Public hearings provide an opportunity for members of the public to speak to Council on advertised planning and development matters and other matters as determined by Council.
On this page
Scheduled public hearings
Topic | Date | Time |
Bylaw 9-2025 To provide information to Council to made decisions on first, second and third readings of a proposed bylaw that would amend the text of DC87 Direct Control zone within Land Use Bylaw 24-2024 to increase the maximum height to 19.0 m and remove the requirement to provide underground parking spaces. View the
Notice of Public Hearing
(138.0Â KB)
March 11, 2025 | 5 p.m. |
Bylaw 13-2025 To provide information to Council to make decisions on first, second and third readings on a proposed bylaw that would amend Land Use Bylaw 24-2024 by rezoning approximately 23.00 hectares (56.83 acres) of land within Lot 2, Plan 9424030 (SE 19-51-22-W4) and approximately 62.34 hectares (154.04 acres) of land within Lot 1, Block 2, Plan 1922065 (NE 18-51-22-W4) from AG – Agriculture: General zone to RA – Rural Residential/Agriculture zone. View the
Notice of Public Hearing
(117.1Â KB)
March 11, 2025 | 5 p.m. |
Bylaw 14-2025 *Council passed a motion to delete this Bylaw. It will not be discussed at this meeting. To provide information to Council to make decisions on first, second and third readings of a proposed bylaw that would amend Land Use Bylaw 24-2024 by rezoning approximately 0.12 hectares (0.03 acres) of land within Lot B, Plan 3878MC to HR1 – Hillshire Low Density Residential in accordance with the Hillshire Area Structure Plan. View the
Notice of Public Hearing
(267.5Â KB)
March 11, 2025 | 5 p.m. |
Bylaw 15-2025 To provide information to Council to make decisions on first, second and third readings of a proposed bylaw that would amend Land Use Bylaw 24-2024 by rezoning approximately 4.63 hectares (11.44 acres) of land within a portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 1922344 from AD - Agriculture: Future Development zone to R6 - Cambrian Mixed Dwelling Residential, R7 - Cambrian Medium Density Residential and PR – Recreation zones in accordance with the Cambrian Crossing Area Structure Plan. View the
Notice of Public Hearing
(122.2Â KB)
March 11, 2025 | 5 p.m. |
Speaking at a public hearing
Anyone who wishes to make a presentation to Council or submit comments should note the following:
Registration requirements
- Participation is available in person or remotely
- If speaking remotely, you must register by 4 p.m. the business day before the hearing
- In-person speakers are encouraged to register in advance, but can also register at the hearing
- Fill out the Public hearing request to speak form to speak or submit comments
Presentation guidelines
- Limit of five minutes per speaker
- The speaker may display visual materials if provided as a written submission by 12 noon the business day before the hearing
- Council may ask questions of each speaker after they present
- No signs or other visual expressions of positions on public hearing matters may be displayed during the public hearing
Submissions will be public
- Public hearings and presentations are recorded and posted on the County’s website
- Names of speakers and their position on the topic are noted in meeting minutes
- All written submissions are posted for public viewing
Personal information is being collected under the authority of Section 33 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for purposes of managing and administering public hearings, public presentations and open house presentations. If you have any questions regarding the collection and use of your personal information, please contact 780-464-8014 or
Types of public hearings
Statutory public hearing
Most statutory public hearings deal with land use planning and development and are required by the Municipal Government Act. Public hearings enable residents who may be affected by a proposed bylaw to provide input to Council. Public hearings are usually held on Tuesdays at 5 p.m. or 7 p.m. during regular Council meetings and are advertised in the local newspaper. Â
Non-statutory public hearing
Non-statutory public hearings are directed by Council to seek input from residents on other matters and will be advertised in advance.Â
More information
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