named Party”) against any losses or expenses which he/she incurs as a result
of any injury relating to, or any action brought or judgment obtained against him/her, arising out of his/her duties in that position; provided always that the legal liability for losses or expenses arises out of any act, error or omission during the performance of his/her duties which are or which he/she believes in good faith to be, within the scope of his/her position or employment with Strathcona County.GOV-002-017 Remembrance Day Commemoration (7.2 KB)
To pay respect to, and remember, the men and women of Canada’s Armed Services who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of peace and the preservation of our freedom.
GOV-002-038D Responding to Councillor Information Requests Directive (26.6 KB)
The purpose of this Directive is to ensure that all members of Council receive the same information from Administration regarding the operation or administration of the County, in order to enhance effective Council decision making and to meet the County’s legislated obligations under section 153.1 of the Municipal Government Act. Information requests may come to Administration in various ways, and all information provided in response must be provided to all members of Council.
GOV-002-038P Responding to Councillor Information Requests Procedure (27.2 KB)
Information Requests received by County employees outside of a Council or Priorities Committee meeting are referred to as “Informal Information Requests” and will follow the procedure outlined in this document.
GOV-002-046 Whistleblower (142.7 KB)
The County is dedicated to accountable, ethical, and transparent governance that protects the organization, its people, and assets. Recognizing, however, that Wrongdoing may occur, the County is committed to fully investigating any allegations of Wrongdoing and providing a confidential and secure process to report Wrongdoing without fear of reprisal.
Communications and public relations policies
Permanent link to Communications and public relations policiesGOV-002-029 Communications (31.7 KB)
The purpose of Strathcona County’s communications policy is to ensure that communications – both to external and internal audiences – are proactive, strategic, effectively managed, consistent and responsive to the diverse information needs of the organization’s key publics.
GOV-001-029 Organizational Roles and Responsibilities
GOV-001-033 Council CommunicationsGOV-002-025 Public Engagement (45.2 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to establish the foundation for the County’s reasons, guidelines and procedures for conducting public engagement. This policy applies to both staff and external consultants.
GOV 002-025P Public Engagement Procedure (66.2 KB)
County employees who are planning, implementing and evaluating public engagement processes are expected to use the information provided in both the Public Engagement Framework and the Public Engagement Handbook.
GOV-002-039D Public Engagement Survey Directive (36.0 KB)
The purpose of this Directive is to ensure that all Strathcona County employees and consultants working on behalf the County understand the requirements and the process for surveying on behalf of the County for both internal and external audiences. This will ensure consistent quality in surveys and provide better quality data to be used in County decision making.
GOV-002-039P Public Engagement - Survey Procedure (64.2 KB)
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that all Strathcona County employees and consultants working on behalf the County understand the requirements and the approved corporate process for surveying on behalf of the County for both internal (staff) and external (public and stakeholder) audiences. This will ensure consistent quality in surveys in terms of how the questions are organized and asked. This in turn will provide better quality data to be used in County decision making.
PUB-001-014 Public Sponsorship (32.2 KB)
The purpose of this Policy is to set out the circumstances under which Strathcona County may sponsor the initiatives of individuals, community groups, or organizations within the community. PUB-001-014
Cross-reference: GOV-002-029 Communications PolicyGOV-002-028 Social Media (102.6 KB)
Strathcona County will build its presence on social media sites and use social media tools with adequate consideration given to:
- ensuring efforts align with the County’s Strategic Plan, Corporate Values and policies
- identifying the fit within business and communications/marketing plans and objectives
- understanding the benefits, implications and risks in using social media
This policy applies to Strathcona County departments and employees, and third parties working on behalf of the County.
Special Note: This policy also applies to Strathcona County elected officials except insofar as Policy GOV-001-033: Council/Public Communications otherwise provides.
GOV-001-034 Accountability and Transparency (96.5 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to define the manner in which Council and Strathcona County will ensure that they are transparent and accountable to the public for their actions.
GOV-001-040 Community Funding: Benefit and Sponsorship (122.5 KB)
The Community Funding: Benefit and Sponsorship policy sets out annual funds for each Elected Official to support community-based initiatives or events that benefit Strathcona County and its residents.
(Note: this policy comes into effect January 1, 2025)GOV-001-024 Authorization and Verification of Unbudgeted Expenditures (92.5 KB)
Strathcona County may only make expenditures that have been included in an operating budget, a capital budget or are otherwise authorized by Council resolution. This policy provides the procedure for the authorization and verification of unbudgeted expenditures.
GOV-001-019 Council Appointments to External Boards, Committees, and Commissions (37.7 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to serve as a guide for appointments to external boards, committees, and commissions. Any special exceptions will be referred to Council for deliberation and decision.
GOV-001-037 Deceased Members of Council (88.8 KB)
Strathcona County will make its facilities available for services and functions to honour deceased Members of Council within a reasonable time after their passing. The purpose of this policy is to provide support to the families of a Deceased Member of Council in order to recognize past service to our community.
GOV-001-026 Elected Officials Business Expense (135.9 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to provide clear direction on Elected Officials’ business expenses; enhance public confidence in the oversight of expenses incurred by the County’s Elected Officials; and to enhance accountability and transparency through routine reporting of Elected Officials’ business expenses.
GOV-001-038 Elected Officials Participation in Employee Benefit Plans (161.4 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to outline key elements of the benefit plan coverage, short-term disability coverage and registered retirement savings plan for Elected Officials.
GOV-001-013 Elected Officials’ Remuneration (168.7 KB)
This policy provides guidelines for establishing remuneration for Elected Officials.
GOV-001-029 Organizational Roles and Responsibilities (37.1 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to provide a holistic overview of the roles and responsibilities of Strathcona County’s Council, Mayor, and Chief Commissioner within the County’s governance structure.
GOV-001-015 Proclamations (87.1 KB)
A Proclamation is a formal pronouncement, issued at the discretion of the Mayor, of a message of importance and interest to a significant number of the people of the County. The purpose of this policy is to serve as a guide for proclamations.
GOV-001-027 Recognition of Service to Office (81.7 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to serve as a guide for acknowledging the service of Strathcona County’s elected officials.
GOV-001-035 Recognition Protocol (238.1 KB)
This policy provides guidance in determining whether officials should be recognized, and how to recognize the officials in accordance with customs and traditions.
GOV-001-021 Recognition of Retiring Public Members on Council Committees (137.5 KB)
This policy directs how public members on Council Committees are recognized for their contributions to the County and community.
GOV-001-004 Territorial Acknowledgment (146.0 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to authentically honour Indigenous Partners by actively promoting education and a more precise representation of Indigenous Peoples. We seek to recognize the travesty from the past to dismantle any current forms of oppression. Through this policy, we can shift our culture to be Canada’s most livable community for Indigenous Peoples.
GOV-002-032 Ward Boundary Review (96.3 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to outline the criteria to be used when developing options for ward boundary changes. The policy will establish responsibilities in the ward boundary review process and define the framework of the review including timing and stakeholder involvement.
FIN-001-004 Expenditure and Budget Management (35.4 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to ensure compliance with applicable legislation; efficient and responsive delivery of programs and services; proper approval of expenditures incurred by the County; and overall budget management of the approved Corporate Budget.
FIN-001-007 Investments (167.9 KB)
It is the policy of Strathcona County to invest public funds in a prudent manner that will provide optimum investment returns with the maximum security while meeting the County’s cash flow requirements and conforming to the Municipal Government Act and all other provincial statutes and regulations governing the investment of municipal funds.
FIN-001-008 Allocation of Year-End Operating Surplus for Tax Purposes (28.2 KB)
Strathcona County will manage the allocation of the Annual Operating Surplus for Tax Purposes in a fiscally responsible manner. This policy provides the guidelines for the allocation of the Annual Operating Surplus for Tax Purposes. Please note that the Annual Operating Surplus for Tax Purposes is not equivalent to the Surplus for Public Sector Accounting Standards Purposes referenced in the annual Strathcona County Consolidated Financial Statements
FIN-001-009 Financial Services Review on Fiscal Related Recommendations to Council (76.1 KB)
Recommendations with a fiscal impact shall be reviewed by Financial and Strategic Services and/or the Chief Financial Officer prior to the recommendation going forward to Council to ensure prudent financial management, consistency with short and long-term financial interests of the County and accuracy of the financial information being presented in each recommendation.
FIN-001-010 Financial Reporting Policy (106.1 KB)
Council, through the Priorities Committee, will be provided with quarterly and annual management reports in order to support the stewardship of Strathcona County resources; to support decision making; and to provide transparent communication to the public.
FIN-001-012 Security (85.6 KB)
All forms of security to the benefit of Strathcona County shall be placed in the custody of Financial and Strategic Services.
FIN-001-016 Donations – Received and Disbursed (126.8 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to ensure fair and transparent treatment of Donations received or disbursed by the County, and to maintain compliance with all relevant rules, regulations and legislation.
FIN-001-024 Financial Reserves Policy (276.0 KB)
This policy aligns with the Long-Term Financial Sustainability Framework and outlines consistent standards for managing reserves. It guides the proper administration of said reserves, providing stability for current and future budgets. This policy also outlines responsibilities, emphasizing effective management and Council oversight of reserve transactions.
FIN-001-025 Debt Management (158.9 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to establish financial guidelines and controls for the issuance and use of new Debt and to ensure a favourable financial position while supporting the County’s ability to meet current and future infrastructure requirements including replacement, new growth, and emergent capital initiatives.
FIN-001-027 Tangible Capital Assets Financial Reporting (48.8 KB)
The Tangible Capital Assets Financial Reporting Policy supports organizational decision making, provides enhanced reporting and increased transparency to the organization, the public and other stakeholders. The recognition, recording and reporting of Tangible Capital Assets are necessary financial processes to support the strategic goal to strategically manage, invest and plan for sustainable municipal infrastructure.
FIN-001-028 Ex Gratia Payments (93.7 KB)
The purpose of this Policy is to have a fair and efficient process to address small Claims made against the County where the County does not agree with or admit liability, and to allow the County to provide a prompt resolution to the Claims in the form of an Ex gratia Payment if appropriate.
FIN-001-029D Claims and Damages Settlement Directive (34.5 KB)
As a large corporate and government body, Strathcona County can expect to receive claims for financial compensation from companies and individuals. The County will make efforts to handle all claims received in an impartial, equitable, and unprejudiced manner, while protecting against undue liability.
FIN-001-029P Claims and Damages Settlement Procedure (39.2 KB)
Outlines the procedures for receiving and responding to claims.
FIN-001-030 Related Party Disclosures Financial Reporting (86.3 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to provide direction on the information that will be collected from Key Management Personnel to identify Related Party Transactions and determine if any transactions must be disclosed in the County’s annual financial statements.
FIN-001-026 Risk Management (17.0 KB)
Strathcona County has established risk management goals towards delivering cost-effective services that best meet the needs of our taxpayers and community.
HUM-001-035 Authorization to Sign Off on Collective Agreements (32.0 KB)
Collective agreements are managed and negotiated by the County’s Human Resources Department pursuant to the oversight of Executive Team. Negotiation committees undertake collective bargaining on behalf of the County.
HUM-001-026D Employee Business Expense Directive (111.5 KB)
This Directive outlines guiding principles for Employees to follow when incurring, reviewing, and approving Business Expenses in order to ensure consistency and standardization, enhance accountability, and enhance public confidence in the oversight of Business Expenses.
HUM-001-026P Employee Business Expense Procedure (584.8 KB)
This Procedure supports the Employee Business Expense Directive (HUM-001-026D). It sets out responsibilities and requirements for Employees as they incur, review, and approve Business Expenses.
HUM-001-001 Employee Conduct and Code of Ethics (113.3 KB)
This policy applies to work obligations associated with the roles of people who work for or represent Strathcona County. We will strive to promote the highest standards of conduct. This policy is intended to all representatives of Strathcona County: employees, volunteers, contract and personnel.
HUM-001-034 Employee Total Rewards (87.6 KB)
The purpose of this Policy is to provide a framework for Administration to establish and maintain a total rewards package that balances fiscal responsibility with the need to attract and retain a highly qualified, engaged and inclusive workforce to deliver excellent services to the residents of Strathcona County.
HUM-001-036D Health and Safety Directive (135.0 KB)
The purpose of this Directive is to establish the general roles and responsibilities of management, supervisors, workers and contractors to ensure the health and safety of every employee.
HUM-001-039D Human Resources Management Directive (143.9 KB)
The purpose of this Directive is to establish the framework and authority for Human Resources management to ensure that consistent, equitable and fiscally responsible programs and guidelines are implemented and administered within Strathcona County.
Municipal Government Act RSA 2000, c M-26
Bylaw 21-2015: The Chief Commissioner’s BylawCross-references:
HUM-001-001 Employee Conduct and Code of Ethics
HUM-001-034 Employee Total Rewards PolicyHUM-001-038 Inclusive Hiring Policy (40.4 KB)
The purpose of this Policy is to provide a framework for Strathcona County to develop, implement, and maintain hiring strategies that are aligned with the guidelines in this policy.
HUM-001-032 Respectful Workplace (121.8 KB)
Strathcona County is committed to ensuring a respectful workplace, free of violence and harassment, for all individuals that work or interact in a County workplace.
Accountability and responsibility for a respectful workplace is shared. The purpose of this Policy is to outline the framework for a respectful workplace and inform employees and other individuals that work or interact in a County workplace of their right and obligation to work in a respectful environment.HUM-001-032P Respectful Workplace Procedure (89.7 KB)
Outlines procedures to ensure members of the public and employees interact respectfully.
HUM-001-037D Workplace Violence Prevention Directive (125.1 KB)
The purpose of this Directive is to outline the framework for identifying and preventing the potential for violence in the workplace; and to provide guidance for employees on how to respond should violence occur.
GOV-003-001D Information Security Directive (31.2 KB)
The purpose of this Directive is to ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect information and the Information Technology systems, services, end-user equipment and network infrastructure of Strathcona County.
GOV-002-034 Open Data (77.4 KB)
Strathcona County is committed to becoming more transparent, accountable, and responsive by sharing its public data as open data.
Services policies
SER-009-032D Biophysical Assessment Directive (101.8 KB)
Strathcona County will use the results of a biophysical assessment for prioritizing and dedicating Environmental Reserve, Environmental Reserve Easement, Municipal Reserve, Conservation Reserve and Conservation Easement lands based on municipal, community and environmental needs.
SER-009-038 Light Efficient Community Policy (21.2 KB)
Strathcona County will be a Light Efficient Community. This means that designs, technologies and practices used for lighting public and private open space will be guided by the International Dark-SkyAssociation, the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America and the Transportation Association of Canada regarding design, installation and operation of light sources.
SER-011-019 Pesticide Notification – Developed Parklands (96.6 KB)
Recreation, Parks and Culture will apply pesticides in accordance with the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, RSA 2000, c. E-12 and shall ensure the public is made aware of all pesticide applications to Developed Parklands in Strathcona County.
SER-001-008 Rural Roadside Backsloping and Field Shelterbelt Policy (100.2 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to establish service levels for rural roadside Backsloping and Field Shelterbelt projects within Strathcona County on rural roadsides adjacent to agricultural land.
SER-012-009 Storm Water Management Facility Easements (32.6 KB)
The County shall, at its sole discretion, authorize encroachments which have occurred onto County property or a County Easement/Right-of-Way through the execution of a written agreement with the infringing party or the issuance of a Consent Letter.
SER-001-002 Surface Water Management and Erosion Control (99.9 KB)
Strathcona County will promote the sound management of surface water resources utilizing the technical and financial support of various levels of government, non-profit agencies, and cooperating landowners where applicable.
Administrative Review: Transportation and Agriculture ServicesSER-009-041 Conservation of Biological Diversity (88.3 KB)
Through the protection of lands with natural value and essential biological diversity, Strathcona County strives to provide places designated for the conservation of plant and animal species, for the conservation of habitat, for the reduction of air pollution, for the improvement of water quality, and for the recreational and cultural enjoyment of residents.
SER-009-036D Wetland Conservation Directive (89.1 KB)
Strathcona County will put in place specific procedures for landowners to realize the goal of No Net Loss of wetlands within the urban and rural areas of the County based on provincial requirements and municipal, community, and environmental needs.
SER-009-036P Wetland Conservation Procedure (187.3 KB)
This guide has been written for all whose activities affect wetlands, including Strathcona County departments, land developers, consultants, and the public. Provincial legislation is briefly outlined in order to provide context to Strathcona County’s SER-009-036D Wetland Conservation Directive.
SER-009-045D Public Tree Management Directive (134.0 KB)
The Public Tree Management Directive provides criteria that helps determine the conservation or removal of Strathcona County owned trees.
SER-009-046P Invasive Plant Management Program Procedure (254.9 KB)
In accordance with the provisions of the Weed Control Act and Regulation, as amended or replaced from time-to-time, Strathcona County shall meet its obligations to control weeds and brush on rural County-owned land.
SER-004-006 Municipal Sustainable Building Policy (18.5 KB)
This policy establishes building practices to further Strathcona County’s commitment to sustainability.
SER-004-001 Storage, Service and Consumption of Alcohol (97.6 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to restrict the places and times where alcohol may be stored, served, or consumed in County facilities. Any event within, or use of, a County facility that proposes to include the storage, service, or consumption of alcohol must be approved by the County prior to the event or use.
GOV-002-036 Flag and Lighting Protocol (136.5 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to establish the protocols for flying flags at Strathcona County properties and facilities, for the appropriate lighting of the Community Centre and Festival Place, and to ensure the use of Strathcona County’s flag poles is exercised in a consistent and appropriate manner.
SER-001-030 Community Garden (95.8 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to create a common understanding between Strathcona County and the community which will ensure a predictable environment for new and existing community gardens in regards to their development and support for the near and distant future.
SER-011-023 Parkland Memorial Program (73.2 KB)
The Parkland Memorial Program provides individuals, groups and organizations with the opportunity to beautify Parkland in Strathcona County by planting trees or installing Parkland Amenities in remembrance, observance or acknowledgment of an appropriate event, occasion or individual.
SER-005-001 Social Framework and Community Grants (156.7 KB)
Strathcona County provides grant funding to groups of residents and non-profit organizations to contribute to improving social outcomes in Strathcona County.
SER-005-002 - Family and Community Services User Fees, Charges and Subsides (79.6 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to support residents by aligning the provision of services with Strathcona County’s Social Framework outcomes of: Affordability, Access to Programs and Services, Safety and Connectedness and Inclusion.
SER-012-008 Encroachments onto County Lands in which the County Holds an Interest (29.0 KB)
The County may, at its sole discretion, authorize encroachments which have occurred onto County property or a County Easement/Right-of-Way through an order to remove the encroachment or the execution of a written agreement or the issuance of a Consent Letter.
SER-008-001 Joint Planning Process - City of Fort Saskatchewan (6.4 KB)
Strathcona County will approach the City of Fort Saskatchewan in order to establish a joint general planning process in the fringe area around the City.
SER-012-011 Land Management (114.4 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to guide Strathcona County in the acquisition, development, management, and disposition of lands that are owned by the County.
SER-008-017 New Development Information Signage and Maps (20.5 KB)
The purpose of Development Information Signage and mapping is to provide adjacent property owners, the general public, and prospective home buyers in new and developing areas with clear and accurate information as to approved land uses, overall subdivision design and lot pattern, and the street categories serving the area.
SER-008-024 Land Use Bylaw Enforcement (20.3 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to define the roles and responsibilities, set guidelines and procedures for Administration and Council in the enforcement of land use as it relates to Land Use Bylaw 8-2001, as amended from time to time. This policy complements other existing municipal policies, including the Organizational Roles and Responsibilities Policy (GOV-001-029).
SER-008-011 Municipal Naming (137.7 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to establish a coordinated and consistent approach to the naming and renaming of development areas, roads, parks, public facilities and stormwater management facilities.
SER-008-011P Municipal Naming Procedures (204.3 KB)
This procedure establishes a coordinated and consistent approach to the naming and renaming of development areas, roads, parks, public facilities, and stormwater management facilities.
SER-008-018D New Development Major Entrance Features Directive (23.4 KB)
The purpose of this Directive is to provide direction to developers and the County on the design, installation, and maintenance of subdivision entrance features.
SER-008-018P New Development Major Entrance Features Procedure (42.5 KB)
Outlines the procedures for the design, approval, maintenance, and insurance of major entrance features for new developments, detailing the responsibilities of developers and County departments.
SER-009-044 Offsite Development Levies for New Growth Areas (39.1 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to provide a fair, consistent and transparent approach for the Financing, design, construction, Funding and recovery of Leviable Infrastructure, while maintaining consideration of both Developer timelines and Council priorities.
Cross-reference: Policy SER-008-013 Major Recreation Facility FundingSER-SER-012-004 Road Dedication (28.7 KB)
The County shall have in place a policy which provides guidelines to administration and the public at large for road dedication requirements at the time of subdivision approval. This will provide a consistent approach to the assembly and dedication of required road widenings through the Planning Process.
SER-008-025D Seismic Surveying Directive (105.3 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to provide direction where seismic crews request to use Strathcona County lands, roads, or road allowances in Strathcona County for the purpose of conducting seismic surveys.
SER-008-027 Establishing Security in Developer Agreements (184.0 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to allow the County to categorize and recategorize Developers into the Developer Category based on their performance of obligations under Developer Agreements or similar agreements with Similar Municipalities, and then to establish the Security amount included in a Developer Agreement based on that Developer Category.
SER-008-025P Seismic Surveying Procedure (114.7 KB)
Procedures for conducting seismic surveys on county lands and road allowances.
SER-009-042D Tree Conservation Directive (81.3 KB)
Strathcona County will take steps to ensure the conservation of trees within Strathcona County before, during, and after development.
SER-009-042P Tree Conservation Procedure (233.7 KB)
Strathcona County will strive to protect the trees and forests within the County by requiring each developer to prepare a Tree Conservation Report and a Tree Protection Plan prior to commencing any development.
SER-009-027 Traffic Noise Policy (29.0 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to provide the design noise levels and descriptors, design criteria, and the responsibility for traffic Noise Attenuation.
Strathcona County will seek to minimize impacts of traffic noise from Major Roadways on adjacent Residential Developments through provision of Noise Attenuation measures designed to achieve the prescribed noise levels.SER-009-027P Traffic Noise Procedure (96.8 KB)
This Procedure has been prepared in support of Council Policy SER-009-027, Traffic Noise, to provide the design noise levels and descriptors, design criteria and the responsibilities of Noise Attenuation.
SER-012-010D Legacy Lands Directive (76.3 KB)
The purpose of this directive is to guide Strathcona County in the development, management, and programming of significant lands with natural value that are added to the County’s green infrastructure for conservation.
Subdivision Procedure (144.9 KB)
Outlines compliance with laws, complete application submission, review process, and final approval for subdivision applications.
Statutory Plan Procedure (606.2 KB)
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that a proposal for a statutory plan or statutory plan amendment complies with all applicable federal and provincial statutes and regulations, in addition to County policies, standards, procedures, directives and requirements.
SER-010-002 Strathcona County Enforcement Services Procedures (26.5 KB)
Strathcona County will have in place a process for the formulation, implementation and revision of Enforcement Services Procedures.
SER-014-001 Procurement (104.5 KB)
The purpose of this Policy is to set out the guiding principles for procurements, to protect the County’s finances and the County’s interests and to ensure the County complies with legislated requirements.
SER-0014-001D Procurement Directives (141.9 KB)
The purpose of this Directive is to provide the governance framework for the purchase of deliverables by the County.
GOV-002-022 Entering into Contracts with Litigants (22.8 KB)
Strathcona County will not knowingly enter into contractual relations with Litigants or an individual or company that is in Litigation with the municipality.
SER-014-005 Asset Management (245.8 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to establish consistent standards, guidelines, and expectations governing County-wide practices for managing assets, the services they provide, and the interrelated organizational elements that support effective County Asset Management practice and continuous improvement.
SER-014-006 Disposal of Assets (107.3 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to ensure the County’s assets are disposed of in an open and transparent manner that, when possible, returns a financial benefit to the County.
SER-011-012 Cultural Services (15.5 KB)
The purpose of Cultural Services is to guide the cultural development of Strathcona County by providing management, programming, grants, facilitation, and evaluation of services in arts, culture, and heritage. The goal of Strathcona County’s Cultural Services is to ensure access to culture, for all residents; to champion excellence in all cultural endeavours; and to promote the important role of culture in community well being, economic vitality, and quality education.
SER-011-018 Dogs in Parks (10.1 KB)
This policy provides guidelines for use when determining which Parkland will be designated as On-Leash, Off-Leash and No Dogs Allowed.
Ensure the proper containment of all active park areas in Strathcona County. This policy applies to lands within the Sherwood Park, the Hamlets of Strathcona County and rural school sites only
SER-011-005 Field Allocation (83.6 KB)
The Recreation, Parks and Culture department shall have in place a Field Allocation Policy to offer a system of distribution of athletic fields to the various sport field users within Strathcona County.
SER-011-010 Ice Allocation (11.7 KB)
Strathcona County’s indoor ice arenas are intended to generate opportunities for the benefit of residents that enable the pursuit of healthy lifestyle choices. Recreation, Parks and Culture shall have in place an ice allocation policy to offer a system of distribution of ice to the various ice users within Strathcona County.
SER-008-013 Major Recreation Facility Funding (19.2 KB)
This policy establishes a process for the payment of a major recreation facility contribution. All lands within Strathcona County benefit from new major recreation facilities within Sherwood Park, and the new major recreation facilities will be a benefit to the new urban residential areas and the new rural residential areas of Strathcona County.
SER-011-021 Park Concession (10.0 KB)
The General Parks Bylaw (30-92) prohibits the sale of goods and services on parkland unless the Director of Recreation, Parks and Culture has granted permission. Permission to operate concessions may be granted to the organizer of events or activities by the Director. The Park Concession Policy provides guidelines for determining if permission to sell goods and services on parkland is appropriate and should be granted.
SER-011-020 Playground Maintenance and Repair (8.2 KB)
Recreation, Parks and Culture shall have a comprehensive playground inspection and maintenance program to ensure that all playgrounds are inspected on a regular basis and that any playground apparatus that poses a health or safety hazard to the public shall be assessed and prioritized in accordance with this policy and repaired, removed or otherwise dealt with so as to prevent further use of that apparatus
SER-011-017 Pool Allocation (6.9 KB)
Strathcona County’s aquatic facilities are intended to generate opportunities for the benefit of residents that enable the pursuit of healthy lifestyle choices. Recreation, Parks and Culture shall have in place a policy to offer an equitable system of distribution of pool space to the various pool users within Strathcona County.
SER-009-016 Access to Roads Under the County’s Jurisdiction (44.3 KB)
This policy is intended to guide the provision of access to roads under the County’s jurisdiction in order to strike a balance between access requirements and the safe, efficient operation of the road system. All new and modified accesses are subject to the approval of the County.
SER-009-026 Winter Maintenance - Roads, Sidewalks, and Parking Lots (142.6 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to establish service levels for winter maintenance on all roads, sidewalks and parking lots.
SER-009-016P Access to Roads Under the County's Jurisdiction Procedure (79.8 KB)
This Procedure has been prepared in support of Council Policy SER-009-016, Access to Roads Under the County’s Jurisdiction, to guide the provision of access to roads under the County’s jurisdiction in order to strike a balance between access requirements and the safe, efficient operation of the road system.
SER-008-023 Capital Cost Recovery for Heartland Roads (354.0 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to establish a funding formula as well as a funding mechanism to pay for the design, construction, and installation of Road Improvements within the Heartland Industrial area.
SER-013-005P Business Wayfinding Sign Procedures (104.9 KB)
This Procedure has been prepared in support of Council Policy SER-013-005 Business Wayfinding Sign, which provides guidance on the installation of permanent information and destination wayfinding signs within Strathcona County’s road Rights-of-Ways that are uniform, legible, required, equitable, and appropriately located to achieve the intended purpose for all road users.
SER-013-005 Business Wayfinding Sign (98.9 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to ensure all Business Wayfinding Signs in Strathcona County’s road Rights-of-Ways are uniform, legible, required, equitable, and appropriately located to achieve the intended purpose.
SER-009-033 Road Salt Management Plan (99.1 KB)
Strathcona County will take actions necessary to manage road salts in a manner that protects the environment without compromising road safety.
SER-001-006 Rural Roadside Vegetation Control (101.2 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines to control Brush and noxious Weeds on Rural County Road Right-of-Ways.
SER-009-012 Street Lighting (10.4 KB)
Street lighting will be provided in accordance with this policy to promote safe and efficient use of the Strathcona County Municipal roadway system.
SER-009-040 Traffic Calming (104.6 KB)
The purpose of the Traffic Calming Policy is to ensure that residential roads function as they are designed by establishing a framework for the implementation of traffic calming in Strathcona County. The Traffic Calming Policy sets out principles and guidelines for the consideration and prioritization of requests for traffic calming.
SER-009-017 Traffic Control Devices (111.5 KB)
This policy is designed to provide guidance to Administration and to the community on the placement and maintenance of Traffic Control Devices throughout the County to regulate, warn, and guide both vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the transportation network.
SER-013-004 Train Whistle Cessation (112.5 KB)
The purpose of the policy is to ensure the principles of effective risk management, planning, and engineering guide and safety level; required to implement whistle cessation at each at-grade train crossing; are vigorously followed.
SER-013-003 Warren Thomas (Josephburg) Aerodrome Operation and Use (27.1 KB)
The role of Warren Thomas (Josephburg) Aerodrome is to provide for a safe and efficient operation of a public Aerodrome, for general aviation purposes, which supports the recreational and commercial aviation communities of the region.
SER-009-043 Blockages in Residential Sewer Lines (100.2 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to minimize property damage and reduce potential health risks associated with sewer backup, as well as to minimize the loss of trees on County-owned lands.
SER-001-026 Capital Cost Recovery for Wastewater Servicing in the Country Residential Area (18.9 KB)
Strathcona County will recover capital cost requirements for the wastewater collection system expansion to service new developments within the Country Residential Area only. To enable wastewater collection systems to be constructed in the Country Residential Area, the wastewater is required to discharge into a transmission line that transports the effluent to the Alberta Capital Region Wastewater Treatment Plan(ACRWTP) for treatment. SPECIAL NOTE: This policy does not apply to existing Country Residential property owners. Country Residential property owner applications for wastewater collection systems will be in accordance with the local improvement process contained within the Municipal Government Act RSA 2000, c. M-26.
Strathcona County will recover capital cost requirements for water transmission expansion to service the Country Residential Area and Expanded Service Area
SER-002-007 Property Tax Relief (100.1 KB)
This Policy provides guidelines for Council to consider in the exercise of its discretion under section 347(1) of the Municipal Government Act, and for property owners to follow when asking Council to grant tax relief under section 347 of the Municipal Government Act.
SER-002-006 Recovery of Taxes Related to Designated Manufactured Homes (69.2 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to minimize the accumulation of tax arrears in regards to designated manufactured homes, thereby reducing the accumulation of non-collectable tax levies.
SER-001-031 Utilities Guarantee Deposit (106.7 KB)
The purpose of this policy is to minimize the credit risk experienced by the County regarding utility and solid waste collection customers, and to formalize the direction of Council regarding payment of interest on cash deposits. This policy is subject to any specific provision of the Municipal Government Act, the Local Authorities Board Act or other relevant legislation.
SER-001-029D Water Billing Adjustment Program Directive (31.1 KB)
The purpose of this directive is to provide options that may reduce financial hardship for residents through an adjustment to their water and sewer utility charges when high water consumption occurs due to a water leak or circumstances where cause of consumption is unexplained or unintentional.
What is policy?
A policy sets guidelines for Strathcona County in decision-making, service delivery, and goal achievement.
What is the purpose of policy?
The policies in the Municipal Policy Handbook are intended to:
- set standards of care on services the County will provide
- promote understanding of Council's objectives
- provide understanding of the County's position on issues
- ensure consistent handling of similar situations
- support transparent and accountable governance
More information:
Legislative, Legal and Procurement
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Last updated: Friday, August 02, 2024
Page ID: 37637