Well over two-thirds of Strathcona County residents reside in the urban centre of Sherwood Park.
Started in the mid-1950s as a satellite community to house employees of the Refinery Row industrial area, “The Park,” as it is sometimes known, has become a "community of choice" for people wanting to live in a smaller community. Today, residents appreciate the community for its safe neighbourhoods, popular recreation facilities and green space, excellent schools, and high-quality police and ambulance services. Sherwood Park is decidedly an attractive place to live. A testimonial to that fact is that many people born and raised in Sherwood Park are now raising their own families here.
Hamlet status
We are sometimes asked about Sherwood Park's status as a hamlet. In Alberta, the term hamlet describes an urban centre governed by the municipality in which it is located.
Strathcona County has chosen to remain a municipality made up of both rural and urban areas. The question of separating was put to residents in a 1987 plebiscite. The results saw over 88 per cent of voters in favour of preserving a single local government for the region. Residents voted in favour of maintaining the existing status for the municipality.
Specialized municipality
On January 1, 1996, Strathcona County was incorporated as a specialized municipality by the Province of Alberta. One of the advantages of this designation is that Strathcona County is eligible to receive grants and other provincial benefits that are available to both urban and rural municipalities.
Centre in the Park
Centre in the Park is a newer development in Sherwood Park, nestled in among its more mature neighbourhoods. The development combines local government and municipal services with modern residences, retail services and inviting public spaces. It links to existing amenities such as Broadmoor Lake Park, Festival Place, the Heritage Trail system, businesses and schools. The Community Centre completes this core gathering place for culture, learning, services and celebration. At its core are the Strathcona County Library, and gallery@501.
There has been tremendous growth in Sherwood Park, particularly over the past two decades, evidenced by population statistics, robust housing and retail starts. Sherwood Park residents boast a strong ethic of community and volunteer involvement. Indeed, the future of Sherwood Park promises to be a good one.