A proclamation declares a day, week or month to honour a special event, cause or purpose that directly impacts Strathcona County, including:
- Charitable or community initiatives or campaigns
- Health and public service initiatives
- Multicultural awareness initiatives or events
The Mayor's Office may deny requests that do not meet the criteria, and that are mainly personal, private, or commercial in nature.
Proclamations Policy (87.1 KB)
Please submit proclamation requests by email to officeofthemayor@strathcona.ca
Pink Shirt Day is an opportunity to recognize efforts to build communities
that foster respect, inclusion, equity and compassion.Wear Red Canada Day (273.1 KB)
Wear Red Canada Day is celebrated annually to raise awareness for all Canadians, but especially Canadian women, to be mindful, curious, and proactive in the management of their heart health and wellness.
United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week (264.5 KB)
United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week is a global initiative that provides an opportunity to raise awareness of religious intolerance, misunderstanding and ignorance. It is an opportunity to promote open-mindedness and respect for all religions and spiritual traditions.
Family Violence Prevention Month (272.1 KB)
Throughout November, Strathcona County, A Safe Place and community partners join together to increase awareness of the warning signs of family violence and the resources and supports available so we can work together to end family violence and build healthier relationships in our community.
We take this time to recognize the Sherwood Park Ringette Association, the athletes, the officials, the volunteers and parents for their ongoing commitment to the growth of this sport and our community.
Small Business Week (264.3 KB)
Council is committed to our local businesses. We sincerely thank those entrepreneurs and small companies for their contributions to our local economy and quality of place in our community.
Disability Employment Awareness Month (264.9 KB)
The Pan Disability Connection is a Collective Impact Initiative led by 10 organizations in Strathcona County, and Edmonton, working together to identify and eliminate systemic barriers to employment for persons with disabilities.
World Cerebral Palsy Day (264.8 KB)
Cerebral Palsy Alberta (CPAA) is a leader in advocating for persons with disabilities and is the primary center for providing programs, services and information on treatments, resources and services relating to cerebral palsy.
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (264.3 KB)
September 30th is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a day that calls upon us to confront the tragic legacy of residential schools and honor the survivors, their families, and those who never returned home.
Operation Lifesaver is a public/private partnership whose aim is to work with the public, rail industry, governments, police services, media and others to raise rail safety awareness;
National Forest Week (263.9 KB)
Canada’s forests are a valuable, renewable resource that contribute greatly to the health and culture of our communities as well as the maintenance of our ecosystems, their wildlife and resilience in the face of climate change.
World Mitochondrial Disease Week (263.0 KB)
There is a strong need for more mitochondrial disease research to support those living with and caring for a loved one with Mito, and for clinicians to be able to diagnose and treat Canadians living with Mito.
National Drowning Prevention Week (264.6 KB)
The mission of Lifesaving Society Canada is to prevent drownings throughout this great country, and even one drowning in Alberta is one too many.
By declaring June as Pride month, we recognize the valuable contributions of 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals who live, work and play here. While acknowledging the trials endured and overcome, we must all work together to create a County that is safe and inclusive.
Brain Injury Awareness Month (264.0 KB)
Brain Injury Awareness Month brings awareness to community members of the effects of brain injury. There are agencies across Canada, who support people with brain injuries, giving space for personal narratives to be shared.
Recreation and Parks Month (264.0 KB)
Recreation and parks enhance quality of life, active living, and helps people live happier and longer, develops skills and creativity, and enhances overall mental health and wellbeing;
Strathcona County is proud to collaborate with community partners such as WESeniors Strathcona, seniors’ clubs, community groups, and businesses to celebrate the role of older adults in our community.
Moose Hide Campaign Day (265.5 KB)
The Moose Hide Campaign, led by Indigenous voices, urges Canadians to end violence against women and children. On May 16th, 2024, this day will be honored and grounded in ceremony and the traditional Indigenous ways across Turtle Island.
Apraxia Awareness Day (262.8 KB)
Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) causes children to have significant difficulty learning to speak. Without appropriate speech therapy intervention, children with Apraxia will have diminished communication skills, but are also placed at high risk for secondary impacts in reading, writing, spelling, and other school-related skills.
World Migratory Bird Day (262.8 KB)
World Migratory Bird Day is an annual campaign to increase public awareness to decrease threats to our wild bird populations.
Safety and Health Week (264.5 KB)
During Safety and Health Week, governments, employers and workers across North America take time to promote the importance of injury and illness prevention. This increased awareness highlights how each of us is responsible for safety-focused attitudes and behaviours at work and at home.
Economic Development Week (264.6 KB)
Economic development is a collaborative effort – local businesses, industry, government, and economic development professionals – are all essential partners working together to create and sustain economic growth.
Professional Municipal Clerks Week (297.0 KB)
The Office of the Professional Municipal Clerk, a time honored and vital part of local government, exists throughout the world and is the oldest profession among public servants.
Communities in Bloom Week (264.8 KB)
Communities in Bloom Week celebrates the positive impact Communities in Bloom has on communities. Residents of all ages and abilities can make a meaningful contribution by volunteering with Strathcona in Bloom.
Sexual Violence Awareness Month (316.4 KB)
Together, Strathcona County and Saffron Centre call on our community members to join us in efforts to raise awareness about sexual violence and its impact on communities.
Canadian and international leaders from across the entire hydrogen value chain are coming together to discuss and invest in the future of the hydrogen sector at the Canadian Hydrogen Convention from April 25–27, 2024.
Goodwill Industries of Alberta is celebrating 61 years of making a difference in the lives of Albertans and the communities we serve.
Tourism can help our business community grow and enhance quality of life. As a part of increasing efforts in the tourism industry, Strathcona County is proud to be hosting operators once again at a Tourism Industry Conference on Wednesday, May 1, 2024.
Strathcona County’s Team Handball Day is a day to recognize this growing sport and all the athletes, coaches, teachers, officials, volunteers and parents who are making Strathcona County a leader in Canada with the development of Team Handball players and teams!
Strathcona County’s volunteers build connection between people, enhance supports available to residents, and create a vibrant, inclusive community with engaging activities for all.
Pink Shirt Day has become a symbol of solidarity against bullying, with individuals worldwide donning pink shirts to show their support for creating safer and more inclusive environments.
Robin Hood Association Week (358.8 KB)
The Robin Hood Association empowers people with disabilities to live their best lives, creating opportunities to develop skills and independence, and facilitates mutually beneficial connections and relationships within the community.
Ringette Week is being proclaimed in conjunction with special ringette events being held around the County and ending with a day of celebration, hosted by SPRA, being held at Millennium Place on October 21.
World Cerebral Palsy Day (264.9 KB)
The Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta (CPAA) is a leader in advocating for persons with disabilities and is the primary center for providing programs, services and information on treatments and resources relating to cerebral palsy.
Disability Employment Awareness Month (265.5 KB)
The County of Strathcona is committed to developing programs and partnerships to attract, engage and retain persons with disabilities in its workforce;
Circular Economy Month (263.3 KB)
Circular Economy Month raises awareness about the benefits of the circular economy and celebrates circular innovations.
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (276.8 KB)
The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day are recognized each year on September 30th. This day is an opportunity for us to reflect upon the history and impact of the residential school system, and to honour the children who never returned home.
Rail Safety Week is to be held across Canada from September 18 to 24, 2023. Educating and informing the public about rail safety will reduce the number of avoidable fatalities and injuries cause by incidents involving trains and residents.
National Forest Week (368.1 KB)
Canada’s forests play a crucial role in maintaining healthy ecosystems, clean air and water and wildlife habitat whilst being an important aspect of climate change mitigation efforts. Strathcona County and its residents rely on the surrounding forests for livelihood, health, and recreation.
For the past 10 years, close to 6,500 Junior Lemon Squeezers have operated Lemonade Stands to help raise money for the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation.
Indigenous Peoples Day (294.5 KB)
June 21st was selected as a day of recognition in collaboration with Indigenous groups as the summer solstice has long been a day of celebration for many across the Country. This day is also recognized as part of National Indigenous History Month.
Strathcona County is proud to collaborate with community partners such as WESeniors Strathcona, seniors’ clubs, community groups, and businesses to celebrate the role of seniors in our community.
National Police Week and Victims and Survivors of Crime Week (265.4 KB)
An important aspect of policing is providing care and attention to victims. This week also recognizes Victims and Survivors of Crime. It is also about acknowledging the dedicated work of staff, volunteers and service providers who assist victims and their families.
National AccessAbility Week (284.7 KB)
National AccessAbility Week (NAAW) is a time to celebrate the contributions of Canadians with disabilities and promote accessibility and inclusion across communities and workplaces.
World Migratory Bird Day (264.4 KB)
By recognizing World Migratory Bird Day, we continue to support our Bird Friendly Community campaign, ensuring our neighbourhoods are safe havens for birds rather than a source of threat.
Moose Hide Campaign Day (264.1 KB)
The Moose Hide Campaign challenges men, boys, and all Canadians to stand against gendered-based violence. Wearing a moose hide pin is a symbol of solidarity with those experiencing violence and represents our commitment to respond.
Economic Development Week (362.2 KB)
Economic development is a collaborative effort – local businesses, industry, government, and economic development professionals – are all essential partners working together to create and
sustain economic growth.Emergency Preparedness Week (264.7 KB)
Emergency Preparedness Week is a time to raise community awareness of the need to be prepared for the various emergencies that could occur in our community. The safety of our community is the responsibility of each and every one of us. We must prepare now and learn how to foster disaster resilience.
Red Dress Day, also known as the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Two-Spirit People is recognized each year on May 5th.
Safety and Health Week (264.3 KB)
From May 1 – 6th, all staff, contractors, visitors and community members are encouraged to consider their role in injury and illness prevention. Together we can create a safe workplace and community.
Mental health is just as important as physical health. Being vulnerable with our mental health can help reduce stigma and create a space where we can support each other through life’s challenges.
International Professional Municipal Clerks Week (264.4 KB)
The Professional Municipal Clerk provides the professional link between the citizens, the local governing bodies and agencies of government at other levels. They continually strive to improve the administration of the affairs of the Office of the Municipal Clerk and local government.
Communities in Bloom Week (280.2 KB)
Communities in Bloom Week celebrates the positive impact Communities in Bloom has on communities. Residents of all ages and abilities can make a meaningful impact by volunteering with Strathcona in Bloom. From nominating your neighbour’s garden, to picking up the trowel and maintaining a flower bed in your neighbourhood, anyone can become involved!
Sexual Violence Awareness Month (413.5 KB)
The purpose of Sexual Violence Awareness Month is to raise public awareness about the harmful impacts of sexual violence and to give hope and support to survivors of sexual violence, sexual exploitation, and sexual abuse.
GBS and CIDP Awareness Month (266.3 KB)
The month of May, has been internationally designated as “GBS and CIDP Awareness Month” to educate the public and to focus attention on Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) and Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP).
Goodwill is celebrating Goodwill Week, to highlight our generous donors and shoppers, and our hard working teams.
Tourism has the opportunity to help our business community grow and enhance quality of life. As a part of increasing efforts in the tourism industry, Strathcona County is proud to be hosting operators once again at a Tourism Industry Conference on Wednesday, May 3.
Strathcona County’s Team Handball Day is a day to recognize this growing sport and all the athletes, coaches, teachers, officials, volunteers, and parents who have and are making Strathcona County a leader in Canada with the development of Team Handball players and teams!
National Volunteer Week (264.8 KB)
Volunteers in Strathcona County make our community a better place to live through activities like mentoring our children, supporting those feeling isolated, creating artistic and recreational opportunities, fundraising for charitable organizations and taking care of our neighbours.
National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week (274.4 KB)
The telecommunications personnel in the public safety community are honoured annually during the second week of April.
Canada's Agriculture Day (263.9 KB)
Canada’s Agriculture Day is a day to recognize the work of all those who help produce the food that Canadians and people around the world eat.
This February community members are invited to Choose Kind to help promote a healthy, positive community through being kind to one another and oneself.
International Day of Persons with Disabilities (299.1 KB)
The theme for this year is “not all disabilities are visible”. It is important to raise awareness that some disabilities are invisible – such as mental health conditions, chronic pain or fatigue. This does not make them less impactful.
Family Violence Prevention Month (198.6 KB)
Throughout November, Strathcona County and community partners lead the Reach Out. Speak Out. initiative, working together to raise awareness around family violence and how to offer and access support.
Movember is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health. Uniting experts from around the world to collaborate on over 1,250 men’s health projects that will fundamentally change the way men in need are treated and supported.
Disability Employment Awareness Month (267.1 KB)
Whereas, The Pan Disability Connection is a Collective Impact Initiative led by 10 organizations in Strathcona County and Edmonton, working together to identify and eliminate systemic barriers to employment for persons with disabilities.
Small Business Week (264.4 KB)
Annually, business owners and managers participate in Small Business Week across the country. On Tuesday, October 18th, the County will host a conference – an opportunity to celebrate small business and our local entrepreneurs.
World Cerebral Palsy Day (290.0 KB)
The Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta (CPAA) is a leader in advocating for persons with disabilities and is the primary centre for providing programs, services and information on treatments, resources and services relating to cerebral palsy.
PROBUS CANADA Clubs are made up of retired or semi-retired professionals, business or responsible persons from the local community. Providing ongoing meeting activities to those residents from the region who, in retirement, appreciate and value opportunities to meet others in similar circumstances and of an equivalent level of interest.
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (266.1 KB)
The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day are recognized each year on September 30th. This day is an opportunity for us to reflect upon the history and impact of the residential school system, and to honour those who have lost their lives.
Alberta Development Officers Week (237.7 KB)
Alberta Development Officers Week helps us to publicly recognize the work of our municipal colleagues in planning and development for the improvement of the Strathcona County; and,
We recognize Development Officers and their commitment to public service.Rail Safety Week is to be held across Canada from September 19 to 25, 2022. It is in the public’s interest to raise awareness of the dangers of ignoring safety warnings at level crossings and trespassing on rail property to reduce avoidable deaths, injuries and damage caused by incidents involving trains and residents.
Strathcona County proudly joins community members in celebrating Never Give Up Day on August 18, 2022.
Global Week of Inclusion (271.6 KB)
Global Week of Inclusion is a national initiative spearheaded by Special Olympics Canada to raise awareness of the isolation and exclusion Canadians with an intellectual disability experience and work to change conversations to include those with an intellectual disability in all facets of life.
After two years that ignited significant challenges for many older adults, Strathcona County’s first-ever Seniors’ Month is a time to recognize seniors’ significant contributions to the fabric of the community. Over the last week, we collaborated with community partners to host events and opportunities to celebrate our seniors. Now, we bring that appreciation on into the rest of June and beyond.
June is recognized as Pride Month in Canada and commemorates the Stonewall Riots of 1969. Even though it was not the first uprising, it helped spark a movement and has since become a catalyst around the world and an opportunity to celebrate the contributions and honour 2SLGBTQ+ individuals and community.
National Indigenous Peoples Day (293.3 KB)
Indigenous Peoples Day is recognized annually as a celebration of the unique histories, diverse cultures and immeasurable contributions made by First Nations, Métis, and Inuit nationally.
ALS Awareness Month (292.7 KB)
ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s Disease, as it is also know – is a neurodegenerative disease that leads to immobility, loss of speech, and an inability to swallow or breathe.
National AccessAbility Week (264.4 KB)
National AccessAbility Week (NAAW) is a time when accessibility and inclusion are promoted across communities and workplaces, and a time to celebrate the contributions of Canadians with disabilities.
Council is committed to seeing the tourism industry grow in Strathcona County. We sincerely thank our tourism entrepreneurs for their contributions to our local economy and their efforts in attracting the visitor economy.
National Public Works Week (310.4 KB)
Public works professionals focus on infrastructure, facilities and services that are of vital importance to sustainable and resilient communities and to the public health, high quality of life and well-being of the people of Strathcona County.
National Police Week and Victims and Survivors of Crime Week (294.3 KB)
We are fortunate to have a compassionate partnership between policing, County services and victim support agencies, to ensure the safety and well-being of our residents.
Pitch-In is a national campaign where community members can show care for the environment and their community by volunteering to: reduce, reuse, recycle and properly dispose of waste; clean up and rejuvenate local neighbourhoods, parks, trails, and green spaces.
World Migratory Bird Day (223.4 KB)
By recognizing World Migratory Bird Day, we align with the Bird Friendly Cities campaign, ensuring our neighbourhoods are safe havens for birds rather than a source of threat.
Moose Hide Campaign Day (182.9 KB)
The 2022 Moose Hide Campaign Day is being recognized to raise awareness and address the disproportionate rates of violence against women and children, particularly among those who are Indigenous.
Economic Development Week (193.5 KB)
Economic developers promote economic well-being and quality of life for their communities by creating, retaining, and expanding jobs that facilitate growth, enhance wealth, and provide a stable tax base.
This Mental Health Week, we encourage all community members to get real about their challenges and practice empathy towards others.
Emergency Preparedness Week (197.0 KB)
Take the time this week to make or check your emergency preparedness plan and kit. Everyone should have enough supplies to be self-sufficient for at least 72-hours. Have enough food, water and supplies for each member of your household. Be prepared for anything.
Sexual Violence Awareness Month (187.1 KB)
Sexual violence is a devastating abuse which affects every member of our community. The purpose of Sexual Violence Awareness Month is to raise public awareness about the harmful impacts of sexual abuse and to give hope and support to survivors of sexual violence.
National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week (224.5 KB)
The telecommunications personnel in the public safety community are honoured annually during the second week of April.
National Indigenous People's Day 2021 (245.5 KB)
Today is a day for all Canadians to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures, and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim June 21, 2021 “NATIONAL INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAY” in Strathcona County.
ALS Awareness Month 2021 (248.0 KB)
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s Disease, as it is also known – is a neurodegenerative disease that leads to immobility, loss of speech, and an inability to swallow or breathe. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim the month of June 2021 “ALS AWARENESS MONTH” in Strathcona County.
Recreation and Parks Month 2021 (241.8 KB)
In Strathcona County we know that physical activity is vital to keeping communities physically, socially, emotionally and mentally healthy. Now therefore I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim the month of June 2021 as Recreation and Parks Month in Strathcona County.
It is a celebration of fights for equality that have been won, a recognition of the battles and lives lost along the way, and a call to our communities to make our 2SLGBTQ+ residents welcome. NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim June 14 – 20, 2021 as “Pride Week” in Strathcona County.
Seniors’ Week is a time to celebrate Strathcona County’s seniors and to recognize the contributions they make to our community every day. THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim the week of June 7 to June 13, 2021 as Seniors’ Week in Strathcona County.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2021 (1273.4 KB)
In the spirit of Community Safety and Well-Being, together we can create a safe, supported and connected community that breaks down social isolation, reinforces strong relationships, and prevents and reduces elder abuse. THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim June 15, 2021 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in Strathcona County.
Action Against Anti-Asian Racism 2021 (237.8 KB)
May is Asian Heritage Month in Canada. For too many, anti-Asian racism is a daily lived reality. Strathcona County denounces all forms of Anti-Asian racism and discrimination. THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim May 10, 2021 as “Day of Action Against Anti-Asian Racism” in Strathcona County.
Public Works Week 2021 (247.6 KB)
Public works professionals focus on infrastructure, facilities and services that are of vital importance to sustainable and resilient communities and to the public health, high quality of life and well-being of the people of the community. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim May 16 to 22nd Public Works Week in Strathcona County.
National Volunteer Week 2021 (1279.2 KB)
Organizations in Strathcona County that rely on volunteers include such fundamental organizations such as community leagues, festivals, sports and seniors groups, school and parent councils, the numerous nonprofits working to meet the social needs of the community, Volunteer Strathcona and Strathcona County itself. THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim April 18 to 24, 2021 as National Volunteer Week in Strathcona County.
Sexual Violence Awareness Month 2021 (253.5 KB)
Strathcona County Council and SAFFRON Sexual Assault Centre are working together with a vision of creating a community free of sexual assault, sexual abuse and sexual violence and its negative impacts. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim May 2021 as Sexual Violence Awareness Month in Strathcona County.
Canada's Agriculture Day 2021 (259.4 KB)
Canada’s Agriculture Day is a time to showcase all of the amazing things happening in the industry and help consumers see the connection to where their food comes from and the people who produce it. NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim February 23, 2021 as “Canada’s Agriculture Day” in Strathcona County.
United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week 2021 (257.1 KB)
Strathcona County respects the equality of rights and privileges of residents from all diverse communities, and encourages dialogue among different faith groups to enhance mutual understanding, harmony and cooperation. NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim February 1 – 7, 2021 as “United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week” in Strathcona County.
National Child Day 2020 (240.0 KB)
Strathcona County recognizes National Child Day to honour and commemorate children’s rights. THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim November 20, 2020 as “National Child Day” in Strathcona County.
Family Violence Prevention Month 2020 (270.6 KB)
In 2019, there were over 800 incidents of family violence reported to Strathcona County RCMP. THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim the month of November 2020 as Family Violence Prevention Month in Strathcona County
National Indigenous Peoples Day 2020 (1415.4 KB)
National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada is annually held on June 21 to celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures, and outstanding achievements of our nation’s Indigenous people. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim June 21, 2020 as “National Aboriginal Day” in Strathcona County.
Public Works Week 2020 (265.4 KB)
Public works infrastructure, facilities and services are vital to the health, safety and well-being of the residents of Strathcona County. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim May 17-23, 2020 as Public Works Week in Strathcona County.
Canada's Agriculture Day 2020 (241.5 KB)
Canada’s Agriculture Day is a time to showcase all of the amazing things happening in the industry and help consumers see the connection to where their food comes from and the people who produce it. NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim February 11, 2020 as “Canada’s Agriculture Day” in Strathcona County.
UN World Interfaith Harmony Week 2020 (259.0 KB)
United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week is an opportunity to raise awareness of religious intolerance, misunderstanding or ignorance and bring opportunity for mutual self-reflection, open-mindedness and respect to all religions. NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim February 1 – 7, 2020 as “United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week” in Strathcona County
Waste Reduction Week 2019 (1361.4 KB)
Strathcona County recognizes the generation of solid waste and the needless waste of water and energy resources as global environmental problems. NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim October 21 to 27, 2019 as “Waste Reduction Week” in Strathcona County
Disability Employment Awareness Month 2019 (1365.6 KB)
Strathcona County recognizes that nearly 5.3 million Canadians, including 200,000 children and youth are living with some form of disability. NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim October 2019 as “Disability Employment Awareness Month” in Strathcona County
Read In recognizes that reading is important for the development of the intellectual, emotional, and social facets of the individual. NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim
October 7 – 11, 2019 as “Read In Week” in Strathcona County.Library Month 2019 (1398.5 KB)
WHEREAS Canada’s libraries are partners in fostering lifelong learning, they play a vital role in helping Canadians of all ages access the information and tools that they need to live, learn and work. NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim October, 2019 as “Library Month” in Strathcona County.
Fire Prevention Week 2019 (237.5 KB)
Home fires today can burn faster than ever. Residents who have planned and practiced a home fire escape plan are more prepared and will therefore be more likely to survive a fire. NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim October 6 to 12, 2019 as “Fire Prevention Week” in Strathcona County.
Recreation and Parks Month 2019 (246.9 KB)
In Alberta, we are fortunate to have trail systems, parks and green spaces that allow residents and visitors to use for recreational opportunities that are beneficial to physical, emotional and mental health. THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim the month of June, 2019 as “Recreation and Parks Month” in Strathcona County.
Seniors' Week 2019 (1355.7 KB)
Seniors Week is a time to celebrate Strathcona County’s seniors and to recognize the contributions they make to our community every day. THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim the week of June 3 to June 9, 2019 as Seniors’ Week in Strathcona County.
June is the internationally-recognized Pride Month in recognition of the Stonewall Riots which spurred the modern push for LGBTQ2S+ civil rights. NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim May 27 – June 2, 2019 as “Pride Week” in Strathcona County.
Public Works Week 2019 (273.2 KB)
Public works infrastructure, facilities and services are vital to the health, safety and well-being of the residents of Strathcona County. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim May 19 – 25, 2019 as Public Works Week in Strathcona County.
Mental Health Awareness Week 2019 (246.6 KB)
Mental health affects how we feel, think, act and interact with the world around us. We all want to feel safe, seen, understood and connected. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim the 6th to 12th, of May, 2019 as Mental Health Week in Strathcona County.
National Volunteer Week 2019 (1359.5 KB)
Year after year, roughly 13 million Canadians volunteer their time to help others, contributing close to 2 billion volunteer hours per year. NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim April 7 to 13, 2019 as National Volunteer Week in Strathcona County.
International Women's Day 2019 (249.1 KB)
International Women’s Day provides us all with an opportunity to embrace and celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of women. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim March 8, 2019 as “International Women’s Day” in Strathcona County.
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 2019 (258.1 KB)
This initiative lead by the United Nations and embraced by the County seeks to eliminate all forms of racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim March 21 as “International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination” in Strathcona County.
Social Work Week 2019 (1391.4 KB)
Social Workers are a vital part of our community, providing resources and services to people in need in our community. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim March 3-9, 2019 as “Social Work Week” in Strathcona County.
Choose Kind Month 2019 (258.4 KB)
Together, we can create a lasting impact within Strathcona County through small acts of kindness. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim the month of February, 2019 as Choose Kind month in Strathcona County.
Canada's Agriculture Day 2019 (1364.4 KB)
Canada’s Agriculture Day is a time to showcase all of the amazing things happening in the industry and help consumers see the connection to where their food comes from and the people who produce it. NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim February 12, 2019 as “Canada’s Agriculture Day” in Strathcona County.
Read In recognizes that reading is important for the development of the intellectual, emotional, and social facets of the individual. Now therefore I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim October 1 – 5, 2018 as ‘Read In Week’ in Strathcona County.
Canada’s libraries are partners in fostering lifelong learning. Now therefore I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim October 2018 as ’Library Month’ in Strathcona County.
Cerebral Palsy Day 2018 (239.5 KB)
Since 2012, communities across Alberta have come together to recognize World Cerebral Palsy Day. Now therefore I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim October 6, 2018 as ‘Cerebral Palsy Day’ in Strathcona County.
Rail Safety Week 2018 (234.5 KB)
Public rail safety week is to be held across Canada and the United States from September 23 to 29, 2018. Now therefore I, Mayor Rod Frank, do herby proclaim September 23 – 29, 2018 as ‘Rail Safety Week’ in Strathcona County.
Beaver Hills Biosphere Day 2018 (1354.4 KB)
The Beaver Hills is a distinct landscape within Strathcona County, and is one of only two UNESCO biospheres in Alberta. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim September 9, 2018 as “Beaver Hills Biosphere Day” in Strathcona County.
National Drowning Prevention Week 2018 (1361.6 KB)
The mission of the Lifesaving Society Canada is to prevent drowning throughout this great country, and even one drowning in Alberta is too many. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim July 15 – 21, 2018 as “National Drowning Prevention Week” in Strathcona County.
Built Green Day 2018 (1345.9 KB)
Strathcona County is committed to sustainable growth and responsible stewardship of our natural environment. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim June 6, 2018 as Built Green Day in Strathcona County
Recreation and Parks Month 2018 (1351.7 KB)
In Alberta, we are fortunate to have trail systems, parks and green spaces that allow residents and visitors to use for recreational opportunities that are beneficial to physical, emotional and mental health. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim June 2018 as Recreation and Parks Month in Strathcona County.
Seniors' Week 2018 (1346.6 KB)
Seniors make a difference in our community and our province every day. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim June 3-9, 2018 as Seniors’ Week in Strathcona County.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2018 (1329.4 KB)
Preventing and addressing elder abuse is a shared responsibility. It requires awareness and action from all members of society. As most elder abuse is hidden, preventing and reducing it starts with knowledge. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim June 15, 2018 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in Strathcona County.
National Indigenous Peoples Day 2018 (1339.1 KB)
National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada is annually held on June 21 to celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures, and outstanding achievements of our nation’s Indigenous people. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim June 21, 2018 as “National Aboriginal Day” in Strathcona County.
Sexual Violence Awareness Month 2018 (1328.0 KB)
Sexual assaults, abuse and violence impacts every member of our community; whether they are a survivor, or their life has been affected by someone else’s experience with sexual violence. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim May 2018 as Sexual Violence Awareness Month in Strathcona County.
Municipal Clerks Week 2018 (1355.5 KB)
The Office of the Municipal Clerk is a time honoured and vital part of local government which exists around the world. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim May 6 – 12, 2018 as Municipal Clerks Week in Strathcona County.
Public Works Week 2018 (1368.2 KB)
Public works infrastructure, facilities and services are vital to the health, safety and well-being of the residents of Strathcona County. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim May 20 – 26, 2018 as Public Works Week in Strathcona County.
Dig Safe Month 2018 (1343.4 KB)
Each year, the integrity of Alberta’s underground infrastructure is jeopardized by damage during the ground disturbance activities by those who fail to Click Before You Dig. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim April 2018 as Dig Safe Month in Strathcona County.
National Volunteer Week 2018 (1349.4 KB)
Over 13 million Canadian volunteers give their time to help others, contributing close to 2 billion volunteer hours per year. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim April 15 to 21, 2018 as National Volunteer Week in Strathcona County.
National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week 2018 (1359.1 KB)
National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week (NOTDAW) dedicates this time to sharing stories and raising awareness about the benefits of organ and tissue donation, and the life-saving effects of transplantation. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim April 22 – 29, 2018 as National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Month in Strathcona County.
The United Nations recognizes March 22 of every year as World Water Day. THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim the 22nd day of March as World Water Day in Strathcona County.
Choose Kind Month 2018 (1351.8 KB)
According to the Alberta Government, 50 percent of Alberta students reported being bullied at school, 45 percent of Canadian workers reported being bullied at work and 80 percent of Albertans have witnessed bullying. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim the month of February, 2018 as Choose Kind Month in Strathcona County.
Canada's Agricultural Day 2018 (1338.0 KB)
Canada’s Agriculture Day is a time to showcase all of the amazing things happening in the industry and help consumers see the connection to where their food comes from and the people who produce it. NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim February 13, 2018 as “Canada’s Agriculture Day” in Strathcona County.
Family Literacy Day 2018 (1337.7 KB)
Research shows that parents have a strong influence on the development of literacy in their children. NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim January 27, 2018 as “Family Literacy Day” in Strathcona County.
International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2017 (1343.6 KB)
Persons with disabilities make a major contribution to the economic and social pulse of Strathcona County. NOW THEREFORE, I, Mayor Rod Frank, do hereby proclaim December 3, 2017 as “International Day of Persons with Disabilities” in Strathcona County.
World Mental Health Day 2017 (1277.9 KB)
Over 450 million individuals around the world are living with mental illness that could benefit from early diagnosis and appropriate and adequate treatment and support. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim October 10, 2017 as “World Mental Health Day” in Strathcona County.
Conflict Resolution Day 2017 (1276.1 KB)
Conflict Resolution Day is an international celebration held annually on the third Thursday in October and on this day, dispute resolution processes being used locally, provincially, nationally and internationally are highlighted. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim October 19, 2017 as “Conflict Resolution Day” in Strathcona County.
Library Month 2017 (1276.5 KB)
Canada’s libraries are partners in fostering lifelong learning, playing a vital role in helping Canadians of all ages access the information and tools that they need to live, learn and work. I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim October 2017 as “Library Month” in Strathcona County
National Family Week 2017 (1298.9 KB)
Strathcona County, we have a proud tradition of supporting families in all their unique forms and passing thoughtful policies that help parents and children thrive in positive and healthy environments. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim October 2 – 8, 2017 as “National Family Week” in Strathcona County.
Strathcona County is proud to be known as a municipality that promotes learning and continuing education. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim October 2 – 6, 2017 as “Read In Week” in Strathcona County
World Cerebral Palsy Day 2017 (1277.5 KB)
Cerebral Palsy is a neuromotor disability that affects approximately 1 out of every 500 people and is the most common physical disability in childhood. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim October 6, 2017 as “World Cerebral Palsy Day” in Strathcona County
Beaver Hills Biosphere Day 2017 (1278.4 KB)
Strathcona County has taken action to conserve and enhance the Beaver Hills by supporting the Beaver Hills Initiative and the UNESCO designation of Beaver Hills as a Biosphere. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim September 9, 2017 “Beaver Hills Biosphere Day” in Strathcona County, and urge all citizens to learn about the Beaver Hills and celebrate and enjoy the Beaver Hills Biosphere.
National Grandparents Day 2017 (1279.2 KB)
Strathcona County is committed to continuing to be a community that people of all ages, walks of life, cultures and families thrive in. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim September 10, 2017 as “National Grandparents Day” in Strathcona County
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month 2017 (1277.3 KB)
Prostate Cancer is the most common cancer to affect Canadian men, 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with the disease in his lifetime. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim September 2017 as “Prostate Cancer Awareness Month” in Strathcona County.
National Indigenous Day 2017 (1320.0 KB)
National Indigenous Day in Canada is annually held on June 21 to celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures, and outstanding achievements of our nation’s Indigenous people. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim June 21, 2017 as “National Indigenous Day” in Strathcona County.
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2017 (1279.0 KB)
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day provides an opportunity to promote a better understanding of abuse and neglect of older adults. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim June 15, 2017 as “World Elder Abuse Awareness Day” in Strathcona County.
Built Green Day 2017 (1276.3 KB)
Strathcona County is committed to sustainable growth and responsible stewardship of our natural environment. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim June 7, 2017 as “Built Green Day” in Strathcona County.
Business Retention and Expansion Week 2017 (1278.4 KB)
Strathcona County, as a member of the Greater Edmonton Economic Development Team, successfully collaborated with the Business Retention and Expansion International to attract the Business Retention and Expansion Conference to the Edmonton region in 2017. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim June 19-23, 2017 as “Business Retention and Expansion Week” in Strathcona County.
Recreation and Parks Month 2017 (1277.7 KB)
In Strathcona County, we encourage residents to lead an active and healthy lifestyle year-round. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim the month of June, 2017 as ‘Recreation and Parks Month’ in Strathcona County.
Road Safety Week 2017 (1298.7 KB)
Strathcona County is committed to create an increasingly safe and sustainable transportation network. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim May 15 – 21, 2017 as “Road Safety Week” in Strathcona County.
Sexual Violence Awareness Month 2017 (1300.7 KB)
Strathcona County Council and SAFFRON Sexual Assault Centre are working together with a vision of creating a community free of sexual assault, sexual abuse and sexual violence and its negative impacts. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim May 2017 as “Sexual Violence Awareness Month” in Strathcona County.
International Fibromyalgia Day and Fibromyalgia Awareness Month 2017 (1311.2 KB)
Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS), a disease for which there is no known cause or cure, causes multiple health issues for people of all ages, genders and ethnicities, effecting an estimated 3 to 5% of the general public and millions of people worldwide. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim May 12 as International Fibromyalgia Awareness Day and the month of May to be Fibromyalgia Awareness Month in Strathcona County.
Human Values Day 2017 (1279.4 KB)
Raising and increasing the awareness of human values of truth, right conduct, peace, love and non-violence, and all the multiple sub-values such as honesty, integrity, kindness and caring should be a daily occurrence in our Specialized Municipality. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim April 24, 2017 as ‘Human Values Day’ in Strathcona County.
National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week 2017 (1279.4 KB)
National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week (NOTDAW) is a week to honour organ and tissue donors and their families who have so graciously given the precious gift of life and improved health to many individuals who require a transplant. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim the week of April 24 to 30, 2017, as National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week in Strathcona County.
National Organizing Partners for Canada Water Week – The Gordon Foundation, World Wildlife Fund Canada, Living Lakes Network Canada and Canadian Freshwater Alliance – have identified the third week in March as Canada Water Week. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim March 20 to 27, 2017 as ‘Water Week’ in Strathcona County.
Canada 150 celebrations marking the 150th anniversary of Confederation are a historic moment for communities across the country. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby endorse the participation in Canada 150 activities at the local level and that Strathcona County provide the necessary collaboration to local participants of the Canada 150 Community Leaders network throughout 2017 in order to bring our local voice to nationwide celebrations.
Hair Massacure Day 2017 (1278.4 KB)
Hair Massacure day began in 2003 by Gord and Tammy MacDonald in honour of their daughter Kali, a 4 year old cancer patient. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim February 24, 2017 as ‘Hair Massacure Day’ in Strathcona County
Oil and Gas Awareness Day 2017 (1277.5 KB)
Strathcona County has committed in our strategic plan to increase and diversify the petrochemical business found within our borders. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim February 13, 2107 as ‘Oil and Gas Awareness Day’ in Strathcona County.
Pink Shirt Day 2017 (1278.2 KB)
Through strong community collaboration, we encourage Strathcona County members to spread kindness and lead the way by reaching out and speaking out; and visually show their support by wearing a pink shirt. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim February 22, 2107 as ‘Pink Shirt Day’ in Strathcona County.
National Heritage Week 2017 (1278.2 KB)
Strathcona County celebrates a rich history that is manifest in its museum and archives, historic sites and cultural landscapes, and also traditional practices and intangible cultural heritage. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim February 20 to 26, 2017 ‘National Heritage Week”.
Family Literacy Day 2017 (1274.1 KB)
Family learning helps maintain the literacy levels of adults and encourages the development of lifelong readers and learners. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim January 27, 2017 as “Family Literacy Day” in Strathcona County.
Herb Belcourt Day 2017 (1278.9 KB)
Mr. Belcourt has spent his lifetime enriching the communities he has lived and worked in through his entrepreneurial and philanthropic spirit. NOW THEREFORE I, Mayor Roxanne Carr, do hereby proclaim January 24, 2017 as “Herb Belcourt Day” in the Specialized Municipality of Strathcona County.
For earlier proclamations, please contact the Office of the Mayor at 780-400-2086 or by email at officeofthemayor@strathcona.ca
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Last updated: Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Page ID: 40209